Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Catholic-sub-culture - Michael Moore

Catholic-sub-culture - Michael Moore
cinops be gone Tuesday, May 06, 2008
On Sunday night from a hospital bed, l saw CNN’s Larry King’s interview of Michael Moore. He is pro-Obama. But let’s start from the beginning. I mistakenly took medication that I was allergic too and which almost killed me in Feb. 1992. So I turned a negative into a positive. I finished reading Carl Anderson’s book, “A Civilization of Love: What Every Catholic Can Do To Transform the World” (Harper One). This book along with Pope Benedict’s visit to America will be my roadway to the presidential elections in November. Prayerfully, if we can follow God’s will with perseverance, discernment and the wisdom the Holy Spirit gives us, we will have a victory for pro-life. We will focus in the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Michael Moore is a Catholic-in-name-politician and a most powerful member of the Catholic-sub-culture belief system which is mix of the 1960 crazy ideas and liberation theology religion. We have Rev, Jeremiah Wright’s black liberation theology and in Latin America Hispanic liberation theology. (Simply stated you can help the poor people with bible believers working with Marxists.)
Moore has a deep hatred of President Bush and indirectly all the stupid people that voted him. He believes in taxing the rich. During World War II, Frank Sinatra was taxed 90 cents on each dollar. He wasn’t angry and did very well on the ten cents that he got back. The rich shouldn’t complain.
Our country was founded on the genocide of the native Indians and on the backs
of enslaved Black Americans. Our Founding Fathers were old wise white guys. First interview for Obama, did you know that Julie Nixon is for Obama?
Did you know that that there are big, bad and evil corporations? Both Hillary and Obama get most of their money from the lobbyist of health care and pharmacy. 81% of the people believe we are on the wrong track in America.
Remember that profit is the motive of the Health and Pharmacy industry. Profit is evil and government takeover or socialistic control is good.
You have to be black person to understand the rage as spoken by Rev. Wright. I, Michael Moore am a white guy. Hate as with love can be a strong motive.
Moore is coming out with a movie title, “The 2004 Elections” Michael was so cocksure of winning the Florida for the Culture of Death Party that he will relate to us what he did. He was in 62 cities in 45 days on the campuses of Florida and did you know that in the student’s voting age of the 20’s it was the only one that voted for Kerry? (Thankfully, 52% of the Catholics throughout the country and in particularly more in Florida voted for Bush.) For Michael this movie will be like an ego trip for the year 2008 campaign. Do what you can to defeat evil Bush!
Unbelievable but this is the mindset of many Catholic-in-name-only politicians.
Moore strongly opposes Market-Based Health Care System and believes that France’s taxes are lower than ours. Michael is a very good half-truths propaganda artist. He believes he is a practicing Catholic. He disagrees with the Church on birth control and women priests etc. but will not walk out of the church is the priests talks about it. The Rev. Wright matter will not matter for Obama.
What is happening today in the Democratic Primary is providential. If the democratic candidate is Barack Obama, I must share a masterpiece of analysis by Mark Steyn, syndicated columnist, appearing in the May 4th edition of the Orange County Register. I will post the whole article the next two days. It is excellent.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate in Spanish and Vietnamese.

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