Saturday, March 28, 2009

C.O. President Barack Obama - 2 of 2

C.O. President Barack Obama - 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Saturday, March 28, 2009

(On the Internet, The Phyllis Schlafly Report, February, 2009, V. 42, No. 7)

Will the Alinsky strategies that nominated and elected Barack Obama President of the United States be put on the back burner for four years, lying dormant until they are needed to reelect him in 1212? Not likely. Those strategies are available right now to push through the radical legislation and gigantic spending programs that he promised his followers.

The pro-Obama New York Times laid out the plan on its January 26 front page under the heading “Retooling a Grassroots Network to Serve a You Tube Presidency.” Obama’s staff has already started “transforming the Youtubing-Facebooking-Texting-Twittering grass-roots organization that put Mr. Obama in the White House into an instrument of government. That is something that Mr. Obama, who began his career as a community organizer, told aides was a top priority, even before he was elected.

President Obama’s staff has created a group, headquartered in the offices of the Democratic National Committee, called “Organizing for America.” Its mission is to “redirect the campaign machinery into the service of broad changes in health care, environment and fiscal policy. They envision an army of supporters talking, sending e-mail messages and texting to friends and neighbors as they try to mold public opinion.” Three days after Obama was sworn in as President, an announcement was sent to 13 million people.

The Obama team understands very well that traditional methods of communicating with voters are being replaced by new channels built around social networking. In the 2008 campaign, liberals dominated conservatives by more than 10 to 1 on the Internet, and the Obama campaign exploited that advantage fully and profitably. This massive Internet advantage enabled Obama and leftists to raise ten times more money than conservatives over the internet, and to create a climate of extreme bias in the media against conservative candidates. Sarah Palin was savaged on liberal blogs….

This 21st Century use of Internet technology and new-media communication was reflected in Obama’s truly incredible record of money-raising. HE RAISED NEARLY 750 MILLION for the presidential campaign. By contrast, in 2004, GEORGE W. BUSH AND SENATOR JOHN KERRY TOGETHER COLLECTED LESS THAN $650 MILLION. For the general election, Obama had more than 3 times what John McCain had at his disposal, …
Obama’s technology/Internet superiority continues., a liberal blog site, ranks 3,631 in daily traffic out of millions of internet websites. This is far higher, often by a factor of 100, than conservative sites. Many other liberal websites also outrank conservative sites, such as a website started a decade ago in defense of Clinton during his scandals.

Previous Presidents recorded and released a radio speech every Saturday morning, but Obama instead records a video speech, then posts it on the White House website and YouTube where it can be picked up and forwarded to millions of followers who weren’t listening on Saturday mornings…. It is virtually impossible for a candidate to win when he is outspent 10-to-1. It is essential that conservatives assert themselves on the Internet in order to regain competiveness in both ideas and money.

George H. Kubeck,

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