Sunday, December 20, 2009


Down with Obama’s Jacobins!
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, December 20, 2009

“Henry Waxman – a congressman of some power and influence – sent a letter in August to the CEOs of health care companies asking for schedules of all salaries above a certain amount, and of the conferences they had been to, and how much they cost, and who was there.
Was it coincidence that he wanted this information just as health care debate was starting up? Could it be that he was trying to intimidate and silence potential opposition?

One of the many “czars” – isn’t that an ominous word? – in the Obama administration is Cass Sunstein, the czar of regulatory policy. Mr. Sunstein is a very smart man – a law professor, like the president – but he is on record of saying that speech rights should be redistributed by government bureaucrats much a wealth is distributed through Post-New-Deal tax and entitlement policy. This is not supposed to be a country where there are czars dealing with things like speech. BUT IT IS SUCH A COUNTRY RIGHT NOW.

The economic policies being proposed these days are very bad. But the principles behind them are worse. They represent a return to the idea THAT THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION REPUDIATED – the idea that some are equipped by nature or training to manage the lives of others without their consent.
I have been making the point lately that people are wrong who accuse the Obama administration of being socialist. I take the president at his word when he says he has no desire to own the automobile companies. Instead he wants to control them – and the rest of us as well – through a regulatory apparatus overseen by czars and bureaucrats. And again, his intentions are good.

WHAT IS BAD IS THE VIEW UNDERLYING THEM OF WHAT HUMAN BEINGS ARE. Rather than looking on us as equal beings with a set nature – such that none of us should rule another in the way that God rules man or man rules beast – our political leaders today have been taught to see us as material to be shaped and perfected by experts who have the proper technical training.

It has been close to 100 years now that the majority of people teaching in American colleges and universities have agreed with Woodrow Wilson, one of the founders of the Progressive movement and the first to write explicitly THAT THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IS OBSOLETE, and that we need to liberate the Constitution from the Declaration’s restraints.

This liberation leads to the idea of a “living Constitution,” characterized by constant changes or progress. Absolute truth, to the extent that ordinary people still believe in it, obstructs change or progress – which is why President Obama refers to it … as tyrannical.

But if change or progress is the rule, who is to determine what version of change or progress is good? And as any Hillsdale College student could tell you – is that once you deny the existence of absolute truth, the definition of “good” becomes subjective and the only standard of behavior is what want – “we,” in the political sense, meaning the government or bureaucracy. It reduces politics not to right, but to force. That is why there is bullying spirit about our government today, and why so many Americans are worried.

It is time for that to stop, and there are two conditions for stopping it. The first is for the ordinary folk of the United States to see in this the despotism that it is, and to rise up and repudiate it. The second … replace leaders who have bad education with leaders who have good education.

This is our work at Hillsdale College. We aim to recover the meaning of the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and place that meaning firmly in the minds and hearts of ambitious men and women who have the courage to do something with that knowledge…”

George H. Kubeck, All of the above by Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College. IMPRIMIS – DEC. 2009. This is a monthly sent to you FREE – (800) 437-2268

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