Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The 60 Years of Progressivism & Their Secular Religion - Part 1

The 60 Years of Progressivism and their Secular Religion - Part 1
In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why I’m not celebrating Black History?
By Colbert King in the Washington Post

Pardon me if I don’t feel like celebrating Black History Month, said Colbert King. Once again, African-Americans will spend a few weeks looking back to great men and women of the past, while “we ignore the calamity in our midst” the destruction of the black family.

In 1950, nearly 80 percent of black families had two parents. Today, only 38 percent do, and the majority of black children are growing up with struggling single mothers. The result: an ongoing epidemic of dropouts, crime, child abuse, and relentless poverty. This should be no surprise.

Children need fathers. And it’s well established that kids from broken homes are far less likely to succeed in life. The boys turn to crime and drugs and end up in jail. The girls turn to sex and wind up pregnant, perpetuating the cycle of misery.

How has society responded? By making teen pregnancy easier with “food stamps, cash assistance, medical coverage, and foster care.” Meanwhile, good-for-nothing fathers hop from one baby mama to the next without any consequences.

We can blame society or racism if we like for our messed up kids. But “an intergenerational cycle of dysfunction is unfolding before our eyes,” and only African-Americans* can stop it.

George H. Kubeck *African-Americans need to vomit out of their minds the religion of progressivism which doesn’t care or know how to strengthen and build up families in America. The family is one of the pillars of traditional America which the Progressives and the ACLU are at war with.


Unknown said...

FINALLY...someone has seen the light.

Unknown said...

FINALLY someone has seen the light!