Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Gospel of Life against the Culture of Death*

The Gospel of Life against the Culture of Death*
Relentless pursuit of the truth – website - cinops be gone – Feast of the Holy Innocents – 12-28-2011

From “Fr. Broom’s Blog”* – Becoming the Voice of the Unborn!!!!!! – Thursday, October 20, 2011

“The unborn child in the womb of the pregnant woman has a right to life, just as anyone of us outside the womb because life begins at the moment of conception. It is Almighty God, the origin and author of life, who has the right to give and the right to end life. Human life, indeed, is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death.

“Pope John Paul II presents a modern Ignatian two standards: the Culture of Death (Satan) and the Gospel of Life. (Jesus, Our Lord and King). Let us stand with courage under the standard of Jesus Our King and defend the unborn life. Let us be the “Voice” of the child, who in the womb cannot be heard. The following are ways to defend the child:

1.) PRAYER! We must storm heaven with our daily prayers. The Hail Mary is especially powerful…

2.) STUDY! As followers of Christ, we should be well-informed by serious study of the topic. The excellent website PRIESTSFORLIFE@org.COM is a superb website with extensive information on abortion and the Pro-life movement. Try it out!

3.) PRAYER IN FRONT OF ABORTION MILLS. Find out where the nearest abortion clinic [site, facility] is to your home and silently protest by praying the Rosary in front. Your prayers might make the difference in enlightening a confused woman to turn around and have her baby.

4.) A PRO-LIFE LICENSE PLATE. Buy a pro-life license plate, with some catchy phrase like: IT IS NOT A CHOICE, IT IS A CHILD.

5.) VOTING. Remember the non-negotiables when you cast your vote at the poll. “Non-negotiable” means these are always intrinsically wrong and immoral. These are Homosexuality, Euthanasia, Contraception, Embryonic experimentation, and ABORTION…

6.) CHASTITY TEACHING! Parents please teach your children the importance of the virtue of chastity. “Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see God.” (Mt. 5:8) Unwanted teen pregnancies, all too often culminate in abortion! …

7.) ADOPTION NOT ABORTION. In cases where a pregnant woman is overwhelmed with the pregnancy and honestly believes that is beyond her capacity to raise the child, then encourage her as a valid option the possibility of ADOPTION. Many good couples, who for painful reason could not have a child, are very serious to adopt a child.

8.) ABORTION, MERCY AND RECONCILIATION. A woman who indeed has carried out an abortion should give in to despair! Rather TRUST in God’s infinite mercy. Confession, forgiveness and reconciliation are always possible. The loving arms of the Father of the Prodigal Son are always open to embrace…forgive.

9.) ULTRA SOUND. For pregnant women who are vacillating over not having the baby, encourage them to visit and have an ULTRASOUND and see the baby… Dr. B. Nathanson was converted by seeing the baby.

10.) THE GREATEST MIRACLE! The greatest miracle is HOLY MASS! Assist at HOLY MASS, participate in HOLY MASS. Offer the chalice and the Host for the unborn baby --- in reparation and prevention. In the Mass, the priest in the “person of Christ” offers the precious Body and Blood of Jesus for the innocent body and blood of the little baby! No greater prayer in the universe can compare to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass --- the “World’s Greatest Miracle”!”…
George H. Kubeck

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