Thursday, December 10, 2009

The American Tea Party Handbook - 1

The American Tea Party Handbook – 1
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thank you President Ronald Reagan for your thoughts, words and actions: #

Free Enterprise:
I think it is time everyone in business and industry in this country recognize that for the second time in this century, business and the free enterprise system are under assault by those who would change this system quite drastically. Nov. 10/72

What some of our people seem to have forgotten is the fact that America’s prosperity was not a gift from government or anyone else. Free Enterprise, not government, is the source from which our blessings flow. Speech, Dec. 14, 1974

It is old-fashioned, even reactionary to remind people that free enterprise has done more to reduce poverty than all the government programs up by democracy. Speech, May 4, 1972

Under our system, we are all public servants. Yet, at what point does government become the dominant force in the economy? When does government become the master, instead of the servant? When government takes almost half or more than half of the people’s earnings, freedom is clearly threatened. Speech, May 16, 1973.

History makes it plain that unless restrained, government proliferates to a point where its cost bankrupts the people at the same time it robs them of their freedom. Speech, May 16, 1973.

It is time we realized that profit, property and freedom are inseparable. You can not have any one of them without the others. Speech, Oct. 15, 974

With freedom goes responsibility, a responsibility that can only be met by the individual himself. This is an eternal truth as valid today as it was in 1791 when Edmund Burke said, “Men are qualified for civil liberty in the exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their appetites …” May, 2, 1974

Freedom is indivisible – there is no “s” on the end of it. You can erode freedom, diminish it, but you cannot divide it and choose to keep “some freedoms” while giving up others. Speech, May 4, 1972

Free Market:
The tragedy is that our inflation problems are not the fault of the free market system. We stumbled into inflation because we strayed too far away from the free market concept. Speech, Oct. 15, 1974

# - The Quotable Ronald Reagan, compiled by Joseph R. Holmes, JRH & Assoc. / 73
George H. Kubeck

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