Monday, May 17, 2010

How Much Longer 2 of 2

How Much Longer 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 17, 2010

How much longer will pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage America put up with the media’s secularist journalists’ animus? Here is an article from – Friday, April 23, 2010 – “News Briefs on Catholic Clergy Sex Abuse IV” Compiled by Steve Jalsevac.

Pope replaces George Bush as the Man Some People Love to Hate – David Quinn, the independent: Those circles include aggressive secularists, angry ex-Catholics and some within the Catholic Church itself who still suffer for the delusion that the purpose of the Second Vatican Council was to turn the Church into another form of failed liberal Protestantism.

The paradox of relativism is that it claims to treat all points of view equally but in fact it damns and condemns those who deny relativism. In other words relativist defends their point of view as trenchantly and aggressively as the worst fundamentalists and will brook no opposition.

The Pope calls this ultra-aggressiveness the ‘dictatorship of relativism.’ The main reason these liberal fundamentalists spend so much of their time and energy attacking the Pope and the church is because they are the foremost defenders of objective truth and morality in the world today.

Destroy Benedict, damage or co-opt the church he leads, and you go a long way towards destroying opposition to liberal fundamentalism. This is a cataclysmic between those who believe morality and those who think morality is relative. Joseph Ratzinger is smack bang in the middle of the hottest part of this battle.
The Limits of the Papacy by George Weigel:

… the image persists that the Catholic Church is a kind of global corporation, with the pope as CEO; the bishops as branch managers, and your parish priest as the local salesman. And according to that image, the pope not only knows what’s going on all the way down the line, he gives orders that are immediately obeyed all the way down the line.

The pope’s capacity for governance is also shaped by the quality of his closest associates, and by the accuracy and timeliness of the information he receives from the Roman Curia via the nuncios and apostolic delegates who represent the Holy See and the pope around the world. Papal governance can also be undermined by inept subordinates.

… the fact remains that the overwhelming responsibility for turning the scandal of clerical sexual abuse into a full-blown Church-wide crisis lays at the feet of irresponsible local bishops and unfortunately of bishops who bought the conventional wisdom about therapeutic “cures” for sexual predators. That underscores the imperative of getting episcopal appointments right and of removing bishops whose failure destroy their capacity to govern.
George H. Kubeck

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