Tuesday, December 22, 2009


In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Feeling Catholic and being Catholic are two different things. Being Catholic could mean common sense, reason and natural law, the Ten Commandments, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and faith. What does feeling Catholic mean?

Let’s check out the meditation of Pope Benedict in Co-Workers of the Truth on December 18th, written about 32 years ago. Maybe the pope can help us.

“It is only true that religion, for many, has dissolved into an emotion no longer based on anything real, because the faith that once fed this feeling has disintegrated. Yet, in a certain respect, even more destructive may be the attitude of those who consider themselves believers but confine their religion equally to the realm of feelings only, excluding it from the rational proceedings of their daily lives, in which they pursue exclusively their own advantage. … Such an attitude is but a caricature of true faith.”

When Catholic-label politicians feel good about voting for a healthcare system that includes abortion coverage and no conscience protection for doctors and health care workers, there is something wrong with that good feeling.

The position of this writer is: there is more than abortion with a Catholic-label politicians like Rep. Patrick Kennedy voting against the Stupak Amendment in the House which limits public funding in Health Care. Catholic writers must recognize that abortion is just the tip of the iceberg. The political party that these Catholic-label politicians belong to also promotes the absolute and intrinsic evils of same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, and indirectly assisted-suicide and euthanasia. Why keep this information silent from their readers?

Why should Catholic writers treat these Catholic-label politicians with kid- gloves and as sacred cows? I have written last week a short message to about ten Catholic magazines and periodicals: Editorial Board and Writers, “Please research the Catholic-label politicians in Congress. Explain your findings to your readers. Make some recommendations when they run for office in 2010.”

1.) Commonweal 6.) Orange County Catholic
editors@commonwealmagazine.org ocreditor@rcho.org
(888) -495 -6755 714-282-3022
2.) America 7.) New Oxford Review
letters@americamagazine.org 510-526-5374
1-800-627-9533 FAX 510-526-3492
3.) Our Sunday Visitor 8.) Homiletic and Pastoral Review
oursundayvisitor@osv.com 1-800-353-2324
4.) National Catholic Register 9.) First Things
editor@ncregister.com ft@firstthings.com
1-800-421-3230 (212) 627-1985
5.) The Tidings 10.)The Catholic World Report
(213) 637-7360 editor@catholicworlreport.com
FAX (213) 637-6360 1-800-353-2324

George H. Kubeck, Except for America, I receive all of the above and most of it stays unread.

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