Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Public Notice - 14 Days No-Emails

Public Notice - 14 Days No-Emails

In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012

Dear Reader, Thanks for putting up with the almost daily e-mails of the last five months. The presidential election will be decided today. I was motivated with a real fear of a re-elected Obama presidency. The purpose was to inform, educate and persuade you not to vote for Barack Obama and the CINOP. (Catholic-in-name-only politician.)

In an honest vote count, I expect a Romney victory in the Battle Ground States. Also, I wish each CINOP throughout the country to be voted out of office. Nevertheless, this education battle will go on. [In previous elections, I noticed that on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the Los Angeles Times will provide local and national results in particular the Catholic vote in California.]

May I share with you a disturbing report from CV catholicvote.org - a project of Fidelis:
The result of a Pew Research Center poll done shortly before Labor Day:

1. Currently, 51% of Catholic registered voters support Obama or lean toward him, while 42% support Romney or lean toward him.

2. About half of Catholic voters (51%) say Barack Obama best reflects their views on social issues such as abortion and gay rights: 34% say Mitt Romney best reflects their views on these issues.

3. Here is the Presidential vote in 2008: Obama: 69,456,897 --- McCain: 59, 934, 814

4. Put another way, there were 129,391,711 votes caste for either Obama or John McCain. Thus: Since Catholics make up 27% of the total elections, it means that of the 129,391,711 Americans who voted in 2008, 34,935,761 were Catholics. About 54% voted for Obama.

5. Of those, roughly 18,865,311 voted for Barack Obama … the man Archbishop Charles Chaput had prophetically called “the most committed ‘abortion rights’ presidential candidate of either major party since the Roe v. Wade abortion decision in 1973.” Fewer than 16,000,000 voted for the man who, for the most part, agreed with the Church’s teaching on the sacredness and dignity of innocent human life. [Add this year, same-sex marriage, cloning, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research.]

Understanding the Mindset of a Social Justice Catholic

A) On October 1, 1989, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin released this statement for Respect Life Sunday, a statement, “Deciding for Life.”

B) “Not all values, however, are of equal weight. Some are more fundamental than others. On this Respect Life Sunday, I wish to emphasize that no earthly value is more fundamental than human life itself. Human life is the condition for enjoying freedom and all other values. Consequently, if one must choose between protecting or serving lesser human values that depend upon life for their existence and life itself, human life must take precedence.”

C) But what has occurred within the Church for decades in Catholic education is that the seamless garment was used as if all of the following were equal: family wage, option for the poor, abortion, immigration, environment, climate change, abortion, war, death penalty, torture, etc. There is a big difference between prudential issues and issues that are intrinsically evil.

D) The CINOP is blind to Black racism. The Church is not focusing on that with respect to the CINOP. In the U.S.A., there are about 4,000 babies aborted each day, 1.5 million yearly. Thanks to Planned Parenthood and Associates, 1,600 Black babies are aborted daily. President Romney would defund Planned Parenthood. (about $400 million yearly). The CINOP supports Planned Parenthood.

George H. Kubeck

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