Sunday, June 19, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Sun., June 19/16
    Who are you voting for? I'm for the good Trump and not the bad one. (Personal remarks that are off base.)  For crooked Hillary, there  is not one good one.
     Pope St. John Paul II wrote that we live in culture of death. But in America that is the tip of the iceberg. We have lived  in a culture of lies and deceit and political correctness for decades. Also with President Obama, we live in the twilight zone.
    I have a message for Republican leaders throughout the country. Stop the attacks on Trump. Attack our enemies.The leftist ideology hate and smear Conservatives and Christians directly and indirectly. They are blaming the terrorist attack in Orlando on us. This is outrageous. Not answering these lies will influence the uninformed voter. We need to reduce the number of uninformed voters.
    Please check out the three vicious attacks from Salon, Huffington Post and The New York Times. Yes, we conservatives are responsible for the Orlando Terrorist attack. Do Not Be Afraid. Strike back! Up to now I have heard  only silence.
    I know that in Washington, D.C., conservative are surrounded by the most political corrupt mainstream media in decades. Respond to these lies in a public manner. All Americans are waiting for you to do this. Do not be silent! Don't let the public be brainwashed, particularly the uninformed.
    Ben Carson is the first to have warned us of the evil of political correctness.  Remember that polls are going to be used against us. Our enemies are desperate should they for see a loss of the presidency, they will deliberately further an economic collapse. Also, be prepared immediately for large scale voter fraud.
    They can't stand a  presidential victory for conservatives, traditional America or common sense economic policy. We are dealing with  the Alinsky Hillary and Obama Mafia. Hoover called these types,  masters of deceit and deception. We can expect traitors within the Republican party. Many jobs and careers are at stake.
    Trump is not a perfect candidate. He speaks within his own experience of fighting in the business world. It may not seem like it, for he is a ramrod for pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage. When he wins he will listen to us. Our young people are pro-life.
    Any member of the ACLU is not worthy of our support for any public office. Further more within the American Catholic Church, the Catholic-in-name only politician is unqualified for public office. Particularly, if he uses the Catholic label to get himself or herself elected. California has  a cesspool of the Catholic-in-name-only politicians. They duped Catholic voters twice in voting for Obama. The
CINOPS are all members of the leftist secular ideological demo party leadership.
Fr. Pavone thanks Donald Trump for Key Message: Thanks for the speech Donald gave on Friday, June 10, 2016 at the Faith and Freedom Conference in Washington, D.C. Mr. Trump acknowledged at the outset of his remarks, the presence of Fr. Frank and other key religious leaders in the audience. Trump asserted we will protect the right of Churches to speak their minds on political matters, free from intimidation." Father Frank stated, "Mr. Trump was crystal clear about the need to defend and promote the sanctity of life, to preserve the institution of marriage, to appoint pro-life judges, and to protect religious liberty... He mentioned explicitly the efforts of some to restrict religious liberty with government mandates."  (The above info was censored by the News Media.)

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