Friday, February 4, 2011

How We Got To Where We Are? Part I

How We Got To Where We Are? – Part 1
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, February 4, 2011

The writer Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara* was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1886… In 1930 Pius XI appointed him as Prefect Apostolic of Shenchow. In 1934 he was appointed Bishop of Yuanling. During the Chinese-Japanese war, Bishop O’Gara became known throughout China as the “Stretcher-Bearer Bishop” as he was often seen carrying the wounded to his Catholic Mission Hospital… He had been twice arrested and condemned to die.

First in 1941, by the Japanese and ten years later by the Communists… Then in June, 1951, the communists dragged him before the high altar of his Cathedral… He was cast into solitary confinement and subjected to every kind of vicious lie and to inconceivable psychological torture. After two years of vermin-infested beds, unhealthy prison quarters, meager rations of watered rice … In 1953, he was carried across the border in Hong Kong on a stretcher. His stretcher bearers were two Passionate priests…

“U.S. Bishops Warn Against Secularism: “About this time I came to know the Annual Statement of the American Hierarchy for 1952 in which the Bishops warn of the dangers of Secularism… Almost concurrently with the public discussion on Secularism going on in England around 1848, the American Secular Union and the Free Thought Federation, with many affiliated societies, began actively to advocate in the United States , the separation of Church and State and had adopted as a practical platform the Nine Demands of Liberalism… that all religious teachings in public schools and the use of the Bible be prohibited; that the theological oath in departments of government and the courts of the land be abolished; that the laws looking towards the enforcement of Christian morality be abrogated…

“Most interesting is it to note that the first use of the term “Secularism” about 1846 coincided roughly with the endeavors of Horace Mann – “the father of the American Public Schools” … He was convinced that Christianity – he knew only Calvinism – had nothing to contribute to the ideal society, that was to be achieved through education alone. He worked perseveringly for the establishment of public schools divorced from all religious influence.

“That Horace Mann’s extreme program for public schools made rapid and considerable progress may be gathered from Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation issued in March 1863, when he said. “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity … but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched us: we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.” It seems that these words might well be chiseled large and bold on the Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. …

“God is banned: “Communism is an evil that menaces us from without; Secularism is a deadly cancer eating at the very vitals of our national life. The corrosive influence of Secularism has already made tremendous inroads in every phase of our national existence… Basically, philosophically, Communism and Secularism are one; both are predicated on the same premise – the materialistic concept of life…

"Communism and secularism are philosophically bedfellows. The unholy union between them is cemented by their mutual and relentless antagonism to religion… Obsession with Secularism vitiates hallowed traditions & corrodes national patriotism…

George H. Kubeck *The Surrender to Secularism, 1967, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri

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