Wednesday, October 26, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - - Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2016
New York City, October 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - Ecumenical (Greek) Patriarch Bartholomew's representatives, known as "Archons," bestowed the church's highest lay honor on one of the country's most notorious promoters of abortion, same-sex "marriage," and transgender bathrooms in schools... The reward is in recognition of Cuomo helping the Greeks get through bureaucratic red tape to rebuild St. Nicholas Church, which had been destroyed in the terrorist attack of 9/11.
    In the name of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Paul II and Common Sense, this is the first of 101 major and minor reasons to vote against Hillary Clinton for President. Standing beside # 1 Governor Andrew Cuomo, we have V.P. Joe Biden, Governor Jerry Brown, Representative Nancy Pelosi, dozens of other including the staff of Mrs. Clinton, John Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri.
1. Cuomo's record on life is aptly described by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League as a "lust for abortion rights." He championed legislation legalizing a mother to abort her child via poison injected through her and into the baby's heart. In Cuomo's state, a woman can abort her children up until birth, for any reason, because the New York legislature allows anything construed as "relevant" to the well-being of the patient" as justification.
2. But Cuomo isn't satisfied with unrestricted abortion on demand. Cuomo went so far as to create a new third party in New York State, dubbed the "Women' Equality Party," for the express purpose of promoting, expanding, and tax-funding Cuomo's late-term abortions program.
3. Cuomo's "lust for abortion" is summed up in remarks he made in an interview on WCNY, where he characterized those who believe in the preborn's "right to life" and those who believe in natural marriage as "extreme," and said such pro-life and pro-family citizens "have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are. ... Think about it for a moment a governor who says pro-lifers ,"have no place in his sate."  
4. Besides the mass slaughter of the innocent, Cuomo is one of the nation's leading champions of sodomy. Before the U.S. Supreme Court constitutionalized same-sex "marriage," he was instrumental in the passage of a bill making his state one of the first to give full legal recognition to homosexual "marriage." Cuomo proudly led off the gay pride parade after signing the anti-marriage, anti-family bill into law.
5. The governor even criminalized counselors helping minors overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. Mischaracterizing Christians who want to help the same-sex attracted  as "misguided" and "intolerant" and "hateful," Cuomo made insurance coverage for reparative therapy for minors illegal in New York State.
6. An authentic Christian duty is to help the homosexual and not hurt him. Cuomo thinks otherwise and says, "We will not allow the misguided and the intolerant to punish LGBT young people for simply being who they are." Cuomo ignores biologically created reality...
7. Last year, Cuomo became the first politician to force upon the public transgender accommodation laws by executive fiat. Bypassing the state legislature, he forced what he called "sweeping" changes by issuing and executive decree adding gender self-identity to protected classes in the workplace, housing industry, public service and facilities, public and private retail stores, hospitals, education and recreation facilities, rental establishments and other businesses.
8. He even commanded private health insurance providers to offer coverage for "sex change" genital mutilation, calling transgender hormones and surgery "medically necessary" and making it illegal for insurers to deny it as a "treatment" for "gender dysphoria. ...
In closing, there is no doubt that the American Greek Orthodox Church was misguided in giving the "Archons" award to Governor Cuomo. Likewise, this evil catholic elephant within the American Catholic Church must be exposed, discussed and defeated with a No vote for Hillary Clinton.  


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