Saturday, February 5, 2011

How We Got to Where We Are? Part 2

How We Got to Where We Are? – Part 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011

The writer is Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara (1986-1968). Excerpts taken from the pamphlet, The Surrender to Secularism – Cardinal Mindszenty Print: “In a communist prison the brutal principles of dialectical materialism were monotonously drilled into my ears, namely that there is not God, no soul, no after life, no virtue, that there is but one meritorious attitude of mind – complete submission to the ruling Peoples Government.

“Within the borders of the United States, in class rooms and on platforms, the same perfidious principles are being continuously being expounded before our American youth, that there is no God, no soul, no after life, no absolutes, no stable morality, that what the majority decrees and does, howsoever outrageous to our Christian morality or contradictory to the teachings of Christ, is the accepted standard of modern morals and good manners…

“Personally, I have come to see more and more clearly what the Chinese communists meant when they boasted so often that they had many friends and sympathizers [useful idiots] in the U.S…

Ideological Bedfellows: “Secularism and Communism to repeat once more are natural bedfellows. Communism looks upon the Catholic Church as its implacable enemy and seeks to destroy her. Secularism, from its inception, has been anti-religious and anti-Roman…

Pope Paul’s Mandate: “Pope Paul VI has called a crusade against modern, practical atheism… At an audience granted to the 224 Jesuit* delegates assembled in Rome for the General Chapter of their Society in the spring of 1965, His holiness made a momentous pronouncement.

“Atheism is a fearful danger threatening all mankind; atheism manifests itself variously under changing aspects, among which militant impiety is undoubtedly to be regarded the most terrible. For it does not limit itself to denying the existence of God in thought and mode of life, but it takes up arms against theism to uproot every religious sentiment and value.

“Practical atheism,” the Pope went to say, “is professed by those who place every value in pleasure, who reject all religious worship because they regard it as superstition, useless and tiresome to worship and to serve the creator and to obey His laws. They live without faith in Christ, without hope, and without God.”

“Such is the identical, naked atheism that I heard so brutally and blasphemously proclaimed when in a Communist prison; the cruel denial of God that was forced down the throats of the natives of my diocese by a Communist propaganda corps as the scientific off-shoot of the Darwinian theory…

In the United States some of the various forms unmistakenly are. 1) Atheism is the Supreme Court barring God from our national education system. 2) Atheism expresses itself in obscene literature, plays, many TV shows and much advertising 3) Atheism powers the drive in our universities … for the total elimination of all absolutes. 4) Atheistic fall-out influences the thinking and attitudes of Catholic teachers, and students, clergy, both secular and religious, and religious Sisters, attending notoriously Godless institutions of higher learning. 5) Atheism is effectively furthered by the deliberate caricature of the Catholic Church by slick Catholics and on-Catholic writers who exaggerate and hold up for snickers and ridicule the picayune foibles of priests, Sisters and laity....

George H. Kubeck *Catholics need to pray the Rosary daily that all Jesuits will step forward and follow their allegiance to the Pope, our Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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