Friday, November 14, 2008


Thoughts on the Obama Victory – 5
The website – cinops be gone – Friday, November 14, 2008

Let us focus in as Michael Medved would say like a laser beam on the obvious reality that the corrupt media doesn’t want to talk about.

Firstly, if McCain had the baggage of Obama, he would not have gone to first base with respect to the presidency of the United States.

Secondly, if Obama was a pro-abortion Black candidate, he would not have received the nomination on the Democratic ticket. If he ran as pro-life candidate on the Republican ticket he would have won the presidency.

Thirdly, with 650 million dollars in Campaign contribution and the support of a Pravda-type media anyone can win the presidency, even an independent candidate. (McCain had only 350 million dollars.)

Fourthly, as the respected Michael Barone wrote in U.S. News and World Report, Nov. 17-24, 2008:

“… he (Obama) used his unprecedented ability to raise money BREAKING HIS PROMISE TO TAKE FEDERAL FUNDS AND BY DISABLING THE ADDRESS VERIFICATION SYSTEM THAT WOULD HAVE SCREENED OUT MANY ILLEGAL CREDIT CARD CONTRIBUTIONS. (So we had a president elected with illegal money. Who cares! ghk)

Such actions by a Republican, as Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz had argued, would have gotten scathing coverage from mainstream media. Not so Obama. His campaign outspent McCain vastly on ads and organization in target states. That probably switched 1 to 2 percent of the vote in five key states – Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana – which meant that Obama won a solid 364 electoral votes rather than a Bush-like this majority of 278. All of which shows a certain ruthlessness….

Fifthly, the above shows that you can buy a presidential election. And we shall continue to pay a price due largely to corrupt journalism.
Sixthly, as reported by Time Magazine in a complimentary way, there are at least five very rich Homosexual billionaires who contributed millions of extra dollars to the Obama campaign against traditional American candidates. We see gay activists protesting against the passage of the Marriage Amendments in California, Arizona and Florida. Our signs should read: You Have All the Civil Rights of Married Couples. Or You Can’t Change the Historic Definition of Marriage, Or No To Pornography, Fornication, and Adultery to MY Marriage. Thank God for the Black American vote of 70% to 30% for Marriage between a man and a woman! Marriage is irreconcilable with no concessions to the Secular Culture of Death America. We must deal wisely with hatred. Here is one example.

Palm Springs Rally Turns Violent
By Kimberly Cheng, KPSP Local 2 News:
A gay rights rally at the Palm Springs City Hall turned violent Friday night when a woman showed up carrying a Styrofoam cross. A scuffle took place and angry crowd even turned on our KPSP Local 2 crew.
“They began grabbing me. It was like a dog pack,” Phyllis Burgess, a Prop 8 supporter, said.
All caught on tape the video shows one protester grabbing the Styrofoam cross from Burgess hands, Another protester is shown stomping on it. Burgess says she was struck on the head and spit on…Out of the hundreds at the rally, only dozens were part of the chaos. “ The majority of the crowd didn’t (get involved), said Stan Janas, a gay rights supporter. “ We stayed with our own agenda.”…

Lastly and sadly there will be no investigation of the Barney Franks and Chris Dodds and the corrupt Wall Street CEO’s responsible for the financial crisis.
George H. Kubeck

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