Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kill the Obama care with your vote on Nov. 6, 2012

Kill the Obama care with your vote on Nov. 6, 2012

The relentless pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2012

But wait the Obama regime have a truth squad and they can respond on this blog. Here is why I can’t vote for Barack Hussein Obama. This is my page .By the way I did not vote for him in 2008.

I thought President Obama will unite the country. Instead he is using class warfare to divide us. I believed that he will abide by the Constitution. No, he does not believe in the U.S. Constitution.

He wants to transform America into a nation we are not. When he became our President, I thought that he would reduce the number of people on food stamps and create jobs in the private sector. That’s what a leader does! Instead he has deliberately expanded the number of people on food stamps. He is truly the food stamp president, and with his teleprompter a demagogue.

Also he has expanded government and its bureaucracy and believes that this will create jobs. But it does the opposite. Private enterprise creates jobs. That’s where we create jobs and confidence in the economy. Brainwashing and changing the nature of the American citizen is wrong. With the expansion of entitlement programs he has deliberately created the votes for his reelection.

I was just listening to Dennis Prager on KLAC 890 talk radio. (9-12 noon). “The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” If possible reference

Personally, what is deeply disturbing to me is his whole approach to the black American family. He seems to be blind to the reality that abortion is killing the nature and overall health of the black American family. He encourages abortion. This is a kind of black genocide. He has a misguided and destructive mindset fixed on abortion. For example: he does not want his daughter to be punished with a baby. This will interfere with her future and abortion is a good decision.

President Obama said that he was going to cut our deficit in half. Instead he has increased the deficit by 4 to 5 trillion. He is blind to the reality that in our lifetime we will experience an American Greece. With all of the above, we have never had such inexperienced leadership in our Presidents.

The Obama care bureaucrats will cut right into our personal health care lives. It is unconstitutional. Obama has installed Czars into our government and all of that is repugnant. They have a deep animus to all of our traditional Americans values. They think that they are much smarter than us, particularly when we are Catholics or other Christians. Members of the pro-life movement are considered second-class citizens. This historic arrogance is unmatched in American history.

The Czars have a mindset where they consider sex as a recreational activity. That’s one way they promote same-sex marriage and want to change the three thousand year old definition of marriage. There is also this HHS Mandate which violates all Churches 1st amendment rights. It will be a breadth of fresh air and freedom to vote Obama and all of his CINOP supporters including Assemblyman Jose Solorio, Senator Lou Correa, and Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez out of office.

George H. Kubeck – “Prepare a page of your own. Duplicate it and speak it out at corner streets in Santa Ana.”

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