Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nat. Assoc. of Black Journalists: Commentary

Nat. Assoc. of Black Journalists: Commentary
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Thursday, March 26, 2009

The following is a poignant commentary on the article by Julia Duin in the Washington Times, Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 titled, “Deadly Silence on number of black abortions.” THIS COMMMENTARY is addressed to the National Association of Black Journalists.

This is about the conference the Black Journalist had on health disparities in Atlanta, Jan. 30-31st. The focus was to inform and enlighten journalists on the health issues plaguing Black Americans like their mental health, heart disease, breast cancer, strokes, HIV/AIDS, and childhood obesity. IT SEEMS THAT NO MENTION AT ALL WAS MADE OF ABORTION THAT KILLS ONE OUT THREE BLACK PREGNANCIES.

Seriously journalists, what kind of a world are you living in? If you can think of another example of mind control, a.k.a. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THAT IS MORE VILE, EVIL AND DIABOLICAL than not talking about the health issues relating to the abortion of one out of three black babies; let me know.

Why are you glossing over and ignoring the following horrible facts: Blacks make up one-eight of the U.S. population. They have more than one-third (37 percent) of America’s 1.2 million abortions each year. With 45 million abortions between 1973 and 2005, you come up with 17 million dead aborted black babies. Abortion sites are PURPOSELY LOCATED IN MINORITY NEIGHBORHOOD. (DALE GARDNER, DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL BLACK PRO-LIFE UNION) THIS IS A KIND OF GENOCIDE OF BLACK AMERICANS AND YOU SEEM NOT TO CARE OR EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT.


I know that through your public education; you have been conditioned to ignore any information from the peasants of the pro-life movement. But let me tell you that the 37 million dead black babies would have been a lot higher by at least one or two million; if we had not been at the abortions mills throughout the country. And the reason you personally are alive today could be thanks to the prayer and the sidewalk counselors.

At two nearby abortion mills, cities of Orange and Long Beach, California, I have an abortion information sign which reads: ABORTION HURTS WOMEN. On the other side it will read: SHAME ON YOU WHIMPS! It is for the men who are bringing the ladies in for the abortion. It is also for anyone who does not speak out.
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck

P.S. according to the Guttmacher Institute, the rate is 11 abortions per 1,000 white women, 28 for every 1,000 Hispanic women, and 50 for every 1,000 black women. Abortion is the country’s most common surgical procedure. 1 of 4 pregnancies is terminated this way. The women are mostly young, poor, single, and black or Hispanic. Yet there are millions of American couples who want to adopt children in America.

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