Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Cinop - Obama - Same-Sex Marriage

The Cinop – Obama – Same-Sex Marriage
cinops be gone Sunday, May 18, 2008
America will never accept same-sex marriage. If it does, it will not be America anymore. It has been quite a year for this blog - cinops be gone. This blog is dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic-in-name-only politicians and all of their evil addictions. I am sorry for bombarding you almost daily with articles. Since Monday, May 14, 2007, there are been over 365 letters.

What we feared has come to pass? Same-sex marriage was passed by judicial fiat of one man who is on the Supreme Court of California in a 4-3 decision. In Canada it was enacted by Catholic-in-name only politicians called Liberals in July of 2006 via the legislature. The Cinop is a dangerous person.

Barbarians like the San Francisco Values of various kinds have always been at the gates of our Nation. Too often we have voted them in or failed to vote intelligently. It is not only the matter of the five absolute evils that the Cinop (Catholic-in-only-politician) directly and indirectly support. (Abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research) There is the distribution of condoms (fornication) in public schools; the culture of death undermines the family with adultery on television and movies and pornography.

Did you notice during this past week, who came out publicly and viciously in defense of Obama on this matter of negotiating with terrorists and the issue of appeasement? They are Cinops Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Joe Biden.
Also, during the Pennsylvania’s primary election, we had so-called pro-life and pro-gun Catholic Cinop Senator Bill Casey supporting Obama. Thankfully, 70% of the Catholic voters in Pennsylvania did not vote for Obama. They did not listen to the misguided Senator Casey. All of this is good sign for November. Catholic voters throughout the country have become more sophisticated and knowledgeable. They are almost to a point where they will realize that there is no Catholic reason to vote for any Catholic-in-name-only politician in their area and that includes the two politicians in Orange County.

This past week we had Obama in Missouri. Cinop Senator Claire McCaskill is endorsing him. She won the Senate seat by endorsing the evil of embryonic stem-cell research. She is an albatross around the culture of life in Missouri.

The most pathetic CINOP is Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. He supports the court’s decision even though his personal view is that “marriage is between a man and woman.” Does not this remind you of I am for the public abortion laws even though I am personally opposed to abortion? I like the Governor personally but I understand that his close personal association with the Kennedy Clan has corrupted his Catholic religious beliefs even from his Austrian heritage as a person. This is tough love.

It is definitely providential that in this presidential election cycle the culture of death forces are divided into two equal camps. This will help pro-life candidates this November. Particularly against Catholic-in-name-only politicians and obtain 55 to 60% of the Catholic vote needed for their defeat.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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