“CINOP Jerry Brown signed Teacher Unionism Law”
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 28, 2011
On Labor Day, September 6, 1976, I have sent the following letter to Governor Brown. One of the most destructive pieces of legislation encouraged and signed by you in 1975 was S.B. 160. This is the teacher collective bargaining bill dubbed the Rodda Act.
This law is an assault on academic freedom, professional teacher integrity and quality education. Your signed law replaced the respected Winton Act on July 1, 1976. This same day the Los Angeles Grand Jury recommended the repeal of S.B. 160.
The Rodda Act continues to be challenged in the courts on twenty-one constitutional violations. Your signature legalized at least four divisive and ruinous principles in public education: 1.) coercion 2.) Adversary relationship 3.) Exclusivity 4.) Agency fees.
In addition your special interest union bill furthers the politicization of the teaching profession and union boss control of education.
Why don’t you read one of the proposed union teacher contracts with the school districts?
Eighty years ago Samuel Gompers, the founder of the American Federation of Labor said, “I want to urge devotion to the fundamentals of human liberty – the principles of voluntarism. No lasting gain has ever come from compulsion.” About two hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote, “That to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhor is sinful and tyrannical.”
Common sense and principle seem to be lacking in your decision. The best interests of the people of California have been injured by your political ambitions in this decision. I urge you go repeal S.B. 160. I don’t want to become a molded and programmed union organization first educator. I will fight to remain a free and independent-minded professional teacher.
The principles of industrial-type collective bargaining were never intended or applicable for teacher in education.
The principles of freedom and cooperation, not collectivism and coercion, are our heritage and legacy for future generations. Instead you and others have played politics with the education of children. This is criminal.
Nothing less than your recall as Governor and the defeat of the S.B. 160 legislators is a duty and my goal as a California citizen.
Sincerely yours, George H. Kubeck, Elementary School Teacher, Westminster, California.
P.S. What is tragic is that the above information was never reported to the public by the mainstream media.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Wisdom of Venerable Pope John Paul II
The Wisdom of Venerable Pope John Paul II
Conformable to the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 27, 2011
“Democracy without Values”
“The risk of an alliance between democracy and ethical relativism, which would remove any sure moral reference point from political and social life and, on a deeper level, make acknowledgement of truth impossible … if there is no ultimate truth to guide and direct political activity, then ideas and convictions can easily be manipulated for reasons of power. As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism.” (Veritatis splendor, 101) … [That’s what is happening in America today!]
“Every attempt at building a social order from these fundamental values … in the words of the great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “something so hideous, so blind and inhuman, that the entire structure will come crashing down under the sheer weight of man’s curses.”
“ The current situation in the world with its ‘lights and shadows’ should us all fully aware that we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the ‘culture of death and the ‘culture of life.” (Evangelium Vitae, 28) [This is the Gospel of Life.]
“Jesus Christ has revealed to us the infinite glory and value of each and every human person. Every person without exception, has an inalienable right to freedom of conscience and to life from the moment of conception to natural death … In the interests of all of humanity, unbelievers included, our society should be striving to do their utmost to base their legal order on the Christian syst. of values.
“If history has taught us a lesson, it is that the rejection of Christ leads invariably to the rise of criminal totalitarian regimes, genocide, the decline of culture and freedom, and the moral unraveling of whole societies … [That’s what’s happening in America today!]
“…all people of good will when making extraordinarily important decisions such as those we make during every democratic election. In this connection, the upcoming US presidential elections present a crucial challenge to all voters of good will.
“Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt 4:1-11) As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that the power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit… the evil practice and laws which are hostile to life…” (Evangelium vitae, 100) [Lent begins next Wednesday.]
George H. Kubeck, *Kazinierz Jackow, “Love one Another,” Catholic Magazine – 2/2004 p. 3
P.S. THE BEATIFICATION OF JOHN PAUL II – Join EWTN on Sunday, May 1st (3 Hours) EWTN news anchor Raymond Arroyo hosts special live coverage of this historic event. This the first time in more than 10 centuries that a Pope has presided over a beatification – the last step before sainthood – of his immediate predecessor.
Conformable to the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 27, 2011
“Democracy without Values”
“The risk of an alliance between democracy and ethical relativism, which would remove any sure moral reference point from political and social life and, on a deeper level, make acknowledgement of truth impossible … if there is no ultimate truth to guide and direct political activity, then ideas and convictions can easily be manipulated for reasons of power. As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism.” (Veritatis splendor, 101) … [That’s what is happening in America today!]
“Every attempt at building a social order from these fundamental values … in the words of the great Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “something so hideous, so blind and inhuman, that the entire structure will come crashing down under the sheer weight of man’s curses.”
“ The current situation in the world with its ‘lights and shadows’ should us all fully aware that we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the ‘culture of death and the ‘culture of life.” (Evangelium Vitae, 28) [This is the Gospel of Life.]
“Jesus Christ has revealed to us the infinite glory and value of each and every human person. Every person without exception, has an inalienable right to freedom of conscience and to life from the moment of conception to natural death … In the interests of all of humanity, unbelievers included, our society should be striving to do their utmost to base their legal order on the Christian syst. of values.
“If history has taught us a lesson, it is that the rejection of Christ leads invariably to the rise of criminal totalitarian regimes, genocide, the decline of culture and freedom, and the moral unraveling of whole societies … [That’s what’s happening in America today!]
“…all people of good will when making extraordinarily important decisions such as those we make during every democratic election. In this connection, the upcoming US presidential elections present a crucial challenge to all voters of good will.
“Jesus himself has shown us by his own example that prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil (cf. Mt 4:1-11) As he taught his disciples, some demons cannot be driven out except in this way (cf. Mk 9:29). Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that the power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit… the evil practice and laws which are hostile to life…” (Evangelium vitae, 100) [Lent begins next Wednesday.]
George H. Kubeck, *Kazinierz Jackow, “Love one Another,” Catholic Magazine – 2/2004 p. 3
P.S. THE BEATIFICATION OF JOHN PAUL II – Join EWTN on Sunday, May 1st (3 Hours) EWTN news anchor Raymond Arroyo hosts special live coverage of this historic event. This the first time in more than 10 centuries that a Pope has presided over a beatification – the last step before sainthood – of his immediate predecessor.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What Our Founding Fathers & Obama Believe?
What our Founding Fathers & Obama Believe?
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 24, 2011
George Washington:
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty Go, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor.” October 3, 1789 – Proclaiming a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving - Ref. Trad. Values Coalition P.O. 97088, Washington, D.C.2009-7088
John Adams: 1756 – America’s Second President
“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only Law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited… What a paradise would this region be?”
Thomas Jefferson: - America’s Third President
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God? That they may not be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
Alexander Hamilton: Last dying words, July 12, 1804
“I have a tender reliance on the mercy of the Almighty; through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. I look to him for mercy; pray for me.”
Patrick Henry: in his Last Will and Testament November 20, 1798
“This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed.”
Daniel Webster: 1821
“If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”
What President Obama Believes?
The President says he is a Christian. At the same time he announces to the world that we are not a Christian nation. If this is true then we must return to our Founding Principles which are Christian in order to survive as a strong nation. Does he believe in the existence of God?
Also notice the message to the Muslims is a challenge for them to evangelize us. However, marriage for them involves having up to four wives. In our country marriage between a man and a woman is one of the foundations and pillars in our nation. With legalized s-s-marriage, we would not be America.
DOMA the defense of marriage between a man and a woman is the law of the land. Whether this law is unfair and unnecessary should be decided by the Supreme Court? For President Obama to have the arrogance and audacity to decide on his own that the Gay marriage ban is indefensible; that is in your face America. Almost everything coming out of the mouth of this man is questionable?
Please Email or telephone your congressman today! Tell them that you expect them to fully support “Congressional Action” to intervene in the DOMA litigation to protect marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act. Also Church leaders need to speak out!
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 24, 2011
George Washington:
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty Go, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor.” October 3, 1789 – Proclaiming a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving - Ref. Trad. Values Coalition P.O. 97088, Washington, D.C.2009-7088
John Adams: 1756 – America’s Second President
“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only Law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited… What a paradise would this region be?”
Thomas Jefferson: - America’s Third President
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God? That they may not be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
Alexander Hamilton: Last dying words, July 12, 1804
“I have a tender reliance on the mercy of the Almighty; through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. I look to him for mercy; pray for me.”
Patrick Henry: in his Last Will and Testament November 20, 1798
“This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed.”
Daniel Webster: 1821
“If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”
What President Obama Believes?
The President says he is a Christian. At the same time he announces to the world that we are not a Christian nation. If this is true then we must return to our Founding Principles which are Christian in order to survive as a strong nation. Does he believe in the existence of God?
Also notice the message to the Muslims is a challenge for them to evangelize us. However, marriage for them involves having up to four wives. In our country marriage between a man and a woman is one of the foundations and pillars in our nation. With legalized s-s-marriage, we would not be America.
DOMA the defense of marriage between a man and a woman is the law of the land. Whether this law is unfair and unnecessary should be decided by the Supreme Court? For President Obama to have the arrogance and audacity to decide on his own that the Gay marriage ban is indefensible; that is in your face America. Almost everything coming out of the mouth of this man is questionable?
Please Email or telephone your congressman today! Tell them that you expect them to fully support “Congressional Action” to intervene in the DOMA litigation to protect marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act. Also Church leaders need to speak out!
George H. Kubeck
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin - 3
Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin – 3
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
What do Professional School Teachers Believe?
The National Association of Professional Educators met at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California on Aug. 12-15, 1975. The convention’s theme was “Our Heritage – Man: The Choicemaker.”
N.A.P.E. reaffirmed the following basic principles:
•Students have a right to education uninterrupted by strikes, lockouts, or stoppages of any kind.
•The community must retain control of its schools.
•No educator must be compelled to support any organization as a condition of employment.
N.A.P.E. resolved to favor legislation by the National Congress and by the several State Legislatures which will:
1.) Put the interests of students first; since we believe that all action in education and by educators must be for the greatest good of the students. Also preserve and promote the cherished historic concept of neighborhood school districting.
2.) Re-establish character education, and strengthen self-discipline in schools and students. Also allow school boards to set policy; allow administrators to implement policy; allow educators to teach; allow students to learn.
3.) Permit greater parental and professional participation in textbook selection, and in curriculum structure and development. Also allow parents a wider choice of alternatives in educational methodology; e.g. the fundamental school, open classroom, lofting, total self-contained classroom.
4.) Promote and enhance a collegial, rather than an adversary relationship of teachers with school boards, administrators and parents.
N.A.P.E. resolved to actively and openly oppose any legislation which will: Force unionization/exclusivity/agency shop, etc. for public educators: Commit the public sector to binding arbitration appointed by a “third party” who is not directly responsible to the electorate: The above were some of the main topics discussed during the convention: George H. Kubeck, member of Westminster Professional Educators Group, September 14, 1975.
P.S. There are millions of professional teachers in America. Outside of the Right to Work states, these teachers are locked into collective bargaining laws like S.B. 160 in California. Collective bargaining laws were never intended for public employees.
There is no freedom of expression for non-union oriented teachers. The Superintendents and School Boards have betrayed the independent-minded teachers for too long a time. The minority needs to be represented and payroll deductions for their members. In California, the independent-minded teacher has to pay out a $1000 yearly to the unions to teach in the public schools. That is wrong. His money is going to the politics of false agendas, like abortion and campaign monies to defeat Proposition 8.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011
What do Professional School Teachers Believe?
The National Association of Professional Educators met at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California on Aug. 12-15, 1975. The convention’s theme was “Our Heritage – Man: The Choicemaker.”
N.A.P.E. reaffirmed the following basic principles:
•Students have a right to education uninterrupted by strikes, lockouts, or stoppages of any kind.
•The community must retain control of its schools.
•No educator must be compelled to support any organization as a condition of employment.
N.A.P.E. resolved to favor legislation by the National Congress and by the several State Legislatures which will:
1.) Put the interests of students first; since we believe that all action in education and by educators must be for the greatest good of the students. Also preserve and promote the cherished historic concept of neighborhood school districting.
2.) Re-establish character education, and strengthen self-discipline in schools and students. Also allow school boards to set policy; allow administrators to implement policy; allow educators to teach; allow students to learn.
3.) Permit greater parental and professional participation in textbook selection, and in curriculum structure and development. Also allow parents a wider choice of alternatives in educational methodology; e.g. the fundamental school, open classroom, lofting, total self-contained classroom.
4.) Promote and enhance a collegial, rather than an adversary relationship of teachers with school boards, administrators and parents.
N.A.P.E. resolved to actively and openly oppose any legislation which will: Force unionization/exclusivity/agency shop, etc. for public educators: Commit the public sector to binding arbitration appointed by a “third party” who is not directly responsible to the electorate: The above were some of the main topics discussed during the convention: George H. Kubeck, member of Westminster Professional Educators Group, September 14, 1975.
P.S. There are millions of professional teachers in America. Outside of the Right to Work states, these teachers are locked into collective bargaining laws like S.B. 160 in California. Collective bargaining laws were never intended for public employees.
There is no freedom of expression for non-union oriented teachers. The Superintendents and School Boards have betrayed the independent-minded teachers for too long a time. The minority needs to be represented and payroll deductions for their members. In California, the independent-minded teacher has to pay out a $1000 yearly to the unions to teach in the public schools. That is wrong. His money is going to the politics of false agendas, like abortion and campaign monies to defeat Proposition 8.
Monday, February 21, 2011
#2 Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin
# 2 Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 21, 2011
This is the second in a series of past letters on unions in public education. Here is one dated Sept. 15, 1986 – President and Fellow School Board Members:
“The bottom line is the integrity of the teaching profession and the survival of the public school system. If you don’t do anything about it who will? What am I talking about? It is Senate Bill 160, the teacher collective bargaining law of 1976.
“Reasonable men and women can come to some kind of agreement when they evaluate a law that has been in existence for ten years. The law of 1976 has legalized within the public school system, I repeat legalized 1.) adversary relationship, 2.) exclusivity, 3.) agency fees, 4.) coercion indirect and direct to join the exclusive teacher organization. By legalizing these four negative principles, the law is changing the nature of the teaching profession and politicizing it.
“From 1964 to 1969, I was a voluntary member of the NEA and CTA. For over a hundred years these two professional teacher organizations fought these four negative principles, and then they changed to become a union. I did not renew my membership because I was not going to accept adversary relationship, exclusivity, agency fees, and coercion as part of my teaching profession.
“Is it possible that industrial type unionism was never intended for public employees, least of all teachers? “THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT UNIONISM IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IS NOT A SACRED COW AND NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED AND DISCUSSED OPENLY.
“Possibly if we legalized the principles of cooperation and freedom for teachers to choose the organization of their choice and have proportional representation with payroll deductions of dues, we will add a breadth of fresh air to the negotiating table between teachers and management. The principle of adversary relationship does not enhance the teaching profession and the public school system. “I hate a raw deal. I’ve spend hundreds of hours away from my family needs fighting S.B. 160, and I’ll spend hundreds of hours in the future working to change and repeal this unfair and bad law.
“The schools belong to the public. Teachers are public employees first and foremost. They ought not to be forced by the school board to join and pay an organization that they do not believe in.
George H. Kubeck
P.S. Teachers represent the parents. What is best for the education of children is the top priority? I hope the Tea Party Movement will become involved. S.B. 160 Rodda Act is similar to the one in Wisconsin. Feb. 21, 2011
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Monday, February 21, 2011
This is the second in a series of past letters on unions in public education. Here is one dated Sept. 15, 1986 – President and Fellow School Board Members:
“The bottom line is the integrity of the teaching profession and the survival of the public school system. If you don’t do anything about it who will? What am I talking about? It is Senate Bill 160, the teacher collective bargaining law of 1976.
“Reasonable men and women can come to some kind of agreement when they evaluate a law that has been in existence for ten years. The law of 1976 has legalized within the public school system, I repeat legalized 1.) adversary relationship, 2.) exclusivity, 3.) agency fees, 4.) coercion indirect and direct to join the exclusive teacher organization. By legalizing these four negative principles, the law is changing the nature of the teaching profession and politicizing it.
“From 1964 to 1969, I was a voluntary member of the NEA and CTA. For over a hundred years these two professional teacher organizations fought these four negative principles, and then they changed to become a union. I did not renew my membership because I was not going to accept adversary relationship, exclusivity, agency fees, and coercion as part of my teaching profession.
“Is it possible that industrial type unionism was never intended for public employees, least of all teachers? “THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT UNIONISM IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IS NOT A SACRED COW AND NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED AND DISCUSSED OPENLY.
“Possibly if we legalized the principles of cooperation and freedom for teachers to choose the organization of their choice and have proportional representation with payroll deductions of dues, we will add a breadth of fresh air to the negotiating table between teachers and management. The principle of adversary relationship does not enhance the teaching profession and the public school system. “I hate a raw deal. I’ve spend hundreds of hours away from my family needs fighting S.B. 160, and I’ll spend hundreds of hours in the future working to change and repeal this unfair and bad law.
“The schools belong to the public. Teachers are public employees first and foremost. They ought not to be forced by the school board to join and pay an organization that they do not believe in.
George H. Kubeck
P.S. Teachers represent the parents. What is best for the education of children is the top priority? I hope the Tea Party Movement will become involved. S.B. 160 Rodda Act is similar to the one in Wisconsin. Feb. 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan*
Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan*
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 20, 2011
“Presidential greatness is often defined by the magnitude and depth of events that challenged a president during his reign of office. The first of any organization, let alone a new nation, deserves a special place for all the challenges that creating something new entails. Historians have written volumes, attempting to categorize the degree of difficulties that a nation’s first president endured. It is an indisputable fact that had it not been for Washington, America might never have survived its infancy.
“Washington was the dominant military and political leader of his time. He led the colonists to victory over Great Britain in America’s Revolutionary War. When the founding fathers first met in Philadelphia to address the struggling colonies’ needs, there was a great diversity of opinions, embedded in geography, economics, religion and politics. For five long months George Washington not only held his colleagues together, but also kept them focused until the Constitution was written and approved.
“Therefore it is no exaggeration to call Washington the father of his country. It came as no surprise that he was the natural choice to serve as the country’s first president in 1789. As the nation’s only unanimous choice to serve as President of the United States, Washington developed the forms and rituals of government that have been usually used ever since, such as using a cabinet system and delivering an inaugural address…
Abraham Lincoln:
“Lincoln was truly destined to be a man for the ages and the country’s divided house gave him the opportunity to test his mettle against the consuming flames of rebellion and disunity. Both slavery and its derivative civil war defined Lincoln’s presidency, As early as the 1850s, at a time when most political rhetoric focused on the sanctity of the Constitution, Lincoln redirected the people attention to the Declaration of Independence, which he believed provided the brick and mortar for the foundation of American political values. The Declaration’s emphasis on freedom and equality for all … His Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 led to the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, eventually making the Declaration more of a reality.
Lincoln believed in a strong central government that became even more necessary with the outbreak of war in 1861…Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is one of the most often quoted speeches in history. It was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863…
Ronald Reagan:
“Many historians agree that Reagan practiced a conservatism that melded ideology with the constraints of politics… His fluent and optimistic tones quickly earned him the appellation as the Great Communicator. .. Reagan’s economic policies were founded on the twin pillars of supply-side economics and a classic laissez-faire philosophy… One of Reagan’s greatest accomplishments was his role in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War...
“On March 30, 1981, Reagan almost died at the hands of a crazed assassin, John Hinckley. He was certain God had spared his life for a larger purpose. His thoughts were reaffirmed in June when the Reagans dined with Mother Teresa, who told him, that she and her sisters had stayed up for two straight nights praying for you after you were shot. She believed that he had suffered the passion of the cross and had received grace…
George H. Kubeck, *Mindszenty Report, Feb. 2011, Vol. LIII- No. 2 – W.A. Borst, Ph.D. @ BBPROF@sbcglobal.com
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 20, 2011
“Presidential greatness is often defined by the magnitude and depth of events that challenged a president during his reign of office. The first of any organization, let alone a new nation, deserves a special place for all the challenges that creating something new entails. Historians have written volumes, attempting to categorize the degree of difficulties that a nation’s first president endured. It is an indisputable fact that had it not been for Washington, America might never have survived its infancy.
“Washington was the dominant military and political leader of his time. He led the colonists to victory over Great Britain in America’s Revolutionary War. When the founding fathers first met in Philadelphia to address the struggling colonies’ needs, there was a great diversity of opinions, embedded in geography, economics, religion and politics. For five long months George Washington not only held his colleagues together, but also kept them focused until the Constitution was written and approved.
“Therefore it is no exaggeration to call Washington the father of his country. It came as no surprise that he was the natural choice to serve as the country’s first president in 1789. As the nation’s only unanimous choice to serve as President of the United States, Washington developed the forms and rituals of government that have been usually used ever since, such as using a cabinet system and delivering an inaugural address…
Abraham Lincoln:
“Lincoln was truly destined to be a man for the ages and the country’s divided house gave him the opportunity to test his mettle against the consuming flames of rebellion and disunity. Both slavery and its derivative civil war defined Lincoln’s presidency, As early as the 1850s, at a time when most political rhetoric focused on the sanctity of the Constitution, Lincoln redirected the people attention to the Declaration of Independence, which he believed provided the brick and mortar for the foundation of American political values. The Declaration’s emphasis on freedom and equality for all … His Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 led to the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, eventually making the Declaration more of a reality.
Lincoln believed in a strong central government that became even more necessary with the outbreak of war in 1861…Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is one of the most often quoted speeches in history. It was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863…
Ronald Reagan:
“Many historians agree that Reagan practiced a conservatism that melded ideology with the constraints of politics… His fluent and optimistic tones quickly earned him the appellation as the Great Communicator. .. Reagan’s economic policies were founded on the twin pillars of supply-side economics and a classic laissez-faire philosophy… One of Reagan’s greatest accomplishments was his role in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War...
“On March 30, 1981, Reagan almost died at the hands of a crazed assassin, John Hinckley. He was certain God had spared his life for a larger purpose. His thoughts were reaffirmed in June when the Reagans dined with Mother Teresa, who told him, that she and her sisters had stayed up for two straight nights praying for you after you were shot. She believed that he had suffered the passion of the cross and had received grace…
George H. Kubeck, *Mindszenty Report, Feb. 2011, Vol. LIII- No. 2 – W.A. Borst, Ph.D. @ BBPROF@sbcglobal.com
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin # 1
Teacher Union Bosses vs. the People of Wisconsin # 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, February 19, 2011
This is the first in a series of letters on unions in public education. There is a tragic difference between a union teacher and a professional teacher. The first forces you to join his union; the other does not force you to join his professional teacher organization. I have fought unionism in public education for more than forty years. May I share with you some past letters which may help you understand what is going on in the state of Wisconsin?
To - Westminster School District, Superintendent, and School Board Members: Understanding Unionism in Public Education Memorial Day, 1999
Industrial unionism was never intended for public employees, least of all school teachers. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt would turn over in his grave. I can understand that voluntary unionism is an American as apple pie. Forced unionism is not. Enter the Rodda Act of 1976. This collective bargaining law for union teachers was approved by the California legislature, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, previously vetoed by Gov. Reagan.
What has this law done to public education and the professional non-union school teacher? You decide! The word SCREAAM is a misspelled word. But the initials stand for what the Rodda Act has done to the noble teaching profession and public education in California. Imagine any profession working in an office and having the following legalized albatross around your neck. We can sweet talk and pretend that it is not so. But it is.
What the Rodda Act does is a form of control –muzzling, cloning and politicizing the profession. All this is done for the welfare of the teacher. Where is the student? Strikes are indirectly legalized or threatened. Coercion to join is done directly or indirectly. Rights violation of the individual is obvious. Exclusivity may have some merit. Adversary relationship is legalized and stupid in any teaching environment. Agency Fees is a form of extortion. This one particularly angers me.
You pay for your political and social agenda and I will pay for mine. But don’t force me as condition of my employment to pay for yours. Collective bargaining costs are really less than one-third of the monthly union dues. When I retired in 1986, we did not have agency fees in Westminster. Also, my yearly pay raises were higher under the Winton Act than after unionism in 1976.
Monopoly bargaining and representation may sound good, but not among independent-minded teachers. Fifty-one per cent represent the other 49% whether they like it or not and no payroll deduction of dues for the minority who believe otherwise for their members. Also your are forced to join all three of the organizations, N.E.A., C.T.A. and W.T.A. or local.
For over a hundred years, the N.E.A. and C.T.A. fought the above principles in education. I was a voluntary member of the N.E.A., C.T.A. and W.T.A. (1963-1968). Then they changed their philosophy in the 1960’s. They feared the completion of the American Federation of Teachers which has always been union. Teacher power and a professional union agitator Saul Alinsky came into the scene. Have the above principles enhanced the teaching profession or public education? How would your business operate with these principles?
By any measurement, unionism has been a disaster for public education. I believe that a non-partisan commission studying this matter would arrive at the same conclusion. The children’s education has been short-changed. There must be a set of principles other than unionism that will ennoble the profession & public educ.
George H. Kubeck Mailed the above letter to about 20 newspapers. Published in the L.B. Press Telegram, 6/6/99
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, February 19, 2011
This is the first in a series of letters on unions in public education. There is a tragic difference between a union teacher and a professional teacher. The first forces you to join his union; the other does not force you to join his professional teacher organization. I have fought unionism in public education for more than forty years. May I share with you some past letters which may help you understand what is going on in the state of Wisconsin?
To - Westminster School District, Superintendent, and School Board Members: Understanding Unionism in Public Education Memorial Day, 1999
Industrial unionism was never intended for public employees, least of all school teachers. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt would turn over in his grave. I can understand that voluntary unionism is an American as apple pie. Forced unionism is not. Enter the Rodda Act of 1976. This collective bargaining law for union teachers was approved by the California legislature, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, previously vetoed by Gov. Reagan.
What has this law done to public education and the professional non-union school teacher? You decide! The word SCREAAM is a misspelled word. But the initials stand for what the Rodda Act has done to the noble teaching profession and public education in California. Imagine any profession working in an office and having the following legalized albatross around your neck. We can sweet talk and pretend that it is not so. But it is.
What the Rodda Act does is a form of control –muzzling, cloning and politicizing the profession. All this is done for the welfare of the teacher. Where is the student? Strikes are indirectly legalized or threatened. Coercion to join is done directly or indirectly. Rights violation of the individual is obvious. Exclusivity may have some merit. Adversary relationship is legalized and stupid in any teaching environment. Agency Fees is a form of extortion. This one particularly angers me.
You pay for your political and social agenda and I will pay for mine. But don’t force me as condition of my employment to pay for yours. Collective bargaining costs are really less than one-third of the monthly union dues. When I retired in 1986, we did not have agency fees in Westminster. Also, my yearly pay raises were higher under the Winton Act than after unionism in 1976.
Monopoly bargaining and representation may sound good, but not among independent-minded teachers. Fifty-one per cent represent the other 49% whether they like it or not and no payroll deduction of dues for the minority who believe otherwise for their members. Also your are forced to join all three of the organizations, N.E.A., C.T.A. and W.T.A. or local.
For over a hundred years, the N.E.A. and C.T.A. fought the above principles in education. I was a voluntary member of the N.E.A., C.T.A. and W.T.A. (1963-1968). Then they changed their philosophy in the 1960’s. They feared the completion of the American Federation of Teachers which has always been union. Teacher power and a professional union agitator Saul Alinsky came into the scene. Have the above principles enhanced the teaching profession or public education? How would your business operate with these principles?
By any measurement, unionism has been a disaster for public education. I believe that a non-partisan commission studying this matter would arrive at the same conclusion. The children’s education has been short-changed. There must be a set of principles other than unionism that will ennoble the profession & public educ.
George H. Kubeck Mailed the above letter to about 20 newspapers. Published in the L.B. Press Telegram, 6/6/99
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Progressivism and their Secular Religion - Part 2
Progressivism and their Secular Religion – Part 2
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 17, 2011
“What has happened since Christian Principles were removed from American Public Life starting in 1962?* That year the Supreme Court of the United States prohibited the saying of this simple non-denominational prayer in the public schools:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”
This means that prior to 1962 and for almost 200 years we were a Christian country. Then a majority of the nine members of the Supreme Court decided we are not. That’s their personal interpretation of the Constitution. The public never had a chance to vote on this matter. A large majority still want prayer in the public schools. The ACLU with their judicial activists said NO!
Then in 1963 the Supreme Court banned Bible teachings in public schools and in 1980 the Supreme Court ordered public schools to remove the Ten Commandments from student view. We have judicial idiots promoting their kind of secular religion? HERE ARE THE RESULTS OF THIS RELIGION.
1) SAT Scores:– DOWN 10% (on tests that have been made easier) – Combined Math and Verbal Scores in 1950 = 975 – In the year 2000 = 925 - Source: College Entrance Exam Board
2) Teen Suicide: - UP 450% - Suicide rates among 15-19 year-olds in the U.S. – Rates per 100,000 Score in 1950 = 4 – In the year 2000 = 14 Source: National Center for Health Statistics
3) Child Abuse: UP – 2,300% - Rates per 100,000 – Source: U.S. Health & Human Services, Score in 1950 = 4 – In the year 2000 = 48
4) Illegal Drugs: UP 6,000% % of youth who used illegal drugs – Source: Nat. Institute Drug Abuse
Score in 1950 = 5 – In the year 2000 = 75
5) Criminal Arrests of Teens – Up 150% - 14-17 year-olds Source: U.S. Dept. Bureau of the Census
Score in 1950 = 50 – In the year 2000 = 140 – Rates per 100,000
6) Divorce – UP 350% - Number of divorces and children under 18 involved in divorces per year: Score in 1950 = 300 – In the year 2000 = 1100 – In Thousands
7) Births to Unmarried Girls – Up 500% - 15-19 year-olds – Source: U.S. Commerce and Census Score in 1950 = 15 – In the year 2000 = 90 – Rates per 1,000
George H. Kubeck *Traditional Values Coalition, P.O. 97088, Washington, DC 20090-7088
P.S. Secularism is really a phony kind of religion imposed on us! What does this all mean? It means that voting for any member of the ACLU is anathema to public health and good of the country.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 17, 2011
“What has happened since Christian Principles were removed from American Public Life starting in 1962?* That year the Supreme Court of the United States prohibited the saying of this simple non-denominational prayer in the public schools:
“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”
This means that prior to 1962 and for almost 200 years we were a Christian country. Then a majority of the nine members of the Supreme Court decided we are not. That’s their personal interpretation of the Constitution. The public never had a chance to vote on this matter. A large majority still want prayer in the public schools. The ACLU with their judicial activists said NO!
Then in 1963 the Supreme Court banned Bible teachings in public schools and in 1980 the Supreme Court ordered public schools to remove the Ten Commandments from student view. We have judicial idiots promoting their kind of secular religion? HERE ARE THE RESULTS OF THIS RELIGION.
1) SAT Scores:– DOWN 10% (on tests that have been made easier) – Combined Math and Verbal Scores in 1950 = 975 – In the year 2000 = 925 - Source: College Entrance Exam Board
2) Teen Suicide: - UP 450% - Suicide rates among 15-19 year-olds in the U.S. – Rates per 100,000 Score in 1950 = 4 – In the year 2000 = 14 Source: National Center for Health Statistics
3) Child Abuse: UP – 2,300% - Rates per 100,000 – Source: U.S. Health & Human Services, Score in 1950 = 4 – In the year 2000 = 48
4) Illegal Drugs: UP 6,000% % of youth who used illegal drugs – Source: Nat. Institute Drug Abuse
Score in 1950 = 5 – In the year 2000 = 75
5) Criminal Arrests of Teens – Up 150% - 14-17 year-olds Source: U.S. Dept. Bureau of the Census
Score in 1950 = 50 – In the year 2000 = 140 – Rates per 100,000
6) Divorce – UP 350% - Number of divorces and children under 18 involved in divorces per year: Score in 1950 = 300 – In the year 2000 = 1100 – In Thousands
7) Births to Unmarried Girls – Up 500% - 15-19 year-olds – Source: U.S. Commerce and Census Score in 1950 = 15 – In the year 2000 = 90 – Rates per 1,000
George H. Kubeck *Traditional Values Coalition, P.O. 97088, Washington, DC 20090-7088
P.S. Secularism is really a phony kind of religion imposed on us! What does this all mean? It means that voting for any member of the ACLU is anathema to public health and good of the country.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The 60 Years of Progressivism & Their Secular Religion - Part 1
The 60 Years of Progressivism and their Secular Religion - Part 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why I’m not celebrating Black History?
By Colbert King in the Washington Post
Pardon me if I don’t feel like celebrating Black History Month, said Colbert King. Once again, African-Americans will spend a few weeks looking back to great men and women of the past, while “we ignore the calamity in our midst” the destruction of the black family.
In 1950, nearly 80 percent of black families had two parents. Today, only 38 percent do, and the majority of black children are growing up with struggling single mothers. The result: an ongoing epidemic of dropouts, crime, child abuse, and relentless poverty. This should be no surprise.
Children need fathers. And it’s well established that kids from broken homes are far less likely to succeed in life. The boys turn to crime and drugs and end up in jail. The girls turn to sex and wind up pregnant, perpetuating the cycle of misery.
How has society responded? By making teen pregnancy easier with “food stamps, cash assistance, medical coverage, and foster care.” Meanwhile, good-for-nothing fathers hop from one baby mama to the next without any consequences.
We can blame society or racism if we like for our messed up kids. But “an intergenerational cycle of dysfunction is unfolding before our eyes,” and only African-Americans* can stop it.
George H. Kubeck *African-Americans need to vomit out of their minds the religion of progressivism which doesn’t care or know how to strengthen and build up families in America. The family is one of the pillars of traditional America which the Progressives and the ACLU are at war with.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why I’m not celebrating Black History?
By Colbert King in the Washington Post
Pardon me if I don’t feel like celebrating Black History Month, said Colbert King. Once again, African-Americans will spend a few weeks looking back to great men and women of the past, while “we ignore the calamity in our midst” the destruction of the black family.
In 1950, nearly 80 percent of black families had two parents. Today, only 38 percent do, and the majority of black children are growing up with struggling single mothers. The result: an ongoing epidemic of dropouts, crime, child abuse, and relentless poverty. This should be no surprise.
Children need fathers. And it’s well established that kids from broken homes are far less likely to succeed in life. The boys turn to crime and drugs and end up in jail. The girls turn to sex and wind up pregnant, perpetuating the cycle of misery.
How has society responded? By making teen pregnancy easier with “food stamps, cash assistance, medical coverage, and foster care.” Meanwhile, good-for-nothing fathers hop from one baby mama to the next without any consequences.
We can blame society or racism if we like for our messed up kids. But “an intergenerational cycle of dysfunction is unfolding before our eyes,” and only African-Americans* can stop it.
George H. Kubeck *African-Americans need to vomit out of their minds the religion of progressivism which doesn’t care or know how to strengthen and build up families in America. The family is one of the pillars of traditional America which the Progressives and the ACLU are at war with.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Correction of Letter on the Gay Agenda: Letter on Neuroses*
Correction of Letter on the Gay Agenda: Letter on Neuroses*
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, Feb. 13th, 2011
Ref. “Preventing, Understanding, and Coping with the Gay Agenda, Fri. Feb. 11th, 2011: The first sentence, Homosexuality is a choice. Should be changed to “Homosexuality is NOT a choice. Homosexual ACTS are a choice. - None of them choose their orientation, but they are free to act out or not act out for the most part.”
“The principal cause of neuroses in our day is that interior and exterior loss of orientation that is the result of widespread permissiveness. As a matter of fact, it is also quite clear that a person becomes sick when he does not know who he is or how he should order his life.
“Another discovery of this medical profession is also important in this context; permissiveness and dislike of children, they tell us, are outward expression of the same inward attitude to life. Both of them give expression to a disposition that is not ready to make sacrifices for others; both of them are manifestations of a deadly narcissism, a love of self that becomes more and more confining and leaves the individual that much poorer the more he tries desperately to defend his own narrow way of life, the more he wants to have everything it has to offer, for he is no longer willing to do without anything.
“Permissiveness is not an expression of magnanimity, but of an egotism that wants to deprive the other of what is most important: oneself – the gift of a love that alone can reveal what life is.
“That is why I feel obliged to warn young people: Do not believe the prophets of permissiveness! Do not believe those who sell man day after day and make his body a piece of merchandise! Do not believe those that depict faith as a garden of prohibitions and obedience as scrupulosity!
“Do not believe those who represent indolence as freedom, lack of orientation as happiness! Man has a right to greatness. God has a right to our greatness. Do not believe those who debase man – in the end man will be naked and ashamed; he will have no choice but to hide himself and condemn this empty extreme.”
George H. Kubeck * Feb. 11th meditation from the writings of Pope Benedict XVI – Co-Workers of the Truth, 1992
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, Feb. 13th, 2011
Ref. “Preventing, Understanding, and Coping with the Gay Agenda, Fri. Feb. 11th, 2011: The first sentence, Homosexuality is a choice. Should be changed to “Homosexuality is NOT a choice. Homosexual ACTS are a choice. - None of them choose their orientation, but they are free to act out or not act out for the most part.”
“The principal cause of neuroses in our day is that interior and exterior loss of orientation that is the result of widespread permissiveness. As a matter of fact, it is also quite clear that a person becomes sick when he does not know who he is or how he should order his life.
“Another discovery of this medical profession is also important in this context; permissiveness and dislike of children, they tell us, are outward expression of the same inward attitude to life. Both of them give expression to a disposition that is not ready to make sacrifices for others; both of them are manifestations of a deadly narcissism, a love of self that becomes more and more confining and leaves the individual that much poorer the more he tries desperately to defend his own narrow way of life, the more he wants to have everything it has to offer, for he is no longer willing to do without anything.
“Permissiveness is not an expression of magnanimity, but of an egotism that wants to deprive the other of what is most important: oneself – the gift of a love that alone can reveal what life is.
“That is why I feel obliged to warn young people: Do not believe the prophets of permissiveness! Do not believe those who sell man day after day and make his body a piece of merchandise! Do not believe those that depict faith as a garden of prohibitions and obedience as scrupulosity!
“Do not believe those who represent indolence as freedom, lack of orientation as happiness! Man has a right to greatness. God has a right to our greatness. Do not believe those who debase man – in the end man will be naked and ashamed; he will have no choice but to hide himself and condemn this empty extreme.”
George H. Kubeck * Feb. 11th meditation from the writings of Pope Benedict XVI – Co-Workers of the Truth, 1992
Friday, February 11, 2011
Reventing, Understanding, Coping with the Gay Agenda
Preventing, Understanding, Coping with the Gay Agenda
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone –Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, Friday, Feb. 11, 2011
References: Readings from the Book of Genesis, 2:18-25, and the writings of Dr. James Nicolosi and Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and two others.
“Homosexuality is a choice. It is not genetic. From the Bible, science and natural law, it is not Adam and Steve. It is Adam and Eve. They are distinct, equal in destiny but complimentary.
“The problem starts from original sin. Our wills and nature have been weakened. For man there is lust. It can manifest itself for a woman that is not his wife, adultery. For man, there is also lusting after another man. From original sin there is personal sin. There is an affection of disorder. To overcome this lust of the homosexual, he needs prayer, grace and hard work. Also, others can pray for him especially with the rosary.
“Let’s study the writings of Dr. James Nicolosi. 1. The problem can begin with the boy who has not established an emotional and close relationship with his father. Hence the boy grows up with gender confusion. That is the primary cause. 2. There are a lot of boys who do not have a father. A surrogate father can be a substitute. He may have an uncle, a sport coach or a teacher. This helps fills the vacuum of the missing father.
3. The problem for the son is the father deriding him for various reasons. He compares him to the older boy who is doing exceptionally well in school work and sports. The father compares this son as being a failure or a sissy. This creates fear of the father. The boy seeks consolation with his mother or other males.
4. We have a child being sexually abused by some relative or friend in the family. This will cause serious gender confusion about his sexuality.
5. We have a most serious media problem. Our most powerful weapon is the truth. The media lies in order to promote this gay homosexual agenda. They have learned communication techniques from Adolf Hitler. Start off with a small lie and repeat it over and over again. Example is the orange is black. You repeat it a thousand times over again then all can call it black. Their agenda is that the gay life style is normal and the public will begin to believe it even if it is against natural law in order to get along and for the sake of tolerance. The nation and the individual become desensitized. Why don’t we have a truth study to explain to the nation what is involved in homosexual relationships, the health aspects and the number of persons involved?
6. Study the writings of Dr. James Dobson. Teenage boys go through an identity crisis. Who are they? They are created in the image of God. Some have a weak character. They can come under the influence of a strong practicing homosexual who can convince that they are homosexuals.
7. All of us want friends. We live in a society where there are many lonely people. Hence, he is in contact with odd groups. There is a novelty in some groups that practice bi-sexual life style relationships. Also in Massachusetts, Iowa and Vermont, same-sex marriage may be legal but it is not moral.
“Who is behind all of this? Pope John Paul II coined the culture of death agendas which are intellectually and morally bankrupt. They include not only abortion on demand, euthanasia but also same-sex marriage etc. It would not be America anymore if same-sex marriage is legalized throughout the nation.
Yesterday, I saw the film The Rite. It opened with a quotation from Pope J.P. II. The Pope believed in the existence of the Devil. It would be wise for all Americans including the CINOP to see this film.”
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone –Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, Friday, Feb. 11, 2011
References: Readings from the Book of Genesis, 2:18-25, and the writings of Dr. James Nicolosi and Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and two others.
“Homosexuality is a choice. It is not genetic. From the Bible, science and natural law, it is not Adam and Steve. It is Adam and Eve. They are distinct, equal in destiny but complimentary.
“The problem starts from original sin. Our wills and nature have been weakened. For man there is lust. It can manifest itself for a woman that is not his wife, adultery. For man, there is also lusting after another man. From original sin there is personal sin. There is an affection of disorder. To overcome this lust of the homosexual, he needs prayer, grace and hard work. Also, others can pray for him especially with the rosary.
“Let’s study the writings of Dr. James Nicolosi. 1. The problem can begin with the boy who has not established an emotional and close relationship with his father. Hence the boy grows up with gender confusion. That is the primary cause. 2. There are a lot of boys who do not have a father. A surrogate father can be a substitute. He may have an uncle, a sport coach or a teacher. This helps fills the vacuum of the missing father.
3. The problem for the son is the father deriding him for various reasons. He compares him to the older boy who is doing exceptionally well in school work and sports. The father compares this son as being a failure or a sissy. This creates fear of the father. The boy seeks consolation with his mother or other males.
4. We have a child being sexually abused by some relative or friend in the family. This will cause serious gender confusion about his sexuality.
5. We have a most serious media problem. Our most powerful weapon is the truth. The media lies in order to promote this gay homosexual agenda. They have learned communication techniques from Adolf Hitler. Start off with a small lie and repeat it over and over again. Example is the orange is black. You repeat it a thousand times over again then all can call it black. Their agenda is that the gay life style is normal and the public will begin to believe it even if it is against natural law in order to get along and for the sake of tolerance. The nation and the individual become desensitized. Why don’t we have a truth study to explain to the nation what is involved in homosexual relationships, the health aspects and the number of persons involved?
6. Study the writings of Dr. James Dobson. Teenage boys go through an identity crisis. Who are they? They are created in the image of God. Some have a weak character. They can come under the influence of a strong practicing homosexual who can convince that they are homosexuals.
7. All of us want friends. We live in a society where there are many lonely people. Hence, he is in contact with odd groups. There is a novelty in some groups that practice bi-sexual life style relationships. Also in Massachusetts, Iowa and Vermont, same-sex marriage may be legal but it is not moral.
“Who is behind all of this? Pope John Paul II coined the culture of death agendas which are intellectually and morally bankrupt. They include not only abortion on demand, euthanasia but also same-sex marriage etc. It would not be America anymore if same-sex marriage is legalized throughout the nation.
Yesterday, I saw the film The Rite. It opened with a quotation from Pope J.P. II. The Pope believed in the existence of the Devil. It would be wise for all Americans including the CINOP to see this film.”
George H. Kubeck
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Archbishop Charles Chaput's Dire Predictions - Part 2 of 2
Archbishop Charles Chaput’s Dire Predictions – Part 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Preface: Please review the first Amendment to the Constitution. We need to set up a legal case where the Supreme Court decides that marriage is between a man and woman. Also, that religious liberty and rights overrule the so-called homosexuals’ rights that have been legalized by judicial activists.
“… We cannot dispense with our history out of some superficial concern over offending our non-Christian neighbors. Notwithstanding the chatter of the “new atheists,” there is no risk that Christianity will ever be forced upon people anywhere in the West… The only “confessional states” in the world today are those ruled by Islamist or atheistic dictatorships – regimes that have rejected the Christian West’s belief in individual rights…
“I would argue that the defense of Western ideals is the only protection that we and our neighbors have against a descent into new forms of repression – whether it might be at the hands of extremist Islam or secular technocrats. But indifference to our Christian past contributes to indifference about defending our values and institutions in the present. And this brings me to the second big lie by which we live today --- the lie that there is no unchanging truth.
“Relativism is now the civil religion and public philosophy of the West. Again, the arguments made for this viewpoint can seem persuasive. Given the pluralism of the modern world… In practice, however, we see that without a belief in fixed moral principles and transcendent truths, our political institutions and language become instruments of a new barbarism. In the name of tolerance we come to tolerate the cruelest intolerance, respect for other cultures comes to dictate disparagement of our own. The teaching of “live and let live” justifies the strong living at the expense of the weak.
“This diagnosis helps us to understand one of the foundational injustices in the West today --- the crime of abortion… Let me tell you why I believe abortion is the crucial issue of our age. First, because abortion, too, is living within the truth… The defense of newborn and preborn life has been the central element of Catholic identity since the Apostolic Age. I’ll say that again. From the earliest days of the Church, to be Catholic has meant refusing in any way to participate in the crime of abortion…
“My point in mentioning abortion is this: Its widespread acceptance in the West shows us that without a grounding in God or higher truth, our democratic institutions can easily become weapons against our own dignity… There is no inherently logical or utilitarian reason why society should respect the rights of the human person. There is even less reason for recognizing the rights of those whose lives impose burdens on others, as in the case with the child in the womb, the terminally ill, or the physically or mentally disturbed…
“I suggested earlier that the Church’s religious liberty is under assault today in ways not seen since the Nazi and Communist eras. I believe we are now in the position to better understand why. Writing in the 1960s, Richard Weaver, an American scholar and social philosopher, said, “I am absolutely convinced that relativism must eventually lead to a regime of force.” He was right. There is a kind of “inner logic” that leads relativism to repression. This explains the paradox of how Western societies can preach tolerance and diversity while aggressively undermining Catholic life.
The dogma of tolerance cannot tolerate the Church’s belief that some ideas and behaviors should not be tolerated because they dehumanize us. The dogma that all truths are relative cannot allow the thought that some truths might not be. The Catholic beliefs that most deeply irritate the orthodoxies of the West are those concerning abortion, sexuality and the marriage of man and woman…
George Kubeck Reference to Archbishop’s article on the blog – Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011
In pursuit of the truth- www.cinopsbegone.com – Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Preface: Please review the first Amendment to the Constitution. We need to set up a legal case where the Supreme Court decides that marriage is between a man and woman. Also, that religious liberty and rights overrule the so-called homosexuals’ rights that have been legalized by judicial activists.
“… We cannot dispense with our history out of some superficial concern over offending our non-Christian neighbors. Notwithstanding the chatter of the “new atheists,” there is no risk that Christianity will ever be forced upon people anywhere in the West… The only “confessional states” in the world today are those ruled by Islamist or atheistic dictatorships – regimes that have rejected the Christian West’s belief in individual rights…
“I would argue that the defense of Western ideals is the only protection that we and our neighbors have against a descent into new forms of repression – whether it might be at the hands of extremist Islam or secular technocrats. But indifference to our Christian past contributes to indifference about defending our values and institutions in the present. And this brings me to the second big lie by which we live today --- the lie that there is no unchanging truth.
“Relativism is now the civil religion and public philosophy of the West. Again, the arguments made for this viewpoint can seem persuasive. Given the pluralism of the modern world… In practice, however, we see that without a belief in fixed moral principles and transcendent truths, our political institutions and language become instruments of a new barbarism. In the name of tolerance we come to tolerate the cruelest intolerance, respect for other cultures comes to dictate disparagement of our own. The teaching of “live and let live” justifies the strong living at the expense of the weak.
“This diagnosis helps us to understand one of the foundational injustices in the West today --- the crime of abortion… Let me tell you why I believe abortion is the crucial issue of our age. First, because abortion, too, is living within the truth… The defense of newborn and preborn life has been the central element of Catholic identity since the Apostolic Age. I’ll say that again. From the earliest days of the Church, to be Catholic has meant refusing in any way to participate in the crime of abortion…
“My point in mentioning abortion is this: Its widespread acceptance in the West shows us that without a grounding in God or higher truth, our democratic institutions can easily become weapons against our own dignity… There is no inherently logical or utilitarian reason why society should respect the rights of the human person. There is even less reason for recognizing the rights of those whose lives impose burdens on others, as in the case with the child in the womb, the terminally ill, or the physically or mentally disturbed…
“I suggested earlier that the Church’s religious liberty is under assault today in ways not seen since the Nazi and Communist eras. I believe we are now in the position to better understand why. Writing in the 1960s, Richard Weaver, an American scholar and social philosopher, said, “I am absolutely convinced that relativism must eventually lead to a regime of force.” He was right. There is a kind of “inner logic” that leads relativism to repression. This explains the paradox of how Western societies can preach tolerance and diversity while aggressively undermining Catholic life.
The dogma of tolerance cannot tolerate the Church’s belief that some ideas and behaviors should not be tolerated because they dehumanize us. The dogma that all truths are relative cannot allow the thought that some truths might not be. The Catholic beliefs that most deeply irritate the orthodoxies of the West are those concerning abortion, sexuality and the marriage of man and woman…
George Kubeck Reference to Archbishop’s article on the blog – Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
This President Inspired Trust, Patriotism, Freedom
This President Inspired Trust, Patriotism, Freedom
“100th Birthday of Ronald Reagan” – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 6, 2011
Of Faith in our Nation: “The image of George Washington kneeling in prayer in the snow is one of the most famous in American history. He personified a people who knew it was not enough to depend on their own courage and goodness, they must also seek help from God, their Father and Preserver.” 1983
“We come filled with pride and gratitude [this month] to honor George Washington, Father of our Country, knowing that because of what he did, we’re free and we’re Americans … He did more than live up to the standards of the times; he set them. George Washington and his generation of Americans met their challenge. We can, and we must, and we will meet ours.” 1981
“When I took the oath of office, I pledged loyalty to only one special interest group: “We the people”. Those people – neighbors and friends, shopkeepers and laborers, farmers and craftsmen – do not have infinite patience. The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is kindled; it burns like a consuming flame…” 1984 [All of this letter’s quotes are from Reagan Ranch 2007 Calendar – Common Sense & Patriotism.]
Federal Intrusion in Our Lives:
“Common sense told us that when you put a big tax on something, the people will produce less of it. “You can’t be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” So, we cut the people’s tax rates and the people produced more than ever before.” 1989 “We have long since discovered that nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program.” 1992
America’s Greatness:
“How can we not believe in the greatness of America? How can we not do what is right and needed to preserve this last best hope of man on earth? After all our struggles to restore America, to revive confidence in our country, hope for our future – after all our hard won victories earned through the patience and courage of every citizen- we cannot, must not and not turn back. We will finish our job. How can we do less? We’re American.” 1984
The People & the Government:
“All of us should remember that the federal government is not some mysterious institution, comprised of buildings, files and paper. The people are the government. What we create we ought to be able to control.” 1981 “I have always believed that America is strongest and freest and happiest when it is truest to the wisdom of its founders.” 1988
The Perils of Professional Public Officials:
“Too often, character assassination has replaced debate in principles in Washington, D.C. Destroy someone’s reputation and you don’t have to talk about what he stands for.” “One thing our Founding Fathers could not foresee … was a nation governed by professional politicians who had vested interest in getting elected.” 1987
Strong National Defense & Economy:
“The dustbin of history is littered with the remains of those countries which relied on diplomacy to secure their freedom. We must never forget … in the final analysis … that it is our military industrial and economic strength that offers the best guarantee of peace for America in times of danger.” 1972
George H. Kubeck - a traditional presidency brings light. Any other brings darkness.
“100th Birthday of Ronald Reagan” – www.cinopsbegone.com – Sunday, February 6, 2011
Of Faith in our Nation: “The image of George Washington kneeling in prayer in the snow is one of the most famous in American history. He personified a people who knew it was not enough to depend on their own courage and goodness, they must also seek help from God, their Father and Preserver.” 1983
“We come filled with pride and gratitude [this month] to honor George Washington, Father of our Country, knowing that because of what he did, we’re free and we’re Americans … He did more than live up to the standards of the times; he set them. George Washington and his generation of Americans met their challenge. We can, and we must, and we will meet ours.” 1981
“When I took the oath of office, I pledged loyalty to only one special interest group: “We the people”. Those people – neighbors and friends, shopkeepers and laborers, farmers and craftsmen – do not have infinite patience. The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is kindled; it burns like a consuming flame…” 1984 [All of this letter’s quotes are from Reagan Ranch 2007 Calendar – Common Sense & Patriotism.]
Federal Intrusion in Our Lives:
“Common sense told us that when you put a big tax on something, the people will produce less of it. “You can’t be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” So, we cut the people’s tax rates and the people produced more than ever before.” 1989 “We have long since discovered that nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program.” 1992
America’s Greatness:
“How can we not believe in the greatness of America? How can we not do what is right and needed to preserve this last best hope of man on earth? After all our struggles to restore America, to revive confidence in our country, hope for our future – after all our hard won victories earned through the patience and courage of every citizen- we cannot, must not and not turn back. We will finish our job. How can we do less? We’re American.” 1984
The People & the Government:
“All of us should remember that the federal government is not some mysterious institution, comprised of buildings, files and paper. The people are the government. What we create we ought to be able to control.” 1981 “I have always believed that America is strongest and freest and happiest when it is truest to the wisdom of its founders.” 1988
The Perils of Professional Public Officials:
“Too often, character assassination has replaced debate in principles in Washington, D.C. Destroy someone’s reputation and you don’t have to talk about what he stands for.” “One thing our Founding Fathers could not foresee … was a nation governed by professional politicians who had vested interest in getting elected.” 1987
Strong National Defense & Economy:
“The dustbin of history is littered with the remains of those countries which relied on diplomacy to secure their freedom. We must never forget … in the final analysis … that it is our military industrial and economic strength that offers the best guarantee of peace for America in times of danger.” 1972
George H. Kubeck - a traditional presidency brings light. Any other brings darkness.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
How We Got to Where We Are? Part 2
How We Got to Where We Are? – Part 2
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011
The writer is Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara (1986-1968). Excerpts taken from the pamphlet, The Surrender to Secularism – Cardinal Mindszenty Print: “In a communist prison the brutal principles of dialectical materialism were monotonously drilled into my ears, namely that there is not God, no soul, no after life, no virtue, that there is but one meritorious attitude of mind – complete submission to the ruling Peoples Government.
“Within the borders of the United States, in class rooms and on platforms, the same perfidious principles are being continuously being expounded before our American youth, that there is no God, no soul, no after life, no absolutes, no stable morality, that what the majority decrees and does, howsoever outrageous to our Christian morality or contradictory to the teachings of Christ, is the accepted standard of modern morals and good manners…
“Personally, I have come to see more and more clearly what the Chinese communists meant when they boasted so often that they had many friends and sympathizers [useful idiots] in the U.S…
Ideological Bedfellows: “Secularism and Communism to repeat once more are natural bedfellows. Communism looks upon the Catholic Church as its implacable enemy and seeks to destroy her. Secularism, from its inception, has been anti-religious and anti-Roman…
Pope Paul’s Mandate: “Pope Paul VI has called a crusade against modern, practical atheism… At an audience granted to the 224 Jesuit* delegates assembled in Rome for the General Chapter of their Society in the spring of 1965, His holiness made a momentous pronouncement.
“Atheism is a fearful danger threatening all mankind; atheism manifests itself variously under changing aspects, among which militant impiety is undoubtedly to be regarded the most terrible. For it does not limit itself to denying the existence of God in thought and mode of life, but it takes up arms against theism to uproot every religious sentiment and value.
“Practical atheism,” the Pope went to say, “is professed by those who place every value in pleasure, who reject all religious worship because they regard it as superstition, useless and tiresome to worship and to serve the creator and to obey His laws. They live without faith in Christ, without hope, and without God.”
“Such is the identical, naked atheism that I heard so brutally and blasphemously proclaimed when in a Communist prison; the cruel denial of God that was forced down the throats of the natives of my diocese by a Communist propaganda corps as the scientific off-shoot of the Darwinian theory…
In the United States some of the various forms unmistakenly are. 1) Atheism is the Supreme Court barring God from our national education system. 2) Atheism expresses itself in obscene literature, plays, many TV shows and much advertising 3) Atheism powers the drive in our universities … for the total elimination of all absolutes. 4) Atheistic fall-out influences the thinking and attitudes of Catholic teachers, and students, clergy, both secular and religious, and religious Sisters, attending notoriously Godless institutions of higher learning. 5) Atheism is effectively furthered by the deliberate caricature of the Catholic Church by slick Catholics and on-Catholic writers who exaggerate and hold up for snickers and ridicule the picayune foibles of priests, Sisters and laity....
George H. Kubeck *Catholics need to pray the Rosary daily that all Jesuits will step forward and follow their allegiance to the Pope, our Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011
The writer is Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara (1986-1968). Excerpts taken from the pamphlet, The Surrender to Secularism – Cardinal Mindszenty Print: “In a communist prison the brutal principles of dialectical materialism were monotonously drilled into my ears, namely that there is not God, no soul, no after life, no virtue, that there is but one meritorious attitude of mind – complete submission to the ruling Peoples Government.
“Within the borders of the United States, in class rooms and on platforms, the same perfidious principles are being continuously being expounded before our American youth, that there is no God, no soul, no after life, no absolutes, no stable morality, that what the majority decrees and does, howsoever outrageous to our Christian morality or contradictory to the teachings of Christ, is the accepted standard of modern morals and good manners…
“Personally, I have come to see more and more clearly what the Chinese communists meant when they boasted so often that they had many friends and sympathizers [useful idiots] in the U.S…
Ideological Bedfellows: “Secularism and Communism to repeat once more are natural bedfellows. Communism looks upon the Catholic Church as its implacable enemy and seeks to destroy her. Secularism, from its inception, has been anti-religious and anti-Roman…
Pope Paul’s Mandate: “Pope Paul VI has called a crusade against modern, practical atheism… At an audience granted to the 224 Jesuit* delegates assembled in Rome for the General Chapter of their Society in the spring of 1965, His holiness made a momentous pronouncement.
“Atheism is a fearful danger threatening all mankind; atheism manifests itself variously under changing aspects, among which militant impiety is undoubtedly to be regarded the most terrible. For it does not limit itself to denying the existence of God in thought and mode of life, but it takes up arms against theism to uproot every religious sentiment and value.
“Practical atheism,” the Pope went to say, “is professed by those who place every value in pleasure, who reject all religious worship because they regard it as superstition, useless and tiresome to worship and to serve the creator and to obey His laws. They live without faith in Christ, without hope, and without God.”
“Such is the identical, naked atheism that I heard so brutally and blasphemously proclaimed when in a Communist prison; the cruel denial of God that was forced down the throats of the natives of my diocese by a Communist propaganda corps as the scientific off-shoot of the Darwinian theory…
In the United States some of the various forms unmistakenly are. 1) Atheism is the Supreme Court barring God from our national education system. 2) Atheism expresses itself in obscene literature, plays, many TV shows and much advertising 3) Atheism powers the drive in our universities … for the total elimination of all absolutes. 4) Atheistic fall-out influences the thinking and attitudes of Catholic teachers, and students, clergy, both secular and religious, and religious Sisters, attending notoriously Godless institutions of higher learning. 5) Atheism is effectively furthered by the deliberate caricature of the Catholic Church by slick Catholics and on-Catholic writers who exaggerate and hold up for snickers and ridicule the picayune foibles of priests, Sisters and laity....
George H. Kubeck *Catholics need to pray the Rosary daily that all Jesuits will step forward and follow their allegiance to the Pope, our Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Friday, February 4, 2011
How We Got To Where We Are? Part I
How We Got To Where We Are? – Part 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, February 4, 2011
The writer Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara* was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1886… In 1930 Pius XI appointed him as Prefect Apostolic of Shenchow. In 1934 he was appointed Bishop of Yuanling. During the Chinese-Japanese war, Bishop O’Gara became known throughout China as the “Stretcher-Bearer Bishop” as he was often seen carrying the wounded to his Catholic Mission Hospital… He had been twice arrested and condemned to die.
First in 1941, by the Japanese and ten years later by the Communists… Then in June, 1951, the communists dragged him before the high altar of his Cathedral… He was cast into solitary confinement and subjected to every kind of vicious lie and to inconceivable psychological torture. After two years of vermin-infested beds, unhealthy prison quarters, meager rations of watered rice … In 1953, he was carried across the border in Hong Kong on a stretcher. His stretcher bearers were two Passionate priests…
“U.S. Bishops Warn Against Secularism: “About this time I came to know the Annual Statement of the American Hierarchy for 1952 in which the Bishops warn of the dangers of Secularism… Almost concurrently with the public discussion on Secularism going on in England around 1848, the American Secular Union and the Free Thought Federation, with many affiliated societies, began actively to advocate in the United States , the separation of Church and State and had adopted as a practical platform the Nine Demands of Liberalism… that all religious teachings in public schools and the use of the Bible be prohibited; that the theological oath in departments of government and the courts of the land be abolished; that the laws looking towards the enforcement of Christian morality be abrogated…
“Most interesting is it to note that the first use of the term “Secularism” about 1846 coincided roughly with the endeavors of Horace Mann – “the father of the American Public Schools” … He was convinced that Christianity – he knew only Calvinism – had nothing to contribute to the ideal society, that was to be achieved through education alone. He worked perseveringly for the establishment of public schools divorced from all religious influence.
“That Horace Mann’s extreme program for public schools made rapid and considerable progress may be gathered from Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation issued in March 1863, when he said. “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity … but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched us: we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.” It seems that these words might well be chiseled large and bold on the Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. …
“God is banned: “Communism is an evil that menaces us from without; Secularism is a deadly cancer eating at the very vitals of our national life. The corrosive influence of Secularism has already made tremendous inroads in every phase of our national existence… Basically, philosophically, Communism and Secularism are one; both are predicated on the same premise – the materialistic concept of life…
"Communism and secularism are philosophically bedfellows. The unholy union between them is cemented by their mutual and relentless antagonism to religion… Obsession with Secularism vitiates hallowed traditions & corrodes national patriotism…
George H. Kubeck *The Surrender to Secularism, 1967, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Friday, February 4, 2011
The writer Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara* was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1886… In 1930 Pius XI appointed him as Prefect Apostolic of Shenchow. In 1934 he was appointed Bishop of Yuanling. During the Chinese-Japanese war, Bishop O’Gara became known throughout China as the “Stretcher-Bearer Bishop” as he was often seen carrying the wounded to his Catholic Mission Hospital… He had been twice arrested and condemned to die.
First in 1941, by the Japanese and ten years later by the Communists… Then in June, 1951, the communists dragged him before the high altar of his Cathedral… He was cast into solitary confinement and subjected to every kind of vicious lie and to inconceivable psychological torture. After two years of vermin-infested beds, unhealthy prison quarters, meager rations of watered rice … In 1953, he was carried across the border in Hong Kong on a stretcher. His stretcher bearers were two Passionate priests…
“U.S. Bishops Warn Against Secularism: “About this time I came to know the Annual Statement of the American Hierarchy for 1952 in which the Bishops warn of the dangers of Secularism… Almost concurrently with the public discussion on Secularism going on in England around 1848, the American Secular Union and the Free Thought Federation, with many affiliated societies, began actively to advocate in the United States , the separation of Church and State and had adopted as a practical platform the Nine Demands of Liberalism… that all religious teachings in public schools and the use of the Bible be prohibited; that the theological oath in departments of government and the courts of the land be abolished; that the laws looking towards the enforcement of Christian morality be abrogated…
“Most interesting is it to note that the first use of the term “Secularism” about 1846 coincided roughly with the endeavors of Horace Mann – “the father of the American Public Schools” … He was convinced that Christianity – he knew only Calvinism – had nothing to contribute to the ideal society, that was to be achieved through education alone. He worked perseveringly for the establishment of public schools divorced from all religious influence.
“That Horace Mann’s extreme program for public schools made rapid and considerable progress may be gathered from Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation issued in March 1863, when he said. “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity … but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched us: we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.” It seems that these words might well be chiseled large and bold on the Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. …
“God is banned: “Communism is an evil that menaces us from without; Secularism is a deadly cancer eating at the very vitals of our national life. The corrosive influence of Secularism has already made tremendous inroads in every phase of our national existence… Basically, philosophically, Communism and Secularism are one; both are predicated on the same premise – the materialistic concept of life…
"Communism and secularism are philosophically bedfellows. The unholy union between them is cemented by their mutual and relentless antagonism to religion… Obsession with Secularism vitiates hallowed traditions & corrodes national patriotism…
George H. Kubeck *The Surrender to Secularism, 1967, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Salute to Officer Christian Hoffman and Governor Sarah Palin
A Salute to Officer Christian Hoffman and Governor Sarah Palin
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 3, 2011
As a member of the (ARA) Anaheim Republican Assembly, I attended their monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P.M. at Denny’s Restaurant. (Beach Blvd. & Ball Rd.) Our guest speaker in January was Special Agent and Public Information Officer, Christian Hoffman from the U.S. Department of Justice and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
His talk was fascinating and heroic from his personal experiences as an undercover agent ferreting out criminals in our neighborhood. He spoke on behalf of the thousands of other U.S. undercover agents who are doing a marvelous job in protecting law abiding citizens in our neighborhood. The undercover agents literally risk their lives daily to apprehend the criminals among gangs, drug pushers and many other illegal activities. They deserve our salute.
Sarah Palin deserves a badge of honor not only from Tea Party members but from all ordinary folks. The deliberate arrows of smears and vicious attacks by leftist elements of the news media are historically unprecedented. They hate and fear the Tea Party members and are letting out their anger on Sarah Palin. It is personal. They also hate you for voting out many of their political clones in 2010.
George H. Kubeck also, this is a Special Memorial to Bill Krebs who was active in the ARA for decades.
P.S. This is a short report on (CPFL) – Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty – Meeting on Wed. Jan. 12, 2011 at St.Isidore Hall 10961 Reagan Street, Los Alamitos, Ca. 90720 by Speaker Michael Alexander from the Pasadena Patriots. (teapac.net) He defined the national results of the 2010 election. We have a lot of people to convert. We failed in California. [We create the future in California. Never lose confidence in our future and how to build the future.]
Most agree with us. 70% to 30%. We’ve had a 100 year of socialistic experimentation with these people. Pitch them out of office. Our # 1 problem is getting out our voters. 50% of Republicans did not vote. You are the reason we elected comrade Harris as our Attorney General in California. We have no functioning Republican party. It is very moribund. # 2 - First organizes on a particular municipality. Bringing people together in the neighborhood and into each precinct:
# 3 - We have a crisis of citizenship. Look in the mirror and take personal ownership of the problem. Recruit your team, wife or husband. Nothing works better than a neighborhood tea party! We will give you all the date you need. Many national political candidates will be coming to California. Remember the solidarity flag. Watch out for the big fix in June or September. The good news will be the redistricting in California. We face an economic, constitutional and intergenerational theft crisis.
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Thursday, February 3, 2011
As a member of the (ARA) Anaheim Republican Assembly, I attended their monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P.M. at Denny’s Restaurant. (Beach Blvd. & Ball Rd.) Our guest speaker in January was Special Agent and Public Information Officer, Christian Hoffman from the U.S. Department of Justice and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
His talk was fascinating and heroic from his personal experiences as an undercover agent ferreting out criminals in our neighborhood. He spoke on behalf of the thousands of other U.S. undercover agents who are doing a marvelous job in protecting law abiding citizens in our neighborhood. The undercover agents literally risk their lives daily to apprehend the criminals among gangs, drug pushers and many other illegal activities. They deserve our salute.
Sarah Palin deserves a badge of honor not only from Tea Party members but from all ordinary folks. The deliberate arrows of smears and vicious attacks by leftist elements of the news media are historically unprecedented. They hate and fear the Tea Party members and are letting out their anger on Sarah Palin. It is personal. They also hate you for voting out many of their political clones in 2010.
George H. Kubeck also, this is a Special Memorial to Bill Krebs who was active in the ARA for decades.
P.S. This is a short report on (CPFL) – Conservative Patriots for Freedom and Liberty – Meeting on Wed. Jan. 12, 2011 at St.Isidore Hall 10961 Reagan Street, Los Alamitos, Ca. 90720 by Speaker Michael Alexander from the Pasadena Patriots. (teapac.net) He defined the national results of the 2010 election. We have a lot of people to convert. We failed in California. [We create the future in California. Never lose confidence in our future and how to build the future.]
Most agree with us. 70% to 30%. We’ve had a 100 year of socialistic experimentation with these people. Pitch them out of office. Our # 1 problem is getting out our voters. 50% of Republicans did not vote. You are the reason we elected comrade Harris as our Attorney General in California. We have no functioning Republican party. It is very moribund. # 2 - First organizes on a particular municipality. Bringing people together in the neighborhood and into each precinct:
# 3 - We have a crisis of citizenship. Look in the mirror and take personal ownership of the problem. Recruit your team, wife or husband. Nothing works better than a neighborhood tea party! We will give you all the date you need. Many national political candidates will be coming to California. Remember the solidarity flag. Watch out for the big fix in June or September. The good news will be the redistricting in California. We face an economic, constitutional and intergenerational theft crisis.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
March for Life
March for Life
In pursuit of the truth - www.cinopsbegone.com - Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011
The things I remember and noted down. Monday, Jan. 24th which was also the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales; the Patron of the Media which did not report on the life walks. Thanks to EWTN and the Knights of Columbus the March was shown on television. The young people were in the majority.
It was the 38th March for Life in Washington, D.C. Thanks to Nellie Gray (84), the President of the March for Life; there were about 400 thousand participants. Many people are making this an annual event. It was a moving experience. The many signs will tell you what it’s all about.
At the start of the March, John Morello, Knights of Columbus and Supreme Advocate said the Pledge of Allegiance: He informed that the Knights of Columbus during the Eisenhower presidency added “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. It reflects the ideas held by the Founding Fathers, natural law and objective truth. It helps us understand our history and national identity. Truth still matters. Bearing witness to the truth:
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth - www.cinopsbegone.com - Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011
The things I remember and noted down. Monday, Jan. 24th which was also the Memorial of St. Francis de Sales; the Patron of the Media which did not report on the life walks. Thanks to EWTN and the Knights of Columbus the March was shown on television. The young people were in the majority.
It was the 38th March for Life in Washington, D.C. Thanks to Nellie Gray (84), the President of the March for Life; there were about 400 thousand participants. Many people are making this an annual event. It was a moving experience. The many signs will tell you what it’s all about.
At the start of the March, John Morello, Knights of Columbus and Supreme Advocate said the Pledge of Allegiance: He informed that the Knights of Columbus during the Eisenhower presidency added “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. It reflects the ideas held by the Founding Fathers, natural law and objective truth. It helps us understand our history and national identity. Truth still matters. Bearing witness to the truth:
George H. Kubeck
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