Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crush the Two-Face Double Standard Media # 1

Crush the Two-Faced Double Standard Media # 1
The relentless pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, February 25, 2012

We can do it! The evidence is overwhelming. The focus is on “Media Matters.” Yes, we are going to have an Obama Watergate. Fox News is already talking about. Between today and the Nov. 6th election it must become part of our daily political conversation. They [the Two-Faced Double Standard Media] will not report on this scandal. We must call for a congressional investigation. Donations to “Media Matters” were tax-deductible. What they are doing is corrupt and illegal. The truth will bring down the Obama presidency.

“Jeffrey Lord, a former Reagan White House political director compared Watergate to the Media Matters controversy in specific ways: The use of private investigators to investigate the private lives of opponents. The involvement of White House aides in Media Matters meetings, including Valerie Jarrett and then – White House Communication Director Anita Dunn. The money trail from the White House supporters to Media Matters.”

A retired teacher from Fountain Valley, Nicholas Wishek wrote a poignant article in the Orange County Register on Fri. Feb. 24th. “Why Obama wins re-election” – Despite failures, president has powerful elements on his side. [I have written about Dr. Tim Groseclose book on my website.] Excerpts are:

“Perception is formed in large part by the media and to a lesser extent by the education and entertainment industries. These institutions, and, again most importantly, the media are solidly behind the president. Liberals claim that liberal media bias is a myth and then rail about “Faux News” and talk radio.

“On the other side of the argument those like Dr. Tim Groseclose, a professor of American Politics at UCLA and author of the recently released, “Left Turn: How Liberals Media Bias Distorts the American Mind.” Groseclose, after nearly a decade of research, established what he calls a political quotient and slant quotient for politicians and media outlets. The lower the PQ number, the more conservative; the higher the PQ number, the more liberal. For instance, Newt Gingrich has a PQ of 11.4, Nancy Pelosi’s is 100.7. That sounds about right. More important is the media slant quotient. All media outlets except Fox News were decidedly on the liberal side of Dr. Groseclose’s equation.

“Groseclose estimates that this slant in media coverage gives liberal candidates an advantage of 8 percent to 10 percent in national elections. Tens of billions of dollars are spent on advertising every year to sway people toward one product or another because advertising works. This is the most reasonable explanation available to explain how our president can still reach a 50 percent approval rating in spite of ruinous policies and broken promises.

“Compare the media coverage of the Tea Party with that of the Occupy Movement. The Tea Party was demonized for opposing raising the debt limit last July and earlier was label [falsely] racist for alleged slurs against black congressmen that were never proven. The Occupy movement has behaved in absolutely reprehensible ways time after time, resulting in millions of dollars in damage, while their documented anti-Semitic slurs were largely ignored. The result was that in an October opinion poll, 65 percent of the respondents said the Tea Party’s influence was negative, while 23 percent said that they had a negative opinion of Occupy Movement.

“Contrast the media coverage of Herman Cain’s alleged sexual misdeeds with those of President Clinton… The media in the 1990s showed no equal interest in Clinton’s alleged affairs and allegations of actual rape. Cain quit the presidential race and Clinton has become a Democratic icon… “

George H. Kubeck – Stop media brainwash! Start the investigation with talk radio and your congressman.

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