Thursday, November 1, 2012

Judi Brown and Russell Shaw

Judie Brown and Russell Shaw

Truth and righteousness - cinops be gone - Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012

1.) Pro-lifers can be naïve and idealistic. I recall delivering a hand delivered letter to the office of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez on Lewis St. on May 4, 2001. Dear Loretta,

“It seems to me that the idea of a pro-abortion Catholic is about as ridiculous as Catholics for free choice or the pro-adultery Catholic sitting in the church pew.

Could we talk or communicate on this subject? Please share the three enclosures with your pastor or bishop?

I believe that the independent and informed Catholic laity prefers persuasion and dialogue on this subject rather than protest or teach-ins.” Maybe I am still naïve and idealistic.

2.) May I share with you excerpts of Judie Brown’s “For whom should I vote in the November 2012 election? This is from “Celebrate Life” issue Sept. - Oct. 2012. She is President of American Life League and my family supports her cause with $120, yearly.

a) “With regard to intrinsic human rights, there are four actions that are so intrinsically evil* that no Catholic can knowingly advocate for or promote them without imperiling his salvation: abortion, euthanasia, human embryonic stem cell research, and human cloning. They are non-negotiable.”


b) “If your well-formed Catholic conscience tells you the third-party candidate is the best choice for the babies, the disabled, the elderly, and the inform, then that’s a pretty indication of what you should do in the voting booth on Election Day.” THIS IS A VERY CLOSE ELECTION, JUDIE, IN THE BATTLE GROUNDS STATES, A VOTE FOR A 3RD PARTY IS A VOTE FOR OBAMA!

What I fear is that George Soros will pour money into “Catholics United” which supports Obama With Your Message besides telling Catholic clergy to shut up about moral issues!

Please rescind your “For whom should I vote in the November 2012 election!”

3.) Now, let’s take a look at “Our Sunday Visitor” issue October 28, 2012 and the article by Russell Shaw who is a great Catholic writer. The headline was assuredly set up by Our Sunday Visitor titled, “Pro-Life and Social Justice Catholics increasingly at odds” - Pick-in-and-choose approach to Church teaching on each side appears to be at the heart of political divide.

Now we have issues that are intrinsically evil. Let’s repeat them again. Cloning, Euthanasia, Abortion, Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Same-Sex Marriage. This is the side of Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage and Pro-Family. Now what in the world are the prudential issues of Social Justice Catholics that we can hover over, argue or agree upon?

Now let’s review authentic Catholic Social Teaching: Are we on the same mind-level? Subsidiary, Solidarity and the Principle of Gratuity: Do you believe that the secular War on Poverty was a good thing for America? No! It killed the Black American family.

Now let’s talk about the Welfare Reform Bill that was signed by President Clinton.

It was a great success. Sadly, the American Catholic Church, so-called Catholic social justice group opposed and fought the Welfare Reform Bill for years. It was a prudential issue and they were wrong.

There is also this so-called social justice Catholic liberation theology which our Popes have strongly opposed. Sadly, with Obama’s church of Jeremiah Wright, it has become energized into black liberation theology, a false religion. Catholic liberation theology is a waste of time for Catholics or anyone in our colleges and universities. It definitely may have screwed up Catholic voters in Venezuela. Enough said.

George H. Kubeck

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