Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day: 'Flag or My Father'

Memorial Day: ‘Flag of My Father’
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, May 31, 2010

The above is the title of the keynote speaker, Pastor Michael Coppersmith. He spoke at the Memorial Day Program at Forest Lawn in Cypress, Calif. 10 A.M – 11:30 A.M. today. Some excerpts from his patriotic talk:

“In 1940 my father joined the Navy. The Navy would take him through three wars. The flag that I am holding is from the ship, U.S. Wasp my father was on. It is my most precious possession. In recalling my father’s service to his country, I want to share with you Four Life Lessons that I received from my father.

“Operation in the Atlantic: of Bermuda: 8 months: then through the Panama Canal Sept. 1942: off Guadalcanal – sunk by a Japanese submarine: 3 of 6 torpedoes hit: lost his best friend that day: swimming without a life jacket for hours: rescued in the evening: He said, ‘I just did what I was supposed to do! The ones who went down are the heroes’: We hold high this flag of willing sacrifice. The commitment of us the American people: J.F.Kennedy excerpt, “… in order to assure the survival of liberty.”


“There was a news article in Allentown, Pa. on the sinking of the U.S. Wasp. My father said, ‘I am ready to go back as soon as we get a ship to the Pacific and other battles.’ He was on the U.S. Princeton. There was one violent explosion on Oct. 24, 1943. In one instant 649 sailors were killed. That generation held the flag. We are in a long twilight zone struggle with the forces of terrorism. We best honor those we remember today. We will endure the struggle in this threat to freedom. If we as the American people are able to endure.


“In 1950, the army of North Korea overwhelmed South Korea. My father was on the U.S. Philippine Sea bound for Korea. Then unto U.S. McGinty, a destroyer – across the Pacific – It was time of my birth. In my mother’s Bible there was a note from my grandmother and a picture: “This is Our Beloved Savior – look closely and see Him … Have faith and put this in your drawer, Dec. 22nd, 1951, 3:30 A.M.: E. Pluribus Unum – Out of many – one: We are meant to be one nation under God, and not a secular nation. Have a firm reliance on Divine Providence … our fortune and our sacred honor…


“Make us to choose the harder right and not the easier wrong. We chose this day and chose the harder right. U.S. Iwo… Father was in three wars: World War II, Korean War and Vietnamese War: There was a Fourth War: the Cold War: Thank God – those who served in that war and their families. Some notes of my father and mother writing to each other. My mother to my father” ‘We will be so lonely without you. Happy for the two weeks …. Bless, Our Love, Elvi and the kiddies.’ Across America and around the world families possess similar letters. They are American heroes. They speak for all of us. May these 4 flags always wave for our country?” George H. Kubeck -Pastor Michael has the whole talk.

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