Monday, September 7, 2009

The Legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy - 3

The Legacy of Senator Edward Kennedy – 3
In pursuit of the truth – – LABOR DAY- Mon. Sept 7, 2009

Ref. ‘The Big Con’ and ‘The Straw that Broke the Camel’s back’


It will take a little time to digest all the commentaries on the funeral of Senator Ted Kennedy. What was the Catholic influence in America by Catholic-in-name-only (CINO) politicians during these past 40 years? Over all it was nothing but a lot of scandal, dissent and political stupidity. Their influence was not Catholic but promoters of the Culture of Death. Pope John Paul II coined that term. You are aware that we have several Pope J.P. type of bishops in America.

I apologize to the many Christian Protestant pro-life congregations for what they saw at the funeral of Senator Ted Kennedy. You have lefties and dissenters in your congregation. The Catholic Church in America has them also. Most of them are duped. In some parts of the country they have a stranglehold. Thank you for your enormous patience in not criticizing publicly the Catholic Church leaders.

Let us work together and look upon the funeral of this man Senator Ted Kennedy as the nail in the coffin of the CINO politicians in America. We must work together to educate; and Catholics to do missionary work, and pray that not one of them will vote for these scoundrels in any part of America. In Orange County, let’s focus like a laser beam on the defeat of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

I would like to share with you a few stupid historical positions of the late Senator. Do you remember President Clinton signed the Welfare Reform Bill?
It turned out to be a tremendous success. Senator Kennedy was opposed to the bill and fought it. This bill helped the poor and taught them how to fish and to be on their own. Even at that time President Obama fought the bill and then saw his error. (In fact the U.S. Catholic Church made a mistake in opposing this bill.) Kennedy was a partisan not for the common good of the poor and unemployed; he was already a lefty progressive Democrat and opposed the bill because it was forced upon President Clinton by the Republicans. (Those are the evil politicians.)

Remember the Nicaraguan Civil War! Whose side were the CINO politicians supporting? They were on the side of the Sandinistas, the communist liberation theology party. Remember President Reagan had a heck of a time insuring the victory of the Contras. When finally, there was a vote in Nicaragua the Sandinistas lost. Pope John Paul II tried to explain that liberation theology is a non-Catholic measure for change in the Americas. But we have those very smart theologians who disagreed with the Pope. A good example of Black Liberation Theology is the Church of Jeremiah Wright. Sadly, our President was brainwashed for 20 years.

Lastly, the Senator promoted multiculturalism. From Human Events: “Multiculturalism” Means Left-Wing Indoctrination: … The push for multiculturalism has precious little to do with learning about other people’s cultures. What is involved, instead, is a determined effort to inculcate a particular outlook on America’s domestic politics… The recurring theme is that the United States is repressive, racist, sexist, homophobic, and otherwise malignant place. This message be it noted, has nothing to do with ‘other cultures.’

George H. Kubeck, Take back America! Vote out the CINO Politicians!

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