Tuesday, October 6, 2020



Mindszenty Report, "A GUIDE TO ISSUES IN THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION," Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, October 2020, Vol. LX11 - 10 -  Excerpts 
    The candidates exhibit pronounced differences on foreign policy. President Trump has pursued what he called in the 2016 campaign an America First foreign policy. His successes in foreign policy have surprised many of his critics. His administration brokered historic agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recognizing Israel: he negotiated a trade deal with China and negotiations are continuing; he imposed new sanctions on Iran and Russia.
      He took Iranian Terrorist General Qassem Soleimeni; he has scaled back troop deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan; pressured successfully for NATO countries to pay more of NATO ; and he has ordered the draw-down of 20,000 American troops stationed in Germany. He withdrew from the Parish climate agreement . He moved to withdraw U.S. funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) after it defended China's appalling handling of Covid-19.
    Biden promises to reverse some of these policies. If elected,he says he will recommit to the Paris climate agreement the day after his reelection. He will resume funding to WHO. He is committed to hosting a summit of world democracies to "put strengthening democracy back to the global stage." ...
    Biden's selection of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate presents a wild card in the race. Biden is 77 years old and shows his age in startling public comments. His campaign has considered largely by reading from a teleprompter in his home. If he wins, Biden will enter the White House as the oldest man ever to become president. Harris has the potential to become the most powerful vice-president ever. Both Biden and Harris have referred to the "Harris-Biden administration."
    Her campaign speeches bring a different tone to Biden's presentation of himself as a unifier. For example, in a speech at George Washington University on August 28, she stirred the pot: "We also see pain, hurt, and destruction in the aftermath of yet another Black man shot by police. Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back in broad daylight in front of his three young sons," Harris said. "People are rightfully angry and exhausted. And after the murders of Breonna and George Ahmaaud and so many others. It's no wonder people are taking to the streets, and I support them." While Harris distinguished violent looters and rioters from peaceful protesters, her speech emphasized anger.
    This guide to Trump's and Biden's stances on policy issues in fairness should include Harris support for Medicare for All, free health care for undocumented aliens, the Green New Deal  late-term abortions, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), defunding the police, and impeaching or criminally prosecuting President Trump, as well as her vociferous attacks on federal court nominees for their Catholic religious affiliation. ..
      The contrast between Biden and Trump on the abortion issue is exceptionally sharp. Biden, who calls himself a Catholic, has withdrawn his support for the 43-year old Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for most abortions. He explained that when he supported the Hyde Amendment in the past, there was enough private money funding abortion, but that is no longer the case. " I can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right," he said.
    Biden has not explicitly expressed support for or opposition to late-term abortions. His running mate Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party want to extend " reproductive rights" to include late-term abortion. Biden has promised that his administration will nominate judges on pro-choice views.
    President Trump has hit hard on pro-life issues. During the 2020 Republican National Convention, Trump observed that "Democratic leaders talk about moral decency, but they have no problem with stopping a baby's beating heart in the ninth month of pregnancy.... All children, born and unborn, have a God-given right to life." He placed pro-life issues and defense of religious freedom on his list of top priorities in his second term... he was the first sitting U.S. president to attend the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
  In a letter to pro-life leaders on September 3, Trump committed to pushing for fully defunding Planned Parenthood and passing a "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protective Act" to ban late-term abortion. In a letter he promised to nominate constitutionalist judges..... George H. Kubeck

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