Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Commentary on Catholics for Obama

Commentary on “Catholics for Obama”

The relentless pursuit of the truth - www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Tuesday, May 22/12

Reference Reaching Catholics - NYTimes.com - article by Jim Arkedis, May 18, 2012 http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/18/reaching/catholics/

Wait!!! We must be calm, cool and collected. We try to change a negative into a positive. First of all we need to pray for them. Most likely they are definitely not converts to the Catholic faith. It is obvious that they fell through the cracks by not being properly catechized. Be sympathetic.

Try to bring them back to the reality of what is happening to our Church in America and in the world. Start with the question: Are you a Catholic for Castro? I think the first thought coming to his or her mind (influenced by the culture of death in America) is that this communist dictator has a pretty good health care system and it’s free.

Remind him that we have over a million Cuban refugees from this tyrant. Explain to him that the spirit of the world’s social justice is really a fake and many Catholics have been duped by it. Does he think that Castro is a hero for social justice? Wasn’t this also the appeal of the Nazis and the Fascist. Even with Italy’s Mussolini the trains arrived on time.

I recall reading in Italy after the second World War ended in 1945, we had Italian Catholics voting for communists. The masters of deceit make beautiful promises to ordinary folks.

Yes, social justice is what the Obama Catholics will focus on in this election. I wish someone will write a pamphlet about the 1930’s in Germany. Like the communist, the Nazis were top notch world social justice freaks duping many Catholics for Hitler. Everyone has a job with great health care. There is a VW car in your future.

Try to direct him to read some of the letters on this blog. It deals with Catholic-in-name-only politicians and common sense. This blog is a voice crying in the wilderness. There are more than 1400 letters posted on “cinops be gone” since May, 2007. The information letters did not stop the election of Obama in 2008 or Catholic-in-name-only politicians like Loretta Sanchez, Nancy Pelosi or despicable Jerry Brown. [He destroyed my honorable public school teaching profession when he signed the Rodda Act in 1975.] FYI - cinops stands for catholic-in-name-only politicians. Be gone stands for go to hades [hell]. I hesitated to use the word hell.

What is the difference between the worldly social justice of Germany in the 1930’s (National Socialism) and the (Marxist Socialism) of Stalin, and Obama Socialism in 2012.

There is no difference. The article by Jim Arkedis in the New York Times states that Catholics United, Catholic Alliance and Catholic Democrats could round up Obama Catholics for voting this November. [I will cover this article in my next letter.]

We have this two-faced double-standard [Pravda/Gobbels] New York Times doing this. This newspaper hates the Catholic Church and practicing Catholics, particularly pro-life ones. The New York Times just loves and promotes the CINO politicians and their supporters. New York Times is the mouthpiece for what Blessed Pope John Paul II called the culture of death in America. How shallow a person is to be an Obama Catholic!  George H. Kubeck, to be continued

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