Saturday, December 24, 2016


In pursuit of the truth - -  Saturday, Dec. 24, 2016
Four Prefaces:
    1. On Friday, Dec. 16, 2016 at 3:02 P.M. Dennis Prager left the following message on my telephone. " Happy Hanukah as the case may be.  Christmas is the perfect time to remember that America was founded on Judeo-Christian values, values that the Left seeks to replace. At Prager University we fight to preserve these values not just at Christmas time but every day of the year.
    This year Prager videos had an amazing 225 million views. If you enjoyed this year's all star line up of presenters just  wait to see our line-up for 2017.
    Our student ambassador program Prager Force provided hundred of students in High School and Universities across the country, the tools and training they need to fight left-wing indoctrination, while promoting American Founding Principles.  None of this, none of it would be possible without you. Those who have donated this year, thank you very much.
    Those who haven't please consider going to Prager University and make a donation. On behalf of Prager University, I wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year."
    2. On the eve of the election, as commentators contemplated what it all meant, CBS New's Bob Schieffer remarked that this campaign was uniquely horrible. "I have seen a few, but I have run out of ways to say that I have never seen one like this. It's as if the nation is enduring some kind of curse. What should we expect next - that it will rain frogs? I wouldn't bet against it."
    When Peggy Noonan wrote her last Wall Street Journal column before voters went to the polls, she was in a similarly reflective mood. "A closing thought: God is in charge of history." she wrote.
He asks us to work, to try, to pour ourselves out to make things better. But He is an actor in history also. He chastises and rescues. He intervenes in ways seen and unseen. Or chooses not to. Twenty sixteen looks to me as a chastisement. He's trying to get our attention. We have candidates we can't proud of. We must choose among the embarrassments. What might we be doing as a nation and a people that would have earned this moment." (Nov. 3, 2016)
    It is highly unusual in modern America to hear mainstream commentators openly wondering the nation is being cursed, even chastised by God. But this is where the lead-up to this election left us.
    3. Liberals rained righteous wrath upon Mr. Trump for years-old boasts about his exploits with women... In truth these same people are passionate advocates of sexual license.... Today's America piously condemns Mr. Trump for sins of sexism. Yet it simultaneously promotes fornication, adultery and pornography.... making a best selling book and movie phenomenon out of "Fifty Shades of Gray", which glamorizes a powerful billionaire businessman bringing an unsuspecting woman into literal bondage.
    Where is the liberal outrage against the porn industry, which routinely depicts women being brutalized and abused in countless horrific ways.? Why never a word of condemnation abut the hip hop industry, which is saturated with songs sexualizing, objectifying and debasing women.
    Biblical values (God's Ten Commandments) like hard work, personal accountability, parental responsibility, self-sacrifice, respect for the elderly, honesty and integrity have shoved aside./ In fact some of  these virtues are actually labeled as "micro-aggressive" "code words" guessed it, racism. (# 2 and 3 of the above from The Philadelphia Trumpet, Jan. 2017 - "Can He Make America Great Again.")
    4. An election victory on Nov. 8, 2016 by Hillary Clinton would have caused a deep sorrow and sadness among all pro-life, pro-marriage and family Christians in America. We would be whining privately and publicly like the Hillary supporters are doing today.  President Barack Obama said, "We are not a Christian Country." The secular culture of death had control of all the levels of our society. The mainstream media and 53 of 56 newspapers throughout the country backed Hillary Clinton. President Clinton would continue with the evil transformation of our society. Her election would prove it. The American Christian community in America prayed very much that this would not happen. Why did God listen to our prayers and give Traditional America a reprieve?         Merry Christmas,

George H. Kubeck

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