Sunday, October 27, 2013

1....The Tragic Fake Victory in Kennedy's Cuban Missile Crisis In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Sunday, October 27, 2013 REF. - Human Events - 10/26/13 A.... I was stunned when I read the words of Fidel Castro to Robert McNamara. 3.... Khrushchev swept the floor with Kennedy during the Missile Crisis. 4.... "We locked Castro's communism into Latin America and threw away the key to its removal," growled Barry Goldwater about the JFK's Missile Crisis "solution." 5.... "Kennedy pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory," complained Richard Nixon. "Then gave the Soviets squatters rights to our backyard." 6.... "The biggest defeat in our nation's history!" bellowed Air Force chief Curtis Lemay. 7.... "We've been had!" yelled then Navy chief George Anderson upon hearing on October 28, 1962, how JFK "solved" the missile crisis.... 8.... William Buckley's National Review devoted several issues to exposing and denouncing Kennedy's appeasement. 9.... BUT NOT FOR THE SOVIETS. "WE ENDED UP GETTING EXACTLY WHAT WE'D WANTED ALL ALONG." SNICKERED NIKITA KRUSHCHEV IN HIS DIARIES, "SECURITY FOR FIDEL CASTO'S REGIME AND AMERICAN MISSILES REMOVED FROM TURKEY AND ITALY. UNTIL TODAY THE U.S. HAS COMPLIED WITH HER PROMISE NOT TO INTERFERE WITH CASTRO AND NOT TO ALLOW ANYONE TO INTERFERE WITH CASTRO. AFTER KENNEDY'S DEATH, HIS SUCCESSOR LYNDON JOHNSON ASSURED US THAT HE WOULD KEEP THE PROMISE NOT TO INVADE CUBA.... 10.... The genuine threat came - not from Moscow - but from the Castros and Che. "If the missiles had remained, we would have fired them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims." 11.... "Of course I knew the missiles were nuclear-armed," responded Fidel Castro to Robert McNamara during a meeting in 1992. "That's precisely why I urged Khrushchev to launch them. And of course Cuba would have been utterly destroyed in the exchange." .... 12.... Cuban freedom fighters working from south Florida were suddenly rounded up for "violating" U.S. neutrality-laws." Some of these bewildered men were jailed, others "quarantined," prevented from leaving Dade County. The Coast Guard in Florida got 12 new boats and seven new planes to make sure Castro remained unmolested. .... 13...GEORGE H. KUBECK....14... A DIABOLICAL HORRIBLE TRUTH: THE CASTRO BROTHERS WERE PREPARED TO BE SUICIDE BOMBERS TO START A NUCLEAR WAR FOR THE SAKE OF SOCIALISM WITH THEIR OWN COUNTRY CUBA BEING ANNNIHILATED IN THE PROCESS. 15.... IT'S LKE THE MUSLIM SUICIDE BOMBERS DESTROYING ISRAEL AND HAVING THE SUICIDE'S MECCA DESTROYED IN THE RETALIATION. 16.... THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES OF THE COMMUNIST FIDEL CASTRO REGIME IS LIKE THE ACCEPTANCE BY CONSERVATIVES OF A HITLERITE REGIME IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 17.... IN SOME WAYS, AMERICANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDINARY FOLKS IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA WHO HAVE SUFFERED FROM THE CANCER THAT FLOWED FROM COMMUNIST CUBA INTO OUR HEMISPHERE. THINK OF VENEZUELA! 18.... WE HAD THE MONROE DOCTRINE WHICH THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT DID NOT UTILIZE. 19.... TODAY IN AMERICA WE HAVE THE UTOPIAN SOCIALISM OF OBAMACARE WHICH KILLS FREEDOM OF CHOICE AND DESTROYS US INTO THE SUICIDE OF ECONOMIC BANKRUPTCY IN OUR LIFETIME. 20....FOR HALLOWEEN NEXT WEEK LET ALL YOUNG AND OLD DRESS UP AS THE PIED PIPER OR THE EMPEROR WORE NO CLOTHES AS WE CONTINUE TO LIVE IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

1....America's Economic Suicide 2....In pursuit of the truth - ....- Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 A.... By the fabulous Mark Steyn, Orange County Register, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013 3..."The thesis of my recent book "After America" is stated on page six thereof - "that the prevailing political realities of the United States do not allow for any meaningful course correction." That's what the political class confirmed yet again this past week. Which brings me to the sentence immediately following: And, without meaningful course correction, America is doomed." 4.... Washington's governing systems are in a bad way. Government by "continuing resolution," a term foreign to most foreigners, ought to be embarrassing to any self-respecting people. Instead, in the course of the "shutdown," this repugnant phrase advanced to acronymic status - "CR," as cable news had it, the pundit class lovingly caressing this latest insider-jargon with their customary onanistic shiver. ... 5.... How can you "control" spending under such a system? Congress has degenerated into a Potemkin parliament, its ersatz nature embodied by those magnificent speeches senators give to themselves, orating for the benefit of TV sound bites into the cavernous silence of an empty room, an upper chamber turned isolation chamber. [Thank you, President Barack Obama for all of this.] 6.... The "law of the land" means machinations and procedural legerdemain culminating in a show vote on unread omnibus bill fill-in-the-blanks pseudo-legislation to be decided after the fact by the regulatory bureaucracy. 7.... This structural degeneration is a bi part of the problem. My friends on the Right fret that if we are not careful we'll end up like Europe. But we are already worse than many parts of Europe and certainly worse than the non-European West. 8.... According to the IMF, the Danish government's net debt is 10.3 percent of gross domestic product, Australia's is 12.7 percent; New Zealand's 28.8 percent; Canada's. 35.9 percent; the Netherlands', 35.5 percent; Germany's 56.2 percent; France's, 86.5 percent; - and the U.S. 89 %.... 9.... But let's just stick with the federal debt, the figure for which those bipartisan schmoozers are officially responsible: in Australia, each citizen's share of the debt is $12,000; in New Zealand, it's $15,000 per person; in Canada and Spain, $18,000; in the United Kingdom, $28,000; in Germany and France, $38,000; Italy, $44,000. And in the U.S., it's 54,000 per person... 10... GEORGE H. KUBECK: 11....OBAMAISM GETS US DRUNK ON DEBT FOR AN UTOPIA THAT CAN EXIST ONLY IN HELL AND NOT ON EARTH. WAIT A MINUTE! LET'S BLAME THE TEA PARTY. MANY OF THE DUPED WILL BELIEVE THIS. 12....AN EDUCATION PLACARD: 13....ON ONE SIDE: AMERICA! HONEST JOURNALISM IS DEAD. ON THE OTHER SIDE: PRAVDA IN RUSSIA - GOEBBELS IN GERMANY.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

KILL THE TRUTH - # 3.... 1.... The House of Obama 2.... Washington and the Transformation of America 3.... By the Mindszenty Report - October 2013 - Vol. LV - No. 10 4.... While 30 million may have been without health coverage - for many adults this is their own choice - no American goes without access to emergency health care. By law hospitals and emergency rooms have to treat anyone who walks through their doors in urgent need of care. 5.... The 2,700-page health care bill called the Affordable Car Act (ACA) [The biggest con-operation in U.S. history.] was swiftly passed virtually unread or debated and only after the Democratic leadership cajoled, bribed, and threatened its membership in passing the bill. [It was not bi-partisan because no Republican or Independent voted for this bill.] 6.... Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi exposed the vacuous thinking behind the bill when she said with the false sense of urgency that characterized the president's first administration, we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find what's in it.... 7.... Many patients will lose their existing insurance because the bill incentivizes business to pay the mandated tax instead of insuring employees. In addition, many employers will reduce workers' hours to part-time to avoid the need to insure them. Even ACA proponents like Montana Senator Max Baucus call it a train wreck waiting to happen.... 8.... The furious aftermath of the ACA has exposed the issue's only truth - ObamaCare was designed to fail from the outset. Democrats want it to fail so they can install a single-payer system like that which has nearly destroyed medical care in Canada and Great Britain.... 9.... In the 1930s few self-respecting American workers would have accepted the dole or even charity. Today nearly a third of Americans depend on food stamps, welfare, disability payments, or some other form of government support. ....[Obamaism seeks to change the soul of America.] 10.... Government welfare has corrupted more than poor people. Washington has a program or a grant for just about everyone - student loans, farm subsidies and corporate welfare.... 11.... Obama has attempted to effect still more change by undermining the Christian religion, especially Catholicism.... according to author Russell Shaw's 2013 book, American Church, Obama began with a materialist argument that faith must necessarily admit doubt because it is a belief in things not seen. He urged Notre Dame students not to believe with certainty anything that has to do with religion. 12.... Obama's religious cynicism is symptomatic of his belief that practical atheism is the de facto state religion in America. [The first amendment to the Constitution say no promoted established national religion.]... They can go to church on Sundays, but their faith should not have any hearing on what they do during the rest of the week.... 13.... Will Obama's winds of change obliterate the America most people cherish or can like-minded Americans bring down the House of Obama and stop his poisonous changes. History will eventually decide! 14....GEORGE H. KUBECK: -15.... MAYBE RUSSELL SHAW OR GEORGE A. KENDALL CAN WRITE THE BOOK, THE COVER-UP OF THE CATHOLIC IN-NAME ONLY POLITICIAN WITH THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 16....THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT THE CHURCH NEEDS TO DIVORCE ITSELF COMPLETELY FROM THE LEFTIST CONTROLLED DEMOCRATIC PARTY. ALSO, IF SEBELIUS, V.P. BIDEN, DICK DURBIN, PELOSI ETC. WERE REPUBLICANS OR LIBERTARIANS THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN UNIVERSALLY CHASTISED BYTHE BISHOPS AND FORBIDDEN TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION AT MASS.17.... THE PROBLEM IS NOT OBAMA. THE CINOP INDIRECTLY PROMOTES THE OBAMA AGENDA WITHIN THE CHURCH AND COUNTRY.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1....Kill the Truth - # 2 2.... The House of Obama 3... Washington and the Transformation of America 4... By the Mindszenty Report - October 2013 - Vol. LV-No. 10 5... The steady decline of the American economy is the result of progressive policies that have sapped the country's economy and callously undermined the people's confidence in their economic system... 6... As an undergraduate at Columbia University in the 1980's Barack Obama would immerse himself in the socialist theories of the university's Marxist professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The Cloward-Piven strategy, which dates back to 1966, seeks to hasten the destruction of capitalism in America by expanding the welfare system to the point of collapsing the economy and implementing socialism by nationalizing major sectors of private industry. [A.H.C.[] 7... The Politics of Equality: To effect change, Obama often relies on the politics of equality. By simply evoking its doctrinal magic Obama has used equality as his sacred mantra to rally people to his support.... Unlike the founding fathers, when Obama speaks of equality he means wealth equality, which requires the redistributing the wealth of the rich and the middle class to what has become a permanent subclass of poor and dependent Americans. 8.... Using the same perverted notion of equality Obama has extended government privilege to other so-called out-groups, such as feminists, homosexuals, illegal immigrants and other minorities, to the detriment of the general welfare of American society.... 9.... Columnist David Harsnyi believes the nation has already gone over the fiscal cliff because a $17 trillion deficit drowns future generations in a sea of red ink. Millions of Americans believe that government owes them health insurance, etc.... 10.... American Exceptionalism rankles the very fibers of Obama's being... In 2009 Obama put on an act worthy of Sir Laurence Olivier and groveled on the global stage, begging forgiveness for America's imperial sins. 11.... Obama has also encouraged, promoted and advanced policies of the culture of death that have destroyed millions of unborn children and now threaten the longevity of the nation's elderly with legalized assisted suicide, death panels and passive euthanasia. 12.... GEORGE H. KUBECK: 13....IN SPITE OF THE ABOVE INFO, SO-CALLED CATHOLIC VOTERS REELECTED OBAMA IN 2012. A MOST DESTRUCTIVE SCANDAL! UNBELIVEABLE! WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN HONEST INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST TO REASEARCH THIS MATTER. IT INCLUDES THE COVERUP OF THE CATHOLIC-IN-NAME-ONLY POLITICIANS WITHIN THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. THINK OF JERRY BROWN,NANCY PELOSI AND LORETTA SANCHEZ IN CALIFORNIA. I APOLOGIZE TO OTHER CHRISTIAN VOTERS, A MAJORITY OF THEM DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA. WHAT A MESS WE ARE IN! THANK YOU CATHOLIC PUBLISHER OF THIS REPORT, ELEANOR SCHLAFLY.
1....Kill the Truth 2.... The House of Obama 3....Washington and the Transformation of America 4....By the Mindszenty Report, October 2013 - Vol. LV - No. 10 5..... A Bipartisan Elite: At the Heart of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform the United States is a new paradigm of division.... 6.... Thousands of former Congressmen, Senators and other government officials now collect millions in deferred income as lobbyist and CEOs of the same crony capitalists they governed as public servants of the American people. This vested Washington tradition of personal patronage explains the need to stifle any populist uprising or movement against their lucrative status quo. It also explains why the full power of the government and the mainstream media has been directed against groups that have resonated with American voters as the TEA PARTY. 7.... According to Codevilla, the 2010 book author of "The Ruling Class: How the corrupted America and What we can do about it," American society is now divided into Ruling Classes and the Country Class. Codevilla focused not just on Democrats, but also on Republicans, crony capitalist on Wall Street and the mainstream media. 8.... To add insult to injury, the ruling class considers the average American retrograde, racist and dysfunctional. [That's you and I.] 9.... President Obama inherited a nation that had spent 50 years squandering its commitments to family, faith and traditional morality. Since his inauguration in 2009 Obama has accelerated the nation's rush to a moral Armageddon with his support of abortion on demand, same-sex marriage, gun control and the deterioration of America's domestic and foreign security. 10.... The Rule of Disorder: A free and ordered society lives by established rules. If Democrats want to radically transform America into something that its founders never intended, they must first render its rule of law irrevelant. President Obama did not originate the living constitution but its notion of constant change perfectly suits his political and moral paradigm.... 11.... His first step on the road to constitutional irrelevancy was ignoring basic contract law during the bailout of the automotive industry in 2009.... He has repeatedly warned Congress that he will use his executive orders, his czars and regulatory agencies if it fails to comply with his demands.... 12.... Since taking office Obama has run the National debt up to almost $17 trillion, an increase of nearly 70%. Food stamp recipients have soared to 47 million... [ Part 1 of 2] 13.... GEORGE H. KUBECK: 14.....Truth is not a popular commodity. The nation is awash with lies. 15.... We do have leaders like Ben Carson who have exhorted attendees at the Values Voters Summit in Washington "It's time - its really time for the people - we, the people of America, to stop being afraid of the government and put it in its place." 16.... Let's support "The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, P.O. Box 13776, Merrifield, Va. 22116-1376

Thursday, October 10, 2013

1...CELEBRATE COLUMBUS DAY - OCT. 14, 2013 2... In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 3... A Knights of Columbus prayer: Pray to God to send us men and women today like the ones we had in the past. They are Samuel Adams, George Washington, Jonathan Edwards, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus. 4... Reference the "Glory of America" calendar by A Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. 5... October 2nd: Samuel Adams, Patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence wrote in his will: 6... "Principally, and first of all, I resign my soul to the Almighty Being who gave it, and my body I commit to the dust, relying on the merits of Jesus Christ for the pardon of my sins." Northrop, Witnesses, 5. 7... October 3rd: On this day in 1780, mindful of the many blessings God has bestowed upon America, President Washington decided to proclaim a Day of Thanksgiving: 8... "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His Will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly implore His protection and favor." Washington, Writings, XXX, 427 9... October 5th: Born on this day in 1703 was the preacher whom God used as His chief lightning rod, to start the firestorm known as the First Great Awakening. In 1734, Jonathan Edwards was in his pulpit in Northampton, Massachusetts, when he started to describe in graphic terms the terrors of hell, and the eternal tortures endured by lost souls. So convincing was he, that the congregation could see the flames and the tormenting demons - and could see themselves consigned there forever. They squirmed and decided to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" - and the rest, as they say, is history... This work of God, as it was carried on and the number of true saints multiplied, soon made a glorious alteration in the town." Edwards, Works III, 14 10... October 6th: Speaking on this day in 1802 to a group of Quakers headed by Eliza Gurney, Lincoln said. 11... "We are indeed going through a great trial - a fiery trial. In the very responsible position in which I happen to be place, being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, as I am, and as we all are, to work our His great purposes, I have desired that all my works and acts may be according to His will, and that it might be so, I have sought His aid." Johnson, Lincoln, 97. 12... October 10th: On this day in 1492, Christopher Columbus was at the edge of despair. They had been sailing west for 32 days - and seen nothing. With the ships' crew on the verge of mutiny, the other two captains had extracted a promise from him: if they did not reach land in the next two days, they would turn back. 13... Yet Columbus convinced that God had called them to this mission, and that He was with them. "I found our Lord well-disposed toward my heart's desire, and He gave me the spirit of intelligence for the task ... Who doubts that this illumination was from the Holy Spirit? He, with marvelous rays of light, consoled me through the holy and sacred Scriptures ... encouraging me to proceed." 14... GEORGE H. KUBECK

Thursday, October 3, 2013

1...America's Eureka: Ben Carson In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013 Ref. National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee P.O. Box 1376, Merrifield, VA 22116-1376 RUN BEN RUN BEN RUN BEN RUN 2.... How blessed we are to have an authentic Black American doctor, a neurosurgeon to be drafted as our candidate for President in 2016. 3.... Ben Carson is a breadth of fresh air to what we have today. Even if you support another candidate, let's draft Ben to run in the primaries. 4.... President Obama has shamed America with the scandals of Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the IRS. Also, he is trying to change the soul of America with his leftist agenda. 5.... Our authentic Black American president will rejuvenate the Black American family, the values of traditional America and the principles of our Founding Fathers. 6.... Vernon Robinson is the campaign manager of the Nat. Draft Ben Carson for President Committee. He says, "Yes, I am convinced that Ben Carson can win. In fact, I am convinced that no 2016 Republican ticket can win without Ben Carson on it. Only Ben can get enough black votes to keep the Democrats from winning the White House. ... Ben Carson believes in the America of our Founders. They believed that men who served in public office should see it as a public service. That's the way Ben sees and it's why he wants to be drafted. 7.... John Phillip Sousa IV is the National Chairman. He states, "I personally believe Ben Carson would win more than 50% of the African American vote. But, suppose Ben Carson receives just 20% of the black Vote. If he receives just 20% of the black vote it is mathematically impossible for Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat to win.... Barack Obama is not a descendant of slaves, like Dr. Carson. In fact, Barack Obama has very little in common with the average black American. He was never part of the civil rights movement, he was educated in exclusive private schools, and he grew up in an economically comfortable family in Hawaii, not in one of the poorest areas of Detroit, like Dr. Carson.... Dr. Carson is the one person who can end the rancor, the distrust, the divide that has been crassly exploited by the cynical and unprincipled leftists who control the Democratic Party. Ben Carson has been a kind, compassionate, and skilled healer his entire life. And, Ben Carson is a proud and unrepentant American. He will be a President who never apologizes for America. 8....GEORGE H. KUBECK, DO READ BEN CARSON'S BOOKS, "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL" AND "GIFTED HANDS."