Sunday, October 20, 2013

KILL THE TRUTH - # 3.... 1.... The House of Obama 2.... Washington and the Transformation of America 3.... By the Mindszenty Report - October 2013 - Vol. LV - No. 10 4.... While 30 million may have been without health coverage - for many adults this is their own choice - no American goes without access to emergency health care. By law hospitals and emergency rooms have to treat anyone who walks through their doors in urgent need of care. 5.... The 2,700-page health care bill called the Affordable Car Act (ACA) [The biggest con-operation in U.S. history.] was swiftly passed virtually unread or debated and only after the Democratic leadership cajoled, bribed, and threatened its membership in passing the bill. [It was not bi-partisan because no Republican or Independent voted for this bill.] 6.... Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi exposed the vacuous thinking behind the bill when she said with the false sense of urgency that characterized the president's first administration, we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find what's in it.... 7.... Many patients will lose their existing insurance because the bill incentivizes business to pay the mandated tax instead of insuring employees. In addition, many employers will reduce workers' hours to part-time to avoid the need to insure them. Even ACA proponents like Montana Senator Max Baucus call it a train wreck waiting to happen.... 8.... The furious aftermath of the ACA has exposed the issue's only truth - ObamaCare was designed to fail from the outset. Democrats want it to fail so they can install a single-payer system like that which has nearly destroyed medical care in Canada and Great Britain.... 9.... In the 1930s few self-respecting American workers would have accepted the dole or even charity. Today nearly a third of Americans depend on food stamps, welfare, disability payments, or some other form of government support. ....[Obamaism seeks to change the soul of America.] 10.... Government welfare has corrupted more than poor people. Washington has a program or a grant for just about everyone - student loans, farm subsidies and corporate welfare.... 11.... Obama has attempted to effect still more change by undermining the Christian religion, especially Catholicism.... according to author Russell Shaw's 2013 book, American Church, Obama began with a materialist argument that faith must necessarily admit doubt because it is a belief in things not seen. He urged Notre Dame students not to believe with certainty anything that has to do with religion. 12.... Obama's religious cynicism is symptomatic of his belief that practical atheism is the de facto state religion in America. [The first amendment to the Constitution say no promoted established national religion.]... They can go to church on Sundays, but their faith should not have any hearing on what they do during the rest of the week.... 13.... Will Obama's winds of change obliterate the America most people cherish or can like-minded Americans bring down the House of Obama and stop his poisonous changes. History will eventually decide! 14....GEORGE H. KUBECK: -15.... MAYBE RUSSELL SHAW OR GEORGE A. KENDALL CAN WRITE THE BOOK, THE COVER-UP OF THE CATHOLIC IN-NAME ONLY POLITICIAN WITH THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 16....THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT THE CHURCH NEEDS TO DIVORCE ITSELF COMPLETELY FROM THE LEFTIST CONTROLLED DEMOCRATIC PARTY. ALSO, IF SEBELIUS, V.P. BIDEN, DICK DURBIN, PELOSI ETC. WERE REPUBLICANS OR LIBERTARIANS THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN UNIVERSALLY CHASTISED BYTHE BISHOPS AND FORBIDDEN TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION AT MASS.17.... THE PROBLEM IS NOT OBAMA. THE CINOP INDIRECTLY PROMOTES THE OBAMA AGENDA WITHIN THE CHURCH AND COUNTRY.

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