Monday, November 26, 2012

The Founder of Planned Parenthood & Racism

The Founder of Planned Parenthood & Racism
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Monday, Nov. 26, 2012

Preface: One excerpt from Elasah Drogin, T.O.P., Margaret Sanger - Father of Modern Society - 1879-1966 - Founder and Hero of Planned Parenthood, 1989,  Elasah* is a Jewish convert to Catholicism.

“The Genealogy of Racism: Margaret Sanger is responsible more than anyone else, for keeping alive international racism. She played the attractive hostess for racist thinkers all over the world. Organizing the First World Population Conference in Geneva in 1926, she invited Clarence C. Little, Edward A .East, Henry Pratt Fairchild, and Raymond Pearl - all infamous racists. p. 77-80

“In 1931 Sanger founded the Population Association of America with Fairchild as its head. Fairchild, formerly the secretary-treasurer of the American Eugenics Society and the leading academic racist of the decade, wrote the The Melting Pot Mistake which denigrated the Jews, referring to them as the inferior new immigrants who would threaten the native Nordic stock.

“Edward A. East, a firm believer in Black inferiority, persuaded Mrs. Sanger to gather information about her clients at her Maternity Research Clinic that went beyond medical histories. She agreed to include information about the nationality, heredity, and religion of the patients and to make a “judgment” regarding the amount of racial intermixture of the patient, “whether the person was more or less pure Black, mulatto, quadroon, etc.”

“Lothrop Stoddard was on Sanger’s board of directors for years. As previously mentioned, he had a personal interview with Adolph Hitler and was very impressed. His book, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, was written while he served on Sanger’s board. Havelock Ellis, one of Sanger’s extra-marital lovers, reviewed this abominable book favorably in Birth Control Review.

“In the 20’s and 30’s Sanger fearlessly carried on with these racists, and many others, totally uninhibited. But when Adolph Hitler poisoned the air by politically carrying out her eugenics schemes, Mrs. Sanger and her crew made some changes. The term “birth control” had always been associated with eugenics, so the American Birth Control League changed its name to Planned Parenthood. The racist language changed with it. Such terms as “good or bad breeding stock” were changed to “class” and “income level.”

“Eugenics is identical to racism because both believe that there are innately, irreversibly inferior groups of human beings. Eugenicist-racist believe in the inequality of the races and that by selective breeding the inferior race can be improved - by “selective breeding” is meant that the inferior breeders of the population are somehow consistently eliminated….

“The majority of Americans are totally unaware of how deeply racism runs through our society today. This was demonstrated in a poll taken in Philadelphia in 1971 in which 69.2 percent of the people agreed that those with low I.Q. test scores should be sterilized. Planned Parenthood considers sterilization a cleansing operation, however, a few lucky people at the top - like Dr. Shockley - would no have to submit because their genes are already clean. These “clean genes” are confirmed, evidently, by the I.Q. test. Pass it or get sterilized….

“The Bigot-Tree:
Despite the greatest effort on the parts of the people involved in the birth/population control movements, past and present, to cover up their sin they have not succeeded. Margaret Sanger’s organization was poisoned with racism then it is today. Let’s take a look at the bigot-tree and how it grew. As early as 1925 the Rockefeller Foundation began funding the American Birth Control League under whose auspices entertained the world’s anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic and anti-Black racists - thus allowing the roots of the bigot-tree to get a stronghold in American soil. In 1942 Sanger shaped the tree to a more attractive appearance with the name “Planned Parenthood”….

Mr. George H. Kubeck O.P., *This book is dedicated to the Crusaders of all ages who do penance on behalf of mankind, and in memory of Adam Martin de Porres Musk

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