Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Commentary on Tony Villar a.k.a. Antonio Villaraigossa

Commentary on Tony Villar a.k.a. Antonio Villaraigosa

The relentless pursuit of the truth - www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - Tuesday, May 15/12

Preface: The culture of death advocates just love to finance Catholic-in-name-only politicians. They found one in Tony Villar. He’s a duped politician who sold his soul and his Latino family values and heritage for what. His wife divorced him for a number of reasons. He is a member of the ACLU. Who is he? How does one deal with a sick CINOP who still uses the Catholic label in the political arena? He has no character or integrity!
Antonio Villaraigosa is the pro-abortion Catholic mayor of Los Angeles. He donated $25,000 to fight Prop 8, and the Defense of Marriage initiative. He has bragged about conducting “marriages” of homosexual pairs. Just think, he is also chairman of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina Sept. 3 through Sept. 7.

Antonio wants a same-sex marriage plank in the Democratic national platform. But wait! Congratulations to North Carolina! They passed an amendment by a wide margin (61% to 39%) declared that “marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state” and thus prevents the legalization of civil unions as well as same-sex marriage.

“This is not a partisan issue, but a matter of justice, fairness and equality for the law to uphold every child’s basic right to be welcomed and raised by his or her mother and father together,” Bishop Cordileone added.

These culture of death advocates are masters of deceit and deception. They imitate the Communists. They are liars. They want to change nature and natural law. That is diabolical. They believe that the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage is the same as that between two men or two women. That is a horrible deceitful lie.

They will call you a bigot and a homophobe. They are culture of death liars. We are not going to take these smears, brainwashing and intimidation of ourselves or our nation. They are comparing apples and oranges. Who do these elitists think they are? Forget about shopping at Home Depot, Star Bucks Coffee or Progressive Insurance.

We are fools if we allow ourselves to be brainwashed and say nothing. We will not become Zombies or clones of the death culture. Civil rights has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. The good news is that many Black preachers have opposed same-sex marriage and President Obama’s position on it. They know it is a fabricated civil rights issue.

I was listening to Dennis Prager AM 870 from about 9:15 to 9:45 A.M. He was talking about Sally Quinn, a Washington Post columnist who is a strong advocate for same-sex marriage. For her this is inevitable. It’s part of our culture. It’s like the mindset of the communists that socialism is inevitable. Well, America will not be America any more.

A lot of harm has been done by people who mean well with feelings, compassion and lots of money. How about some common sense, reason and natural law. The liberals do not want to think in that area. We cannot live a lie in the public arena. Prevention and education is worth a pound of cure. Christians are not alone in fighting S-S-Marriage…

George H. Kubeck - For more info ref. California Catholic Daily - May 14, 2012

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