Monday, December 5, 2011

A Critical Analysis of Just/Faith - Part 3 of 5

A Critical Analysis of Just/Faith – Part 3 of 4 or 5
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, December 5, 2011

We continue to read from the Nov. 2011 issue titled, “Blowin’ in the Wind” – Just/Faith and the Socialist Indoctrination of the Church. Thanks to William A. Borst, Ph.D. – this is one of many outstanding monthly reports from the “Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation.”

Just Trouble: (cont’d) despite its growing popularity, Just/Faith has unleashed a legion of critics who point out that Jezreel’s program is nothing but a platform for an ultra left wing social, political, and economic agenda that is NOT consistent with traditional Catholic social teaching. The trouble with the JustFaith Ministries is that it is not about either justice or faith but about power. As Walter Rauschenbusch said in the late 19th century, religion is just a means to get, not justice but socialism, which is a demonic attempt to corral the world’s masses into a single unit that will be forced to march to its secular drummer.

JustFaith reduces Catholicism to an unofficial set of economic and political solutions to the gamut of social problems that afflict this country. It overemphasizes aspects of Catholic social teaching or takes them out of context to the point that they become easy fodder for their secular political and economic agenda.

The JustFaith syllabus contains grave doctrinal errors, regarding the ordination of women and other questions on the divinity of Christ. Its facilitators have been known to reject personal salvation and sin in favor of collective salvation and social sins, such as poverty and racism. These attitudes are detrimental to the faith and salvation of individual Catholics. No matter how great their commitment to social justice, dissenting opinions such as these can only confuse Catholics as to what their Church actually teaches.

JustFaith’s dogmatic waters are muddled even further through its public affiliations. In 2005 it announced a partnership with The Catholic Campaign for Human Development to promote and support parish and diocesan involvement in the JustFaith program. While JustFaith is purportedly dedicated to justice, it fails to publicly that it supports the injustice of abortion. Call to Action also disseminates a liberationist approach, which is not a Catholic position on social justice. It also works in the partnership with many other controversial Catholic social groups, such as Bread for the World, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, and Pax Christi.

A Cloud of Theology: Similarly, JustFaith’s reading is riven with dissenting writers, whose distortions of Scripture & Catholic teaching stress more the divisive needs to reveal class antagonisms & to restructure society along Marxist lines.

JustFaith enthusiastically recommends Selected Readings in Liberation Theology by Gustavo Gutierrez. Dennis A. Jacobsen’s Doing Justice is an introductory Theology of congregation-based community organizing based on Jacobsen’s many years of personal experience in urban ministries. He designed his book to be used by church leaders, congregations and ministerial students to help- America are poor, disadvantaged, and disenfranchised. Ironically Jacobsen’s strategies rely heavily on atheistic Saul Alinsky’s rule of disruption to weave his activist’s handbook for urban social justice.

The Cloud of Witnesses by evangelical minister Jim Wallis is the most revealing on Jezreel’s reading list. The articles and interviews were adapted from material published in Wallis’ pacifist Sojourners Magazine. Wallis also promotes the New Sanctuary Movement for illegal immigrants in America through the Faith in Public Life network of spiritual progressives, many of whom advocate abortion and homosexual marriage…

George H. Kubeck

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