Thursday, December 29, 2016



In pursuit of the truth - - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016

    I believe that the result of the presidential election was a miracle.  How do you explain this to the Leftists and 20% of the population that do not claim adherence to any religion?  I can understand why the leader of the Green Party wanted a recount in several states. I would also.
The mainstream media was 100% against Trump and 52 out of 55 major newspapers supported Hillary. The Trump majority vote of about 10,000 in Wisconsin, 20,000 in Michigan, and 60,000 in Pennsylvania could have been in Hillary's favor. Then the progressive anti-Christian agenda would have gone full-speed ahead.  I sincerely believe that God intervened. Why? First give glory to God in the highest and return to the religious roots of this nation.* End all tweets with praise to God. God bless America.
    Ben Carson's "My Faith Votes"stated that Evangelical Christians and observant Catholics made up 33 percent of the electorate in the 2016 election. Noteworthy information comes from "Faith and Freedom Coalition": "Self-identified evangelicals comprised a record 26% of the electorate and voted 81% for Trump, with only 16% voting for Hillary Clinton...
 Faithful, pro-life Roman Catholics contributed mightily to the faith vote. White Catholics, one out of every six voters, voted 54% for Trump and 36% for Clinton, swinging Rust belt states like Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to the GOP column." (However a majority of nominal Catholics in California and New York and other states in the East voted for Hillary Clinton.)
    * Let's listen to one past President, one Congressman and one past Pope!
President Lincoln in 1862: "The ways of God are mysterious and profound beyond all comprehension - 'Who by searching can find Him out?" God only knows the issues of this business. He has destroyed nations from the map of history for their sins. Nevertheless, my hopes prevail generally above my fears for our Republic. Times are dark, the spirits of ruin are abroad in all their power, and the mercy of God alone can save us." Johnson, Lincoln, 101
 Fisher Ames, Congressman from Massachusetts in the First Congress of the United States. "Should not the Bible regain the place it once held as a school-book? Its morals are pure, its examples are captivating and noble ... In no book is there so good English, so pure and so elegant, and by teaching all the same they will speak alike, and the Bible will justly remain the standard of language as well as of faith." Northrop, Witness, 12
 Pope Emeritus  Benedict XVI, "This is the message of peace at Bethlehem: peace among men results from God's glory. Those who are concerned about the human race and its well being have to be concerned about God's glory and first of all." December  29, "Co-Workers of the Truth."

  The daily rosary, and  prayers for the Sainthood of Blessed Margaret of Costello, O.P. will help.:

"Had she been conceived today, Margaret surely would have been a victim of abortion or left to die at birth.... and what a tragedy what would have been!!!
    A tragedy for Margaret ... who would have been deprived of the opportunity to suffer for Christ and thereby achieve the heights of sanctity; a tragedy for the Church ... who would have deprived of such an extraordinary daughter, for each of us .... who handicapped as we are by prejudice, by greed, by indifference, by cold-heartedness, or by whatever form it may take, would have been deprived of one with whom we can identify ... of one who could truly show us that the only deformity of sin.
    As an unwanted deformed child would she not be 'the saint' for our time .... a special patron of the unborn, the handicapped, the disabled, the social outcasts ... the patron of the UNWANTED? Will you join in a crusade for her canonization? She will never fail to help those who invoke her."
    Blessed Margaret of Castello, O.P. Crusade, Priority of St. Louis Bertrand,
    1104 South Sixth Street, Louisville, Ky., 40203, (502) 583-4448
    Happy New Year!                                                                                                                                        George H. Kubeck

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