Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day: 'Flag or My Father'

Memorial Day: ‘Flag of My Father’
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 31, 2010

The above is the title of the keynote speaker, Pastor Michael Coppersmith. He spoke at the Memorial Day Program at Forest Lawn in Cypress, Calif. 10 A.M – 11:30 A.M. today. Some excerpts from his patriotic talk:

“In 1940 my father joined the Navy. The Navy would take him through three wars. The flag that I am holding is from the ship, U.S. Wasp my father was on. It is my most precious possession. In recalling my father’s service to his country, I want to share with you Four Life Lessons that I received from my father.

“Operation in the Atlantic: of Bermuda: 8 months: then through the Panama Canal Sept. 1942: off Guadalcanal – sunk by a Japanese submarine: 3 of 6 torpedoes hit: lost his best friend that day: swimming without a life jacket for hours: rescued in the evening: He said, ‘I just did what I was supposed to do! The ones who went down are the heroes’: We hold high this flag of willing sacrifice. The commitment of us the American people: J.F.Kennedy excerpt, “… in order to assure the survival of liberty.”


“There was a news article in Allentown, Pa. on the sinking of the U.S. Wasp. My father said, ‘I am ready to go back as soon as we get a ship to the Pacific and other battles.’ He was on the U.S. Princeton. There was one violent explosion on Oct. 24, 1943. In one instant 649 sailors were killed. That generation held the flag. We are in a long twilight zone struggle with the forces of terrorism. We best honor those we remember today. We will endure the struggle in this threat to freedom. If we as the American people are able to endure.


“In 1950, the army of North Korea overwhelmed South Korea. My father was on the U.S. Philippine Sea bound for Korea. Then unto U.S. McGinty, a destroyer – across the Pacific – It was time of my birth. In my mother’s Bible there was a note from my grandmother and a picture: “This is Our Beloved Savior – look closely and see Him … Have faith and put this in your drawer, Dec. 22nd, 1951, 3:30 A.M.: E. Pluribus Unum – Out of many – one: We are meant to be one nation under God, and not a secular nation. Have a firm reliance on Divine Providence … our fortune and our sacred honor…


“Make us to choose the harder right and not the easier wrong. We chose this day and chose the harder right. U.S. Iwo… Father was in three wars: World War II, Korean War and Vietnamese War: There was a Fourth War: the Cold War: Thank God – those who served in that war and their families. Some notes of my father and mother writing to each other. My mother to my father” ‘We will be so lonely without you. Happy for the two weeks …. Bless, Our Love, Elvi and the kiddies.’ Across America and around the world families possess similar letters. They are American heroes. They speak for all of us. May these 4 flags always wave for our country?” George H. Kubeck -Pastor Michael has the whole talk.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

American Voices

In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, May 29, 2010

A-Beverley LaHaye, Founder and Chairman, Concerned Women Political Action Committee –
Phone – 202-478-5234 – -

I am about to overwhelm you with lots of information and the many new candidates that Concerned Women Political Action Committee (CWFAC) has endorsed. This is a very exciting time!

As a result of President Obama’s liberal agenda, over 100 Congressional seats are considered “competitive” by non-partisan pundits and pollsters who track such things. Republican leaders need 40 seats to gain the majority back from Democrats. Right now as we see it:

•20 seats across the country are either too close to call or already trending towards a Republican (not necessarily a pro-life, pro-family, limited government conservative).

•19 seats are open where the liberal incumbent retired, and the race is too close to call or the race already trending toward a Republican.

•11 seats are affected where the incumbent was part of Congressman Bart Stupak’s betrayal over stopping funding of abortion. These seats are being targeted by every pro-life group in the country, which has caused Congressman Stupak to retire and one incumbent, Allan Mollohan (D-West Virginia-01), to already lose his primary to another pro-life Democrat.

•25 seats are leaning toward the Democrat incumbent (in a few of these races where polls are available, we are finding the Republican challenger ahead of the incumbent).

•That’s over 100 seats!

B – Sarah Palin –

I am inspired by the American patriots across our nations who want to bring Congress back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers. The White House and Congress need to hear that Americans don’t want cradle-to-grave government control of our lives. We don’t want government bureaucrats deciding what kind of light bulbs we should use, what kind of cars we should drive, and which doctors can and can’t care for us and our families.

Liberal politicians should not be trying to rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Our Constitution is a centuries-old gift from our steadfast Founding Fathers. We cannot sell our sovereignty, surrender our God-given rights, or falter in the War on Terror.

Republicans recently took victory away from liberals in three states and sent a message to Congress and the White House that Americans are fed up with politicians trying to impose more big-government policies on our nation. What Americans want is a return to the values of our Founding Fathers fought and died for. Government should get out of our way so we can raise our families, run our businesses, and keep more of our hard-earned money…

George H. Kubeck – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez fights the above & is also the Culture of Death Candidate.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pope Benedict's Enemies Within

Pope Benedict’s Enemies Within
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, May 28th, 2010

What should the faithful do? This article by Archbishop Gianpaolo Crepaldi is most disturbing. The Archbishop is from the Diocese of Trieste and is the president of the Cardinal Van Thruan International Observatory for the Social Doctrine of the Church. (ZE10032 – 2010-03-22) - http://www.zenith/article-28723?1=english

“It is necessary to ask oneself how this Pontiff, despite his evangelical meekness and honesty, the clarity of his words joined to the depths of his thought and of his teachings, arouses in some places sentiments of disgust and forms of anti-clericalism that it was believed had been surmounted. And this, it must be said, causes even greater astonishment and also distress when those who do not follow the Pope and criticized his alleged errors are men of the Church, whether theologians, priests or laymen.

“The unheard of and clearly force accusations of theologian Hans Kung against the person of Joseph Ratzinger, theologian, bishop, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and now Pontiff for having caused, according to him, the pedophilia of some ecclesiastics through his theology and magisterium on celibacy profoundly distresses us. It never happened before that the Church was attacked in such a way…

“These attacks are echoed sadly by those who do not listen to the Pope, also among ecclesiastics, professors of theology in seminaries, priests and laymen. Those who do not accuse the Pontiff openly, but are deaf to his teachings, who do not read the documents of his magisterium, who write and say exactly the contrary of what he says, give life to pastoral and cultural initiatives, for example in the area of bioethics or in that of the ecumenical dialogue, in open diverge with all that he teaches. The phenomenon is very grace as it is very widespread.

“Benedict XVI has given teachings on the Second Vatican Council that many Catholics reject openly, promoting forms of counter-formation and of systematic parallel teaching, led by many “anti-popes”; he has given teachings on “non-negotiable values” which very many Catholics minimize or reinterpret, and this also happens on the part of theologians and famous commentators guest of the Catholic press in addition to the secular press; he has given teachings on the primacy of the apostolic faith in the wise reading of events and very many continue talking of the primacy of the situation, or of the practice, or of the data of human sciences; he has given teachings on conscience and on the dictatorship of relativism but very many put democracy or the Constitution before the Gospel. For many, “Dominus Jesus,” the Note of 2002 on Catholics in politics, the 2006 Regensburg address, “Caritas in Veritate,” is as if they had never had been written.

“The situation is serious, because the gap between the faithful who listen to the Pope and those who do not is spreading everywhere, even in diocesan seminaries and Institutes of Religious Sciences, and animates two pastoral programs that are very different in themselves, so that they almost no longer understand one another, as if they were the expression of two different Churches, causing insecurity and error in many faithful in following him...

George H. Kubeck -The CINOP is the most visible enemy. Crush the diabolical serpents on Nov. 2nd.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Mindszenty Report: Mexico - 1 of 4

The Mindszenty Report: Mexico – 1 of 4
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This is the monthly report of April, 2009. It helped me to understand what’s going on at the border. It may help you. Here are excerpts from that report, Vol. LI-No.4 – by Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation.

A Fragile Historical Context: America’s insatiable demand for drugs has projected the country’s immigration with Mexico in a new and more violent light. The mushrooming crisis on the border threatens to erupt into a fireball of chaos and turmoil. This scenario is not surprising, given the fragile historical context of past American relations with Mexico that dates back to the early 19th century.

The advent of Texas colonists and the expansionist phenomenon, known as “Manifest Destiny,” led to several military confrontations in the 1840s that culminated in the humiliation defeat of the Mexican army and the subsequent loss of millions of acres of land that now comprise at least five American states.

Since the “Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo” which ended the war in 1848, Mexico has remained embittered and resentful of the Yankee “Colossus of the North.” Despite many years of political and economic partnership with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) over the past two decades, an endemic hostility toward America still lingers throughout Mexican society. This national anger Las Reconquisda, which is dedicated to the return of all lost Mexican lands.

The last few Mexican presidents have emphatically reminded their people of their violent history with the U.S. In 1997 before a raucous Chicago throng which included the radical group La Raza, then president Ernesto Zedillo pro-claimed I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its border. La Raza Unida or the Unified Race is an association of gangs formed in the late 1960s and early 1970s with chapters throughout the American Southwest.

Their avowed purpose is to return large regions of the American Southwest that formerly belonged to Mexico by whatever means necessary. In 2004 then President Vincent Fox echoed his predecessors’ sentiments when he reminded Mexicans of their belief in a nation of history, blood and soil that pre-existed, and supersede any pledge of allegiance any Mexican may make to another country, especially to the United States.

An Open Civil War: Mexico’s historical rancor serves as then backdrop for a drug war that not only has enflamed both national borders but has also threatened each country’s relative stability. The March 7th issue of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917 gave birth to a seemingly powerful state, democratic in appearance but authoritarian in nature, in which its major political party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, monopolized power. In such a system, the police were not required to solve crimes but only had to keep order. Organized crime and drug-related gangs and militias are now reaping what the politicians sowed 90 years ago.

While illegal immigration is the most commonly perceive border problem for the U.S., it is the powerful drug cartels that loom as a greater national public menace… to be continued
George H. Kubeck,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Speaks Out! *

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Speaks Out! *
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“Supreme Knight Carl Anderson addressed the 126th annual convention of the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization in Quebec City, Canada and pledged the Knights to fight abortion promoting politicians who buy Catholic votes with their stand on other issues. 8/ 7/08

“We have heard a great deal this year about the need for change,” said Anderson in a clear reference to the mantra of Barack Obama, the presumptive pro-abortion nominee of the Democratic Party. “But at the same time we are told that one thing cannot change – namely, the abortion regime of Roe v. Wade.” “It is time to demand real change, and real change means the end of Roe vs. Wade,” he said.

“In contrast to other Catholic social justice issues like poverty and the death penalty, Anderson asked delegates, “What political issue could possibly outweigh this human devastation” of nearly 50 million abortion deaths in the US since 1973?”

“The answer of course is that there is none,” Anderson said. “It is time to put away the arguments of political spin masters that can only serve to justify abortion killing.”

Anderson then committed the Knights to “end the political manipulation of Catholic voters to abortion advocates” whom he accused of entangling “Catholic people with abortion killing.”

“It is time to stop creating excuses for pro-abortion candidates. Catholics should no longer be asked to be partners in the abortion regime by voting for politicians who support abortion.”

“We will never succeed in building a culture of life if we continue to vote for politicians who defend and support a culture of death,” said to THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE from the assembly. “It is time that Catholics shine a bright line of separation between themselves and all those politicians of every political party who defend the abortion regime of Roe vs. Wade.

The Knights of Columbus speech comes at a critical time in this election, especially with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once again justifying her advocacy of abortion and same-sex “marriage” while publicly describing herself as a “faithful Catholic” despite the jarring juxtaposition.

In 2006, Pelosi and other abortion leaders of the Democratic Party regained power in Congress by running a handful of pro-life Democrats and wooing back Catholic voters who supported George Bush on abortion and other social issues in 2004. However, Anderson says that this election cycle the Knights are determined to send both Democrats and Republicans this message: the pro-life vote is Catholic vote and abortion advocates need not apply…” {Hopefully, other board members agree.}

George H. Kubeck, * – Aug. 7/08 – Peter J. Smith, Supreme Knight Calls for Real Change…

P.S. Now this year, the Knights need to resolve a very serious problem of how to deal with our own Knights in the political arena who for example in Massachusetts in 2007 blocked the petition to put marriage on the ballot. This matter will be discussed in future letters and resolved in a fair, honorable and just manner.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pentecost and Pope Benedict XVI

Pentecost and Pope Benedict XVI
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 24, 2010

Is there a relationship between the two? I believe there is. You decide. Let’s check out the mindset of this Pope via reference to his classic book, “Co-Workers of the Truth,” Ignatius Press, /92.

“Today ( Sunday, May 23, 2010) we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, alleluia; on this day the Holy Spirit appeared before the apostles in tongues of fire and gave them his spiritual gifts. He sent them out to preach to the whole world, and to proclaim that all who believe and are baptized shall be saved, alleluia.” (Liturgy of the Hours) +++ Now let’s take some excerpts from the Pope’s book. +++

Truth: “But the individual who thus makes himself lord of the truth deceives himself, for truth shuns the arrogant and reveals itself only to those who approach it in an attitude of reverence, of respectful humility.” Meditation of May 20th – “Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations for Every Day of the Year.”

Church and Faith: “If the Church were to accommodate herself to the world in any way that would entail a turning away from the Cross, this would not lead to a renewal of the Church… In other words, the Christian Faith is a scandal for every age. That the eternal God takes an interest in human beings and knows us; that the Incomprehensible became comprehensible in the man Jesus; that he who is immortal suffered on the Cross; that resurrection and eternal life have been promised to us mortals – to believe all this is a disturbing challenge for mankind.” May 21st

Faith: “Faith makes demands on our comfort, on what we plan, we propose for ourselves. The sickness of our time is the false idea of freedom that confuses freedom with preference and thinks that life is rich, familiar, and beautiful only when we act and live in a way that gives pleasure to ourselves and conforms to our desires. Psychologists tell us that it is the absence of demands, of challenge of opposition that must counter to human nature that makes us sick, and causes us to confront one another with hostility.” May 22nd

Family: “The original cell of all human society is the family. That is where we learn the fundamental relationships of human society and, consequently, also the ability to God. Only in the family can the togetherness of love overcome the opposition of otherness to true community. It is there that the generations learn to understand one another. On the preservation of the family depends a nation’s capacity for peace? When the family no longer brings together male and female, old and young, the basic human relationships are changed into a battle of all against all. That is why the transmission from fathers to children is the prerequisite for the beginning of the Messianic peace. And the destruction of the family is therefore the most certain sign of the Anti-Christ, the disturber of the peace, disguised as one who brings freedom and peace.” May 23rd

The Holy Spirit: “The love of God that is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit includes the love of neighbors. When Jesus reminded his hearers of the first commandments, he immediately added: “And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’” May 24th. In closing, what is the Pope’s relationship with K. of C.? ghk

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We are a Pro-Life Center Right Nation - Vote

We Are a Pro-Life Center Right Nation – VOTE
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, May 22, 2010


The County Committee of the Democratic Party gave No Pro-Life Response from any candidate.

In Orange County, Calif., we want to keep the Republican Party pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family.

For the Republican Party County Committees in each district, please vote for the following:

60th District:
Desare Ferraro, Richard Whittier, Fred Whitaker, Deborah Pauly, Carol Gibbs

67th District:
Scott Baugh, Kristine Alonzo, Judy Ahrens, Jerry Jackson, Valeri Dickerson, Mike McGill, V. Krikpatrick-Pilger

68th District:
Wendy Leece, Steve Nagel, Jon Aiken, Jeff Matthews, Kermit Marsh, Mark McCurdy, Lorri Bethel

69th District:
Brett Franklin, Time Whitacre, Cuong Cao, Theresa Contreras, Lupe Moreno, Robert Hammond

70th District:
Mary Young, Dick Nichols, Tom Fuentes, Scott Voigts, John Warner, Megan Barth, Willard Dunlap, Linda Updegraff, Erin Kunkle

71st District:
Linda Barnes, March Burcher, Tony Beall, Edward Sachs, Jesse Petrilla, Mark Dobrilovic, David Duringer

72nd District:
Shawn Nelson, Zonya Townsend, Pat Shuff, Matt Weidler, Marilyn Davenport

73rd Distinct:
Anna Bryson, Nancy Padberg, Alice Anderson, Craig Alexander, N. Dickinson, C. Chell, M. Munzing

George H. Kubeck – The above from “Orange County Pro-Family Candidate Campaign, P.O. Box 28402, Santa Ana, Ca 92799, – Serving Orange County Since 1992”

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Cardinal Newman Society

The Cardinal Newman Society
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, May 21, 2010

Let’s continue and finish “The Cardinal Newman Letter” of May 6th, 2010 and share two more shocking news items from Catholic Colleges.

“Last month, Georgetown University’s alumni weekend featured “SPECIAL GUEST” NANCY PELOSI – who firmly opposed any pro-life compromise in the Obama care law:

“Remember it was Georgetown WHICH LAST YEAR COVERED UP THE MONOGRAM OF CHRIST, “IHS” DURING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S CAMPUS LECTURE. For many years, Georgetown has awarded faculty positions to pro-abortion politicians and opponents of the Church.

“One of these is President Obama’s new appointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Chai Feldblum… A LESBIAN ACTIVIST WITH A CUSHY JOB AS A LAW PROFESSOR AT CATHOLIC GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY SINCE 1991:

“While a Georgetown professor Feldblum helped write the deceptively named “Employment Non-Discriminatory Act” (ENDA), which is now before Congress: “The Family Research Council warns that Feldbums’s ENDA could force all Christian colleges, hospitals and charities to:

1)Hire men who “cross-dress” as women: 2) provide benefits to homosexual couples, and fire employees who are accused of “anti-gay harassment.” {Sadly, Congress passed this law.}

“Feldman joins the EEOC just as it considers an appeal by Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic college in North Carolina that refuses to cover abortion and contraception in its employee health plan – which the EEOC says discriminates their Catholic identity. AND IT WAS A CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY THAT PROVIDED FELDBLUM HER PLATFORM TO UNDERMINE CATHOLIC COLLEGES AND TEACHINGS!

If we do not work to end the support that Catholic Colleges provide to those in the government who are violating our religious freedoms, then we are also to blame.

“That is why I (Patrick J. Reilly) founded The Cardinal Newman Society to begin the renewal and restoration of America’s great Catholic colleges and universities. The future of the Church in America depends on the formation of new, ethical leaders who will defend it from discrimination & falsehoods

“The Cardinal Newman Society has for 17 years fought tenaciously for the renewal of Catholic higher education and the right to be Catholic. And together we have made real progress:

“Pro-abortion and otherwise scandalous commencement honorees have declined by half on Catholic campuses from 24 in 2006 to 12 last year. We have reached tens of thousands of Catholic families with The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College – now online! – and distributed more than 120,000 brochures titled “How to Choose a Catholic College.” … ref. Card. New. Soc. -703-367-0333

George H. Kubeck, Contact The Cardinal Newman Society – 9415 West Street, Manassas, Va. 20110

Thursday, May 20, 2010

We Are A Church Divided!

We are a Church Divided!
In pursuit of the truth- – Thursday, May 20, 2010

The U.S. Catholic Church faces heretical challenges from dissident Catholic intellectuals and theologians. Ordinary American Catholics folks can help by crushing their CINOP disciples at the polls in 2010. The Cardinal Newman Society’s letter of May 6th, 2010 discusses this very serious matter.

It is shocking that leading Catholic colleges have been breeding ground for every destructive effort to undermine the foundations of our Catholic faith: They dissent on contraception and abortion. They promote gay marriage, desecration of the sacred liturgy, and reject papal authority and doctrine.

We have a betrayal of the Church from within. Catholic colleges are also serving as willful accomplices in the assault on religious liberty. Consider this: While the U.S. Bishops denounced Obama care because of abortion funding and insufficient conscience protection for Catholic doctors and nurses, theologians at Catholic Colleges directly undermined the Bishops. {This will not stand and we have a duty to act.} “In March, 25 leading “theologians” – 11 of them citing CATHOLIC COLLEGE CREDENTIALS – sent a letter to members of Congress urging them to reject arguments that Obama care expands abortion funding … in other words ignore the Catholic Bishops! The signers included:

• Terrence Tilley, chairman of Fordham University’s theology department
• David DeCosse, Director of Campus Ethics Programs at Santa Clara University
• Sandra Yocum, religious studies chair at the University of Dayton: and
• Bryan Massingale, at Marquette University theology professor and President of the Catholic Theological Society of America.

According to the Associated Press, Father Hesburgh lobbied a pro-life congressman to support Obama care at the request of Nancy Pelosi! How could a highly esteemed Catholic college leader betray the Bishops like that?

Father Hesburgh organized the 1967 “Land O’ Lakes Conference,” at which Catholic college leaders brazenly declared independence from the Church. Father Hesburgh has publicly defended last year’s honor to pro-abortion President Obama by current Notre Dame President Father John Jenkins – ignoring vocal opposition from the nation’s Bishops. Pundits have noted that Notre Dame’s fawning over President Obama gave him just the credibility he needed to divide Catholics and conquer the Bishops on healthcare.

Also, the “Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities” responded shamefully to last year’s Notre Dame scandal by calling on the Bishops to back off their policy of banning Catholic honors to pro-abortion politicians. The Jesuit University of San Francisco will honor at its commencement this month 1) Notre Dame’s Father John Jenkins; 2) Lloyd Dean, president of Catholic Healthcare West, who advocated and celebrated Congress’ approval of Obama care, and 3) Dale Minami, an attorney and outspoken advocate for same-sex “marriage.” … ref. Card. New. Society – 703-367-0333

George H. Kubeck – Please support “The Cardinal Newman Society”, 9415 West Street, Manassas, Va.20110

Monday, May 17, 2010

Report on Stand with Children Training Program # 2

Report on Stand with Children Training Program # 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 17, 2010

This concludes first talk by Bill May. In note taking any errors are due to George H. Kubeck

“We surrender ourselves to the Holy Spirit. ‘Without Me you can do nothing.’ Call to holiness, communion, and apostolic work. Ambassadors for Christ: Be reconciled with God. Bishop Cardileone on the subject of Proposition 8 and how you can help. He said, “Ask people to go to confession. We have to have the right heart – reconciled to God to be ambassadors. Secondly, communion with each other and the people. Pope Benedict – roped together; as a mountain party – we are roped together. Third call – Apostolic witness – ready, aim, fire.

Formation and training for mission: guided by the Social Teachings of the Church – little of this is known of the Social Teachings of the Church. – Based on reason, truth & revelation – translate it into the public center. Things that are not true. They are in this Bible because they are true.

One important thing – learning about these things makes us transformative. Home Library: Index via on the Common Good: 1) Catechism of the Catholic Church 2) Compendium on the Catechism 3) Compendium on the Social Doctrines of the Church. The Catechism is the first new Catechism in 400 years. I use it all the time. We really want you to work on this. Read an article a day. {We lose money on all of these training programs. At the cost of $10.00 it is very readable.}

Let me say something about the Social Teachings: 1) Dignity (What it means to be a human being?) 2) Principle of the Common Good – The foundation for human rights helps you evaluate falsehoods, and what is common? What is good? Must apply to every person without exception. What contributes and develops our good. We are made in the image & likeness of God. [Note -4) Solidarity}

What is common to all? Example – Our need for oxygen, food and water to sustain life. This is a dramatic example. Education – everyone needs education – Jump ahead – 2 arms and 2 legs are common to all – Lose one and we are in a state of deprivation. It is also common that everyone has a mother and father. People are being taught that they don’t need a mother and a father.

3) Subsidiary as Catholic Federalism: The family is indeed the 1st society. The strong take care of the weak. It is where we are humanized. All the institutions should be judged on how they support the family. “Looking at another person and not turning away.” That is the work of justice. Provide the support of someone in need is the work of charity. The difference in knowing what it is to be human. Christian Person: - transcendent – We resist in being less than human. Anything that dehumanizes us. Dignity is intrinsic. All people are equal in dignity. We see children as gifts. Secular view individual: Dignity comes from without… from quality of life, being self-made, value as status, for some secularists considered human at 12 years, children become objects. Human Rights: must be common to each and to all.

It can’t be created by the State. Individual rights can be created by the State. We are made for relationships and interdependence. Secular values autonomy… relationships to other people as objects – to get their personal goal … individual – It’s all about me. (This is the end of talk.)

How Much Longer 2 of 2

How Much Longer 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 17, 2010

How much longer will pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage America put up with the media’s secularist journalists’ animus? Here is an article from – Friday, April 23, 2010 – “News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse IV” Compiled by Steve Jalsevac.

Pope replaces George Bush as the Man Some People Love to Hate – David Quinn, the independent: Those circles include aggressive secularists, angry ex-Catholics and some within the Catholic Church itself who still suffer for the delusion that the purpose of the Second Vatican Council was to turn the Church into another form of failed liberal Protestantism.

The paradox of relativism is that it claims to treat all points of view equally but in fact it damns and condemns those who deny relativism. In other words relativist defends their point of view as trenchantly and aggressively as the worst fundamentalists and will brook no opposition.

The Pope calls this ultra-aggressiveness the ‘dictatorship of relativism.’ The main reason these liberal fundamentalists spend so much of their time and energy attacking the Pope and the church is because they are the foremost defenders of objective truth and morality in the world today.

Destroy Benedict, damage or co-opt the church he leads, and you go a long way towards destroying opposition to liberal fundamentalism. This is a cataclysmic between those who believe morality and those who think morality is relative. Joseph Ratzinger is smack bang in the middle of the hottest part of this battle.
The Limits of the Papacy by George Weigel:

… the image persists that the Catholic Church is a kind of global corporation, with the pope as CEO; the bishops as branch managers, and your parish priest as the local salesman. And according to that image, the pope not only knows what’s going on all the way down the line, he gives orders that are immediately obeyed all the way down the line.

The pope’s capacity for governance is also shaped by the quality of his closest associates, and by the accuracy and timeliness of the information he receives from the Roman Curia via the nuncios and apostolic delegates who represent the Holy See and the pope around the world. Papal governance can also be undermined by inept subordinates.

… the fact remains that the overwhelming responsibility for turning the scandal of clerical sexual abuse into a full-blown Church-wide crisis lays at the feet of irresponsible local bishops and unfortunately of bishops who bought the conventional wisdom about therapeutic “cures” for sexual predators. That underscores the imperative of getting episcopal appointments right and of removing bishops whose failure destroy their capacity to govern.
George H. Kubeck

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Report on Stand with Children Training Program

Report on Stand with Children Training Program
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holy Innocents Church Hall, Long Beach, Ca. – Sat. May 15/10 “Marriage, Family, and the Common Good”, Speaker Bill May, Charm. Catholics for the Common Good – Regain the Offense on Marriage:

“By becoming a lay Catholic advocate for Marriage you will be exposed to a lot of different concepts. {It is all in our handbook, Supplemental Reading for Marriage Advocates – “Marriage,
Family, and the Common Good.” This is all about promoting the Centrality and Integrity of Marriage for Children and Society.} Inquiries: or Samantha (310) 634-9307

“This is for you to share with other people. To talk about marriage so that young people can understand. Learn more about what we believe. Different strategies for solving a problem: If we don’t know our faith very well.

“Step back and forget everything and just open yourself to the Holy Spirit. There are a lot of foundational things we will be talking about at the end of the day. Same-sex marriage is only a symptom. Twenty years ago it was inconceivable. There is an agenda that has been influencing our country. Same-sex marriage is taking hold in the country. Marriage is on trial in San Francisco.

“We have about 5 states like Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Iowa where the legislature legalized same-sex marriage. It happened also in Washington, D.C. A petition was circulated to have it on the ballot. It went to the board of elections. It was considered discrimination and against the human rights laws of the city. This case is going to the Supreme Court. It has driven Catholic organizations out of adoption and is having a huge impact.

“Gay rights and NARAL have been working for 40 years. Gay Rights has a 262 million budget with 1,332 employees. Throughout the country there are homosexual advocates in 3,000 High Schools. In California, they are in several hundred schools with 9 employee activists who trained over 10,000 students for same-sex marriage agenda. We believe that it is probably the High School Students that were ripping down the Proposition 8 signs during the passage of Proposition 8.

“They have been building an army. We hear them in the schools and television. Our side has never really been organized to protect our own families. The problem is cohabitation and children out of wedlock. We are starting a movement and this is the beginning of a team. We are taking the strategic approach. 40 years ago we had the pro-life movement. Today we have a movement to take back the American Family. YOU HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO BE INVOLVED.

“Every 4 years the U.S. Bishops speak on public policy. THIS IS THE ROLE OF THE LAITY TO BE IN TEMPORAL AFFAIRS. {VATICAN II}. We seek a renewal of the temporal order. It is the duty of the laity. It is about us and our responsibility and no one else’s – to restore original values and one of these is MARRIAGE. This is the new state affairs for the action of the lay faithful. You can’t remain idle. You are responsible and have a moral obligation to be involved.” G. H. Kubeck – to be continued

Saturday, May 15, 2010

National Prayer Campaign for Life

National Prayer Campaign for Life
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, May 15, 2010

New York, May 7, 2010 (

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, together with the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life, have launched a campaign of prayer aimed at combating the Culture of Death and inspiring a greater respect for the dignity of human life in all its stages.

The National Prayer Campaign for Life was announced at a Mass May 3, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the death of New York Archbishop John Cardinal O’Connor.

The campaign Web site states that the campaign was inspired by Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life), in which the pontiff wrote: “A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world.

Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer.”

The texts of the prayer, which participants are asked to recite DAILY, are as follows:

Eternal Father, Source of Life
Strengthen us with your Holy Spirit to receive the abundance of life you have promised.

Open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love.
Make our love generous and self-giving so that we may be blessed with joy.

Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving you gift of life
and heal us from the effects of the culture of death.

Instill in us and all people reverence for every human life.

Inspire and protect our efforts on behalf of those most vulnerable
especially the unborn, sick and elderly. We ask this in the name of Jesus,
who by his cross makes all things new, Amen. Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us.

For printable prayer cards, visit

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lou Pritchett vs. President Barack Obama

Lou Pritchett vs. President Barack Obama
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, May 14, 2010

“An Open Letter to President Obama”

Dear President Obama:

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you scare me. +++ You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you. +++You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.

You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American. +++ You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll. +++ You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don’t understand it at its core. +++ You scare me because you lack humility and ‘class’, always blaming others.

You scare me because half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremist who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail. +++ You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the ‘blame America’ crowd and deliver this message abroad. +++ You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one. +++ You scare me because you prefer ‘wind mills’ to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves. +++ You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world. +++ You scare me because you have begun to use ‘extortion’ tactics against certain banks & corporations.

You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals. +++ You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.

+++ You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient. +++ You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, O’Reillys and Becks who offer opposing conservative points of view. +++ You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing. +++ Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

Lou Pritchett

George H. Kubeck, The above letter was sent to the N.Y. Times but was never acknowledged. ‘Snope’s authenticates it.’ Lou has 36 years of corporate history with Procter & Gamble & created concept ‘partnering’.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Elena Kagan is a Joke!

Elena Kagan is a Joke!
PRESS CONFERENCE: In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, May 13, 2010

Preface: The issue is very simple for all Americans. Do you want a clone of Obama for the next 35 years on the Supreme Court? Never! In spite of the Obama mindset, we are a center right nation. {40% are Conservative, 36% Moderate, and 21% liberal.} We are a pro-life nation. The president’s policies ignited the Tea Party Movements. They are basically constitutional education movements. Thanks be to God! Now Obama wants to perpetuate his socialist America on the Supreme Court.

Elena Kagan is a joke. In the history of Supreme Court appointees, she is the least qualified to be to be there and to make Constitutional and Traditional American legal decisions. The comments made by UC Irvine Law School Dean Chemerinksy on Sunday night are superficial and arrogant. “Impeccably qualified,” & should be confirmed quickly because there is little evidence on her beliefs. With all due respect to Elena Kagan, she is an absolute clone of President Barack Obama. She has the mind and heart of the President and we can’t have that on the Supreme Court. And that is what it is all about! IT IS ALSO THE MESSAGE TO ALL SENATORS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

She has not served as a judge and has written only 5 law review articles. Talk show host Michael Medved {KLAC 870- 12 noon to 3 P.M. M -F} covered several aspects of her background on Tuesday and they are VERY disturbing. Kaplan is also the favorite of the elite ACLU Leftist News Media. Ordinary Americans hold that Pravda-type, Obama Lap-Dog media in suspicion and contempt.

She is an insult to our military and all veterans like me. She was on a committee that campaigned against registration for the draft. She is an absolute left-wing ideologue. She wrote a paper “To the Final Conflict.” I want that paper to be published on the internet. ROTC is still not allowed on the campus of Harvard. They have to meet at another location. Mind Control Arrogance!

She strongly opposes the military’s “Don’t ask don’t tell” policy for open gays in the military. She was among law school deans who filed a brief in a Supreme Court case over the federal that withholds government money from colleges than ban the military from recruiting on campus because of objections to the Pentagon’s policy gay people, The Supreme Court upheld the law unanimously.

Senator Jeff Sessions, “Her background is thin for this position.” Senator McConnell, “A lifetime position to the Supreme Court does not lend itself to on-the-job training.” How do you think Kaplan is going to vote on same-sex marriage, YES; the religious liberty harassment with ENDA legislation and the Hate Crime bill, YES; and don’[t ask don’t tell legislation, NO; once they comes to the Supreme Court?

Kaplan is flawed when she thinks that the Supreme Court is a place where the despised and disadvantaged receive justice. It WILL BE ALL about her & Obama’s feelings! Hogwash!

George H. Kubeck, For more info on the Culture War that we are battling tune in to Dennis Prager – KLAC 870 – M-F- 9 A.M. to 12 noon. Also receive daily reports from

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hero Andrew Breitbart: On the Media

Hero Andrew Breitbart: On the Media
In pursuit of the truth, - – Monday, May 10, 2010

Los Angeles, California, May 7, 2010 ( – by Kathleen Gilbert

THIS IS A CLASSIC: “The bias of the liberal media is so deeply ingrained that it is an essential part of its structure – one that conservatives must fight hard to challenge effectively, according to conservative new media guru Andrew Breitbart. “The left, to me, in essence, is the media,” said Breitbart in an interview with CBN’s Matt Brody.

“Big liberal names like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, he explained, “possess limited charms.” Their ability to get what they need done is because they’re carrying the water of the media,” said Breitbart “The media is a left-of-center ecosystem it’s a left-of-center organism. SO THE MEDIA CAN CHANGE THE DYNAMICS OF WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT.”

“Known for attacking liberal media bias head-on, Breithart is a political commentator who owns his own news web site, as well as the blogs Big Hollywood, Big Government and Big Journalism. He also serves as an editor for the Drudge Report.

“I am everything at attacking at the media for its biases and holding them accountable for their biases, and the things that they report incorrectly, or the things they fail to report,” he said. “By aiming everything at the media I’ve pretty much done the one thing they ask you not to do, ‘Please accept the premise that we’re fair, and let’s move on’ No I am not going to accept that premise. “For these people to tell me for with a straight face that they don’t come to the media and their jobs from a political perspective from a left-of-center perspective, IS JUST A BALD-FACED LIE.”

“When facing mistreatment by the media, Breitbart urges conservatives not to play by the rules as defined by the mainstream media. ‘These people don’t fight fair,’ he said ‘The left does not fight fair, and so I’m basically saying to conservative, you don’t have to fight fair.”“I want to break down this politically correct paradign. These are the rules that tell conservatives you’re not allowed to say this, you’re not allowed to think that. This type of Orwellian thought crime crap is what I am fighting against.

“While not strongly religious himself, said Breitbart, the attacks on Christians perpetrated by mainstream media ‘angers me to no end.’ “I consider myself to be Judeo-Christian … I relate to the world view that America has,” he said “It’s a distinctly Judeo-Christian one and I think that it works.”

“But Christians, he said will only exacerbate the problems if they continue to react passively to media slander. “Christians turn-the-cheek tactics do not work against this crowd,” he said. Breitbart said he hoped his battle against the liberal media could become “an international movement,” and likened the ball to the previous century’s battle against Communism.“This is the same battle that Ronald Reagan and many millions of other people fought in the 20th century , it just has a 21st century new media battleground,” He said, ‘The Cold War is now a new media war.’” - George H. Kubeck -

P.S. Tea Party Meeting (CPFL) Wed., May 12th, 7 P.M. – Los Alamitos Youth Ctr. 10909 Oak St., Los Alamitos, Ca.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Understanding Mexico's Drug Cartels, Corruption and Emigration 2 of 2

Understanding Mexico’s Drug Cartels, Corruption and Emigration 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, May 9, 2010

The last part in William Booth ‘s article in S.F. Chronicle:“In Ciudad Juarez, which is across the border from El Paso and is considered the capitol of drug violence, gunmen ambushed two police vehicles at a busy intersection last week, killing seven officers and a seventeen year old by-stander? Six of the police officers killed were federal officers. Their colleagues now live in a hotel protected by armed guards and a wall of sandbags. 29 police officers have been killed in Juarez this year.

“A week ago gunmen raided the custom office at an international bridge that links Camargo, Mexico, to Rio Grande, Texas, forcing officials to close the border crossing for several hours.

“In the sleepy little farmer town of Los Aldamas in Nuevo Leon state, the police chief was dragged from his home and killed alongside two deputies last month. Earlier the police chief in a nearby town was decapitated.

“I believe that the number of attacks have increased, and now there are more selective attacks, on command centers, and the most obvious reasons is that they are trying to intimidate those leaders who are trying to combat organized crime and also to frighten the rank and file so they don’t act,” said Josi Luis Piqeyro, a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico who studies the military’s fight against crime.
George H. Kubeck

P.S. There is an article in the Orange County Register – News 2 – by Martin Wisckol, Sat. Nov. 8, 2010, “Border Experts say Issues Inadequately Addressed” Valdez stated that the role drugs play in borders problems and that corruption is also by U.S persons. Motorcycle and street gangs help distribute the drugs. He also said that while the U.S. has less than 5% of the world’s population, it consumes half of the world’s illegal drugs. {It may be a good idea to think about solutions out of the box.}

How can we help Mexico that seems to be in bondage to drug cartels and political corruption which directly and indirectly forces its citizens to emigrate? I contend that as a legalized immigrant from Canada in 1958, most legal immigrants from any part of the world are the most patriotic of Americans. They do not take their liberty and freedom for granted. Think of the Vietnamese and Cubans. They are refugees from Communism and love America.

What I have noticed over the last 50 years is the politicization of immigration. We have the politics of race, gender and class. Add to this multi-culturalism and political correctness! This is not the traditional American way of politics. It is Marxist. We have millions of naturalized U.S. citizens from Canada. We do not call ourselves Canadian-Americans. We are Americans period. Catholic social justice teachings applicable to Mexico; moral and indirect volunteer and financial support for President Calderon is part of the solution. The heroes are the 1,100 who have died for law and order.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Understanding Mexico's Drug Cartels, Corruption and Emigration 1 of 2

Understanding Mexico’s Drug Cartels, Corruption and Emigration 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – Saturday, May 8, 2010

Morella, Mexico, by William Booth, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Mon. May 3, 2010


As a public safety official was riding home a week ago after an evening of political schmoozing at the state fair, a stolen tractor-trailer burst onto the highway – and another high profile ambush began with a blast of light.

Grenades were being lobbed at her. Over the next six minutes as the official, Minerva Bautista, screamed into a police radio, “They are killing me!” – up to 40 heavily armed commandos unleached more than 2,700 rounds at her three- vehicle convoy of armored-plated sport-utility vehicles. Some of the weapons were capable of penetrating a vehicle’s engine block or knocking down a helicopter.

Bautista managed to survive – after being treated for shrapnel injuries – but two of her bodyguards and two by-standers died in the ambush, and nine people were injured.

Mexico’s crime syndicates appear to be escalating their attacks against the state, according to law enforcement officials. No longer content to fight police officers and soldiers when confronted with arrest, the drug organizations are increasingly targeting police commanders and public officials.

“In the last few weeks the dynamics of the violence have changed,” said Interior Minister Fernando Gomez-Mont, the country’s top security official. “The criminals have decided to directly confront and attack the authorities.”

More than 22,700 people have been killed in drug-related violence since President Felipe Calderon began his battle against the powerful drug cartels in December 2006, according to a confidential government report. Mexican officials stress that the overwhelming majority of the dead were gangsters killed over turf or for revenge.

Yet, Calderon recently revealed that more than 1,100 of those killed were soldiers, police officers and officials.

Violence against Mexican authorities has been sensational but relatively rare in the past three years. But according to news and police reports, Mexico has entered an especially deadly period, with scores of attacks against police officers and government officials across the country.
George H. Kubeck

Friday, May 7, 2010

What is truth? 2 of 2

What is truth? 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – May 7, 2010

In conclusion, we are on meditation of May 3rd in Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s “Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations for every day of the Year”, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, from: “Predigt anlasslich der Seligsprechung von Pater Rupert Mayer” Deutsche Tagespost, December 4, 1987

Let us now apply this to the present. What is our attitude to truth? How does each of us relate to truth day after day? Do I always speak the truth?

Have I the courage to adhere to it even when it is uncomfortable, when it disturbs my peace, when it leads to irritation or anger? For we cannot deny that the truth is often shameful.

Truth is disagreeable and can be the cause of much unpleasantness. Truth so often interferes with what we deem useful or necessary and is so easily pushed aside. One seems to lose so little thereby and to gain so much.

But if we act and speak in such a way – how can we ever really trust in one another?

Where truth is not present, the foundation of society is ripped from under us. In fact, this apparently very useless virtue is, in reality, the fundamental virtue of all society.
George H. Kubeck

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Much Longer # 1 of 3

How Much Longer # 1 of 3
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, May 6, 2010

How much longer will pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage America put up with the media’s secularist journalists’ animus? The following two articles are appropriate, as this blog is dedicated to the exposure and removal of CINO Politicians like Loretta Sanchez and Nancy Pelosi throughout the nation. How can you trust them in their politics when they prostitute their Catholic-label religion?

1) Media Would Rather Cover Dissident Pro-Abortion Catholics than Catholic Church by Matt Abbot, April 21, 2010,

“In a recent interview, Deal Hudson asked Catholic League president Bill Donohue, “Why do media like The New York Times and the Washington Post hate the Catholic Church and the pope? What’s the source of the animus?

“Donohue replied, “… it stems from 3 issues, abortion, gay marriage, and women’s ordination. So when they can nail the Church on promiscuity, they love it. The goal is to weaken the moral authority of the Church so it won’t be as persuasive on issues like health care.

“I think Donohue is essentially correct although I would say it a bit differently and expand on it some. Catholic teaching on abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, contraception and women’s ordination is. I submit the main reason for the leftist secular media’s animus toward the Church.

“1) Abortion according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means is gravely contrary to the moral law.” **** Leftist secular journalists reject said teaching. ***

“2) Homosexuality: The Catechism teaches. “Homosexuality refers to relations between men and between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction towards persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture which presents homosexual acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that homosexual acts intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementary. Under no circumstances can they be approved.” *** Leftist secular journalists reject and even despise said teaching. ***

“3) Euthanasia: The Catechism teaches “Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick or dying person. It is morally unacceptable. Thus an act or omission which of itself or by intention causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator…” ***Leftist secular journalists reject said teaching. *** To be continued
George H. Kubeck

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is truth? # 1 of 2

What is truth? # 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – - Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About 18 years before he became Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote a classic, concise and poignant meditation on truth. {Co-Workers of the Truth, Meditations for Every Day, Ignatius – 1992}

“Truth is not one of the great moral catchwords of our age; it does not stand high on the roster of virtues… Considering the widespread social concern of our epoch, there seems to be little time left for the wearisome and boring questions of truth.

“Indeed there are some who suspect that it serves us rather as a way of bypassing pressing human problems; that it is far from offering an answer to these problems… But what shall we say, then, about truth? Where is it actually to be found? What does it mean?

“I would like to attempt an answer to the question by relating a brief episode from the life of Pater Rupert Mayer. Rupert Mayer became acquainted with Hitler as early as 1919 when the latter was discussion leader at a Communist meeting. At that early period, when Hitler was not yet recognized as the future dictator, it could still seem on the whole likely that, despite some annoying traits, he could become an ally in the struggle against the threat of Marxism. Hitler himself had hinted at this.

“In 1923, he sent Father Rupert Mayer, a congratulatory telegram on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee as a priest – no doubt realizing that a patriotic priest, who had served the Fatherland well, who was favorably regarded in the city, and who had joined the ranks of Hitler’s followers – that such a one could be very important and very helpful to him in winning over those persons, especially those Catholics, who were hesitant about espousing his cause.

“We know how difficult it was for German and even foreign intellectuals, whether they were writers, scholars, politicians or theologians, to see through Hitler and to realize what was actually at stake, and we do not want to judge too leniently.

“Father Mayer, who was not an intellectual, but a simple priest, recognized as it were, the mask of Antichrist in something that we might well have overlooked. He realized from the beginning that Hitler constantly exaggerated and had no scruples about lying. One who does not respect the truth cannot construct anything worthwhile. If truth is not held in honor, then freedom, justice, and love cannot flourish. Truth, by which I mean the simple, humble, patient truth of daily life, is the foundation of all the other virtues.

"I am not speaking here about truth in matters of great importance, such as God, the world, and human beings, but about truth in those matters of small importance that impinge on our daily lives – but the two are not to be separated. And one who has qualms about treading ruthlessly on the truth in small matters cannot claim to be a guarantor of the truth in greater matters… To be continued

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Remembering Law Day - May 1st

Remembering Law Day, May 1st
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today we begin a series of honest and fair news reporting versus politically correct agenda news reporting. You decide. Here is Pepperdine University Economics Professor Gary M. Galles:

“May 1 is Law Day, inaugurated by President Dwight Eisenhower to help “vigilantly guard the great heritage of liberty, justice and equality under the law which our forefathers bequeathed to us.” However, legislation today violates those central principles more than it sustains them. That fact cannot be made clearer than by reading the French political economist Frederic Bastiat’s 1850 classic, “The Law.” Compare the acts of our public servants with Bastiat’s words.

“Each of us has a natural right - from God – to defend his person, his liberty, and his property… the common force that protects this collective right cannot have logically have any other purpose …{I}t cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups.”

“No individual acting separately can lawfully use force to destroy the rights of others… The same principle also applies to the common force that is nothing more than the organized combination of the individual forces.” {There is no} greater evil than… conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.”

“Under the pretense of organization, regulation, protection, or encouragement, the law takes property from one person and gives it to another… the law has come to be an instrument of injustice.”

“{H}ow is this legal plunder to be identified?... See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and give it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime … When the law itself commits this act that is supposed to suppress … plunder is still committed.” “Try to imagine … a transfer of wealth imposed by force that is not a violation of property.”

“{I}s not liberty the freedom of every person to make full use of his faculties, so long as he does harm other persons?” “It is not true that the function of law is to regulate our consciences, our ideas, our wills, our education, our opinions, our work, our trade, our talents or our pleasures. The function of law is to protect the free exercise of these rights.”

“The mission of the law is not to oppress persons and plunder them of their property … Its mission is to protect persons and property… if the law acts in any manner except to protect them, its actions then necessarily violate the liberty of persons and their right to own property.” …

Frederic Bastiat showed that the only just use of law is to defend liberty and people’s voluntary arrangements when given that liberty… On Law Day, we need to reconsider how completely legislation has abandoned that approach.” George H. Kubeck (Refer to Orange County Register, May, 2010)