Thursday, May 23, 2019


George Neumayr, "The Political Pope" Center Street, 2017
Chapter 5 - Unholy Alliance 84 -93
"In 2013, the Chicago Tribune pointed to the liberalized atmosphere under Pope Francis as one of the factors explaining the passage of gay marriage in Illinois. The relaxed attitude of Pope Francis had emboldened Catholic Democrats to support the legislation, the paper observed.
Advocates soon received additional help from Pope Francis, who warned that the Catholic Church could lose its way by focusing too much on social stances, including opposition to homosexuality. "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?" Francis said in July....
In 2016, Tim Kaine, a Catholic senator from Virginia, cited Pope Francis's support for contraception use in cases involving the Zika virus during a debate over the promotion of Planned Parenthood funding. Later that year, Hillary Clinton made Kaine her vice presidential running mate. Kaine is a poster boy for the close ties between the Church and the Democratic Party. ... Like the pope, Kaine was influenced by Latin American Liberation theology. Kaine has spoken of his respect for the late Marxist priest Fr. James Carney, to whom Kaine made a special visit in Central America  in the 1980s during Carney's time as a chaplain to communist guerillas.... Yet in the end the pope's influence proved hollow.The "people's pontiff" looked more like the liberal elite's pontiff as Clinton went down to defeat, with Trump even winning the Catholic vote fifty two to forty-five. According to the Italian press, many of Pope Francis's aides viewed the election as a "better defeat."...
Bernie Sanders was impressed to hear Pope Francis quote the long-time Marxist Dorothy Day during his speech before Congress.... Sanders said to the Washington Post. "She was a valiant fighter for workers, was very strong in her belief for social justice...This would be one of the very, very few times that somebody as radical as Dorothy Day was mentioned....Sister Simone Campbell, whose Soros-funded Nuns on the Bus campaign epitomized the cozy relationship between Catholic left and the Democrats has predicted that Pope Francis will push American politics to the left. ...
Under Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican told U.S. bishops to withhold Communion from Catholic politicians who defy magisterial teaching. Under Pope Francis, the Vatican now tells them to give it to them. A measure of this changed atmosphere is that the U.S. bishops no longer even debate the matter....
"Pope Francis doesn't want cultural warriors," said Cupich, explaining his appointment. Cupick sounds more like a spokesman for the Democratic Party than for the Catholic Church....
"Cupich frequently bashes the free market, touts extreme environmentalism, and soft-pedals the Church's teachings at odds with a relativistic culture. Ant the Synod on the Family, he told members of the press that he had distributed to every priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago Cardinal Kasper's proposal to grant Communion to adulterers. Defending the logic of situation ethics, Cupich said that conscience is more important to him than Church teaching: "The conscience is inviolable. And we have to respect when they make decision and I've always done that." DEMOCRATS HAVE CHEERED HIM FOR HIS POLICY OF GIVING COMMUNION TO CATHOLIC POLITICIANS WHO SUPPORT ABORTION AND GAY MARRIAGE. ....
"The archdiocese of Chicago under his leadership has become an engine of left-wing activism, with Church officials serving as advocates for annesty and gun control. A report on CBS called him "America's Pope Francis" and he lived up to the billing by telling the liberal interviewer what she wanted to hear, that homosexuals can be "good parents."
Cupich has teamed up with Illinois senator Dick Durbin, a pro-abortion Catholic Democrat, to push annesty.... Cupich is also thick with Chicago's Democratic labor movement. Speaking before the Chicago Federation of Labor, he denounce "right to work" laws... George H. Kubeck

P.S. There is something rotten in the mindset of Cardinal Cupich!

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