Wednesday, October 16, 2013

1....Kill the Truth - # 2 2.... The House of Obama 3... Washington and the Transformation of America 4... By the Mindszenty Report - October 2013 - Vol. LV-No. 10 5... The steady decline of the American economy is the result of progressive policies that have sapped the country's economy and callously undermined the people's confidence in their economic system... 6... As an undergraduate at Columbia University in the 1980's Barack Obama would immerse himself in the socialist theories of the university's Marxist professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The Cloward-Piven strategy, which dates back to 1966, seeks to hasten the destruction of capitalism in America by expanding the welfare system to the point of collapsing the economy and implementing socialism by nationalizing major sectors of private industry. [A.H.C.[] 7... The Politics of Equality: To effect change, Obama often relies on the politics of equality. By simply evoking its doctrinal magic Obama has used equality as his sacred mantra to rally people to his support.... Unlike the founding fathers, when Obama speaks of equality he means wealth equality, which requires the redistributing the wealth of the rich and the middle class to what has become a permanent subclass of poor and dependent Americans. 8.... Using the same perverted notion of equality Obama has extended government privilege to other so-called out-groups, such as feminists, homosexuals, illegal immigrants and other minorities, to the detriment of the general welfare of American society.... 9.... Columnist David Harsnyi believes the nation has already gone over the fiscal cliff because a $17 trillion deficit drowns future generations in a sea of red ink. Millions of Americans believe that government owes them health insurance, etc.... 10.... American Exceptionalism rankles the very fibers of Obama's being... In 2009 Obama put on an act worthy of Sir Laurence Olivier and groveled on the global stage, begging forgiveness for America's imperial sins. 11.... Obama has also encouraged, promoted and advanced policies of the culture of death that have destroyed millions of unborn children and now threaten the longevity of the nation's elderly with legalized assisted suicide, death panels and passive euthanasia. 12.... GEORGE H. KUBECK: 13....IN SPITE OF THE ABOVE INFO, SO-CALLED CATHOLIC VOTERS REELECTED OBAMA IN 2012. A MOST DESTRUCTIVE SCANDAL! UNBELIVEABLE! WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN HONEST INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST TO REASEARCH THIS MATTER. IT INCLUDES THE COVERUP OF THE CATHOLIC-IN-NAME-ONLY POLITICIANS WITHIN THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. THINK OF JERRY BROWN,NANCY PELOSI AND LORETTA SANCHEZ IN CALIFORNIA. I APOLOGIZE TO OTHER CHRISTIAN VOTERS, A MAJORITY OF THEM DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA. WHAT A MESS WE ARE IN! THANK YOU CATHOLIC PUBLISHER OF THIS REPORT, ELEANOR SCHLAFLY.

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