Tuesday, November 1, 2016



In pursuit of the truth- http://www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016
    There are about 101 major and minor issues for the pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family movements in the U.S.A. to vote for a pro-life president and vice-president - Trump-Pence.
    In WikiLeaks October emails, Clinton campaign staffers Podesta and Palmieri, both former presidents of the Leftist Center for American Progress (CAP) and both Catholic, were shown engaged in email discussions with liberal activists where Catholicism is smeared as "severely backward," and "a middle ages dictatorship" and conservative Catholics' beliefs are badmouthed as "an amazing bastardization of the faith."...
    Palmieri says conservative Catholics are attracted to the faith because "they think it is the most socially acceptable political conservative religion," and Podesta admits to actively working to provoke a liberal Catholic revolt against the U.S. bishops. ...
    Catholics have called for an apology from Clinton, including New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, and for her to fire Podesta.  Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput condemned the Clinton campaign as well for the "contemptuously anti-Catholic" emails.
10. OBAMACARE CONTRACEPTIVE MANDATE AND RESTRICTION ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: With the repeal of this bogus health plan Catholic businesses and organizations will not be required to pay for contraceptives and abortion inducing drugs.
11. THE JOHNSON AMENDMENT: With the repeal of this amendment, pastors will be able to speak out on fundamental moral issues publicly and not worry about losing their tax status.
12. BORDER INTEGRITY: Open borders is destructive to any nation. Illegal drugs crossing the border are killing our young and old persons throughout our nation.
13. THE CONSTITUTION AND THE ESTABLISHMENT: "After having expunged Christianity from public life, our establishment installed "democracy" as the new deity, at whose altars we should all worship. And so our schools began to teach... This devotion to a new holy trinity of diversity, democracy and equality, is of recent vintage and has shallow roots. ... None of the three is found in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers or in the pledge of allegiance... we are a republic." (This is alien to our nation. Ref. Pat Buchanan, "An Establishment in Panic" Oct. 20/16)
14. THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: What Pravda was to communism in Russia, the mainstream media  is the propaganda outlet for the culture of death in America. They promote the Catholic-in-name-only politician & person in America. They promote anti-Christian values and mock believers in God.They operate on bias and censorship of news. Vote against them on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.
15. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: Likewise let's end leftist and progressive mind control. It is a way for them to water down common sense, reason & natural law. Also, to cover up lies and deceit.
16. CORRUPTION: Let us save the once great Democratic Party, by voting against Hillary Clinton. The Clinton corruption has produced the Obama corruption. There is so much that has not been fully investigated by the two-faced mainstream news media. Vote for change
17. NATIONAL DEBT: Under the Obama presidency, the national debt doubled. Government spending is not the answer to our economic problems. We need a change with new business leadership and private enterprise. The country is going in the wrong direction. Think of the interest money spent on the national debt. Our children and grandchildren may be stamping our graves.
18. REFUGEES: Why are 99% of them Muslims? What about the genocide of Christians in the Middle East? There is something wrong with the mind set of the Obama administration. Refugees need to be properly vetted. This type of immigration is deliberate and unfair to say the least.
19. DOMESTIC TERRORISM: When Obama and Clinton are unable to utter the word Islamic terrorist, then there is something wrong with them. In some ways it is like not calling the Nazis, "Nazis" during World War II. This is leftist political correctness.

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