Thursday, October 24, 2013

1....America's Economic Suicide 2....In pursuit of the truth - ....- Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 A.... By the fabulous Mark Steyn, Orange County Register, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013 3..."The thesis of my recent book "After America" is stated on page six thereof - "that the prevailing political realities of the United States do not allow for any meaningful course correction." That's what the political class confirmed yet again this past week. Which brings me to the sentence immediately following: And, without meaningful course correction, America is doomed." 4.... Washington's governing systems are in a bad way. Government by "continuing resolution," a term foreign to most foreigners, ought to be embarrassing to any self-respecting people. Instead, in the course of the "shutdown," this repugnant phrase advanced to acronymic status - "CR," as cable news had it, the pundit class lovingly caressing this latest insider-jargon with their customary onanistic shiver. ... 5.... How can you "control" spending under such a system? Congress has degenerated into a Potemkin parliament, its ersatz nature embodied by those magnificent speeches senators give to themselves, orating for the benefit of TV sound bites into the cavernous silence of an empty room, an upper chamber turned isolation chamber. [Thank you, President Barack Obama for all of this.] 6.... The "law of the land" means machinations and procedural legerdemain culminating in a show vote on unread omnibus bill fill-in-the-blanks pseudo-legislation to be decided after the fact by the regulatory bureaucracy. 7.... This structural degeneration is a bi part of the problem. My friends on the Right fret that if we are not careful we'll end up like Europe. But we are already worse than many parts of Europe and certainly worse than the non-European West. 8.... According to the IMF, the Danish government's net debt is 10.3 percent of gross domestic product, Australia's is 12.7 percent; New Zealand's 28.8 percent; Canada's. 35.9 percent; the Netherlands', 35.5 percent; Germany's 56.2 percent; France's, 86.5 percent; - and the U.S. 89 %.... 9.... But let's just stick with the federal debt, the figure for which those bipartisan schmoozers are officially responsible: in Australia, each citizen's share of the debt is $12,000; in New Zealand, it's $15,000 per person; in Canada and Spain, $18,000; in the United Kingdom, $28,000; in Germany and France, $38,000; Italy, $44,000. And in the U.S., it's 54,000 per person... 10... GEORGE H. KUBECK: 11....OBAMAISM GETS US DRUNK ON DEBT FOR AN UTOPIA THAT CAN EXIST ONLY IN HELL AND NOT ON EARTH. WAIT A MINUTE! LET'S BLAME THE TEA PARTY. MANY OF THE DUPED WILL BELIEVE THIS. 12....AN EDUCATION PLACARD: 13....ON ONE SIDE: AMERICA! HONEST JOURNALISM IS DEAD. ON THE OTHER SIDE: PRAVDA IN RUSSIA - GOEBBELS IN GERMANY.

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