Tuesday, March 17, 2009

President Obama's Visit to Orange County # 1 of 2

President Obama’s Visit to Orange County (Part 1 of 2)

In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Even if you did not vote for him, it is an honor for Orange County to have this visit. Having just returned from a marvelous 15 days – 4 island vacation in Hawaii, my purpose is to understand the mind and heart of President Obama.

This blog has more than 600 letters directly and indirectly relating to the mind and heart of Catholic-in-name-only politicians. (CINOP) It is contrary to natural law to support abortion, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and same-sex marriage. This blog loves traditional America and fears the CINOP as the Trojan horse for a secular socialist America.

Also the following article by the highly respected columnist Charles Krauthammer has kept me awake since I returned from Hawaii. It concerns the core of Obama’s plans for America. Please read slowly and over again.

{Forget the pork. Forget the waste. Forget the 8,570 earmarks in a bill supported by a president who poses as the scourge of earmarks. Forget the “2 trillion dollar savings” that “we have already identified,” $1.6 trillion of which President Obama’s budget director later admits is the “savings” of/not/ continuing the surge in Iraq /until 2019/ - 11 years after George Bush ended it, and eight years after even Bush would have had us out of Iraq completely.

Forget all this. This is the run of the mill budget trickery. True, Obama’s tricks come festooned with strings of zeros tacked onto the end. But that’s a matter of scale, not principle.

All presidents do that. But few undertake the kind of brazen deception at the heart of Obama’s radically transformative economic plan, a rhetorical slight of hand so smoothly offered that few noticed.

The logic of Obama’s address to Congress went like this:

“Our economy did not fall into decline overnight,” he averred. Indeed, it all began before the housing crisis. What did we do wrong? We are paying for past sins in three principle areas: energy, health care, and education – importing too much oil and not finding new sources of energy (as in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Outer Continental Shelf?), not reforming health care, and tolerating too many bad schools.} (To be continued)

Common sense, truth and honesty beg to differ with the above last paragraph. Energy, health care, and education have nothing to do with the economic crisis we are in today. Krauthammer’s analysis will continue in part 2.
www.realclearpolitics.com /articles/author/charles_krauthammer/ March 5, 2009
George H. Kubeck

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