Monday, February 13, 2012

Unfit For Public Office

In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, February 13, 2012

Ref. California Catholic Daily – 1-25-2012 – Santa Rosa Bishop Robert Vasa says, “Any government leader, particularly those who claim to be Christian, who claims to be pro-choice, is unworthy of public office.” Politicians who support abortion are “as guilty of abortion as those who choose it themselves,” he told the rally at Old Courthouse Square in Santa Rosa, California.

The following are more excerpts from California Catholic Daily, 1-25-2012 – Santa Rosa bishop says pro-abortion Catholic politicians “excommunicate themselves,” shouldn’t receive communion.

Readers Comments:

Professor Helen: We lay Catholics in the front lines (I teach at a secular college) have been saying this for decades. Not because we are without sin but because of the scandal and rebellion the public Catholics give to the entire community and GET AWAY WITH IT. You said it Bishop now DO IT.

Traditional Angelo: Most bishops remain silent about pro-abortion politicians, refusing to take any action against them. When Bishop Vasa refers to “It’s a land of the imprisoned and home of the cowards.” I believe he was making a direct reference to our Catholic leaders. But he answers for all of them. Those bishops don’t have to excommunicate the pro-choicers; they have already excommunicated themselves according to Cannon Law. Thank God the Holy Father is now replacing yesterday’s Bishops with men more worthy of office.

Sandra: There are “practicing Catholics” and there are “Cafeteria Catholics” and then there are ‘Catholics in name only.’ The Lord “knows” His true sheep and He will gather them up. We know in our souls where we stand. Those politicians know where they stand. We pray that they will get right with the Lord and His Church. Jill: May the Holy Spirit continue to work through Bishop Vasa. We sorely need wise and courageous leaders.

Fredi D’Alessio: Bishop Vasa is my man. You can read some of his excellent commentaries at Thank God for priests/bishops like him!

Victor Claveau: People must be made to understand that to support a pro-abortion candidate, places their soul in serious jeopardy. The church teaches that if a knowledgeable Catholic, (one who understands the Church’s position that abortion is an intrinsic evil), votes for a pro-abortion candidate when there is a pro-life alternative on the ballot, they excommunicate themselves from the Catholic Church.

Mary: So-called Catholic politicians who publicly support the killing of the baby in the womb are causing grave scandal to the public. Even though they are excommunicating themselves with their support they need to be made a public example and be formally excommunicated and denied Holy Communion. They are wolves in sheep clothing.

George H. Kubeck- 2-13-12- “For the good of souls, Nancy Pelosi must be denied Holy Communion and the Catholic people should be informed that she is being denied Holy Communion,” wrote Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (aka Fr.Z) on his blog on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2012. On his In the Light of the Law blog, Dr. Peters writes that Pelosi is perhaps the best case for applying canon 915 in the United States. Last Wednesday, a reporter asked Pelosi if she would stand with her fellow Catholics in resisting the contraception mandate… In reply, Pelosi, a self-professed devout Catholic, said, “First of all, I am going to stick with my fellow Catholics in supporting the Administration on this…”

Contact S.F. Archbishop Niederauer – and also Cardinal Wuerl – she must not use the Catholic label when she runs for office.

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