Saturday, May 29, 2010

American Voices

In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, May 29, 2010

A-Beverley LaHaye, Founder and Chairman, Concerned Women Political Action Committee –
Phone – 202-478-5234 – -

I am about to overwhelm you with lots of information and the many new candidates that Concerned Women Political Action Committee (CWFAC) has endorsed. This is a very exciting time!

As a result of President Obama’s liberal agenda, over 100 Congressional seats are considered “competitive” by non-partisan pundits and pollsters who track such things. Republican leaders need 40 seats to gain the majority back from Democrats. Right now as we see it:

•20 seats across the country are either too close to call or already trending towards a Republican (not necessarily a pro-life, pro-family, limited government conservative).

•19 seats are open where the liberal incumbent retired, and the race is too close to call or the race already trending toward a Republican.

•11 seats are affected where the incumbent was part of Congressman Bart Stupak’s betrayal over stopping funding of abortion. These seats are being targeted by every pro-life group in the country, which has caused Congressman Stupak to retire and one incumbent, Allan Mollohan (D-West Virginia-01), to already lose his primary to another pro-life Democrat.

•25 seats are leaning toward the Democrat incumbent (in a few of these races where polls are available, we are finding the Republican challenger ahead of the incumbent).

•That’s over 100 seats!

B – Sarah Palin –

I am inspired by the American patriots across our nations who want to bring Congress back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers. The White House and Congress need to hear that Americans don’t want cradle-to-grave government control of our lives. We don’t want government bureaucrats deciding what kind of light bulbs we should use, what kind of cars we should drive, and which doctors can and can’t care for us and our families.

Liberal politicians should not be trying to rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Our Constitution is a centuries-old gift from our steadfast Founding Fathers. We cannot sell our sovereignty, surrender our God-given rights, or falter in the War on Terror.

Republicans recently took victory away from liberals in three states and sent a message to Congress and the White House that Americans are fed up with politicians trying to impose more big-government policies on our nation. What Americans want is a return to the values of our Founding Fathers fought and died for. Government should get out of our way so we can raise our families, run our businesses, and keep more of our hard-earned money…

George H. Kubeck – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez fights the above & is also the Culture of Death Candidate.

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