Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Obama Talk on Health Care

The Obama Talk on Health Care
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have a close friend whose insurance premiums have increased about 5 times to what it was for the family 10 years. He has some insightful comments on both political parties. “As I pointed out to you before, what we have now is not socialism but an Oligarchy, and it started under Reagan, not

“What has gone on as far as the government bank bailouts is not socialism but rather a massive transfer of wealth from the taxpayer to the debt holders of the offending companies – to benefit the top few wealthiest people in the nation who donate heavily to both parties – borderline corporate fascism.

“Anyway, where were all these people when Bush/Paulson/Bernanke pushed through the first bailout bill? Where were you? I agree Obama has continued the terrible Bush economic policies and in some ways worsened them.

“However, what you need to realize is that the wrongheaded remedy that BOTH parties voted for – Keynesian stimulus and fat cat bailouts – was chosen because the alternative was an believably and deep and severe depression.

“I disagree with Both Parties’ approach – I believe that the debt must be liquidated. However the debt holders (rich people, pension funds, Goldman Sachs etc.) would lose money that way. Also, liquidating the debt would lead to a TERRIBLE depression – e.g. you wouldn’t get any government checks direct deposited, pension funds would be gone, 25% + unemployment etc. BUT we would be over quicker.

“Instead we are going down the rode Japan took 20 years ago (and still isn’t out of it.) Instead of a short, severed depression we will have a long, drawn-out but milder depression. BOTH political parties (and probably most Americans) chose this option…”

Personal Comments:

My simple perspective: I hate anything that smells of fascist elites, socialist elites and communist elites. I am thinking of the Czars that surround President Obama. It’s all about trust and verify. We do not have a transparent and lobby-free administration. We were promised this. ACLU, NARAL and Planned Parenthood members are Culture of Death Advocates. I do not trust this administration.

It’s a NO to Big Government. It is inefficient with billions of dollars in waste and fraud. The public option is really government control. The Post Office is 7 Billion in the hole. It is Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurs that can start our economic recovery and solve most problems. They can do a better job. It is also a BIG NO to deficit spending and abortion-mandated Health-Care Program.

I understand that there are about 70 progressive in the Democratic controlled Congress. The progressives are Socialist and that is a complement to them. I believe they control the Democratic Party and will destroy it. So-called American and European Socialism is un-American and alien to traditional America and our Founding Fathers.

We need Tort Reform. Some doctors are paying up to $200,000 for Insurance. I understand that there are about 1200 Health Insurance Companies. There should be no state or federal restrictions to purchase insurance from them.
The mindset of the Obama hierarchy is not oriented to free enterprise solutions.

I would like to see private insurance companies register the uninsured and even illegal aliens. Today, they go to the emergency rooms. That is where I would spend public monies to subsidize a public option. Keep Obama Hands Out!
George H. Kubeck

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