Sunday, May 6, 2018


    The winners thus far in America are:  Putin, The Culture of Death, and the Socialist movement. The so-called Progressive movement has taken over the leadership of the Democratic party. There exists a deep division between this leadership and the normal registered Democrat voter. This Democrat still believes in God, freedom of expression and our free enterprise system. He is not a Marxist sympathizer.
     Marxism is an evil, cruel, atheistic, elitist, Mafia type form of the secular religion. It is trying to resurrect itself from the ash-heap of history. Thanks to Putin and his Marxist and Communist professors in our universities they are indoctrinating our millennials . Can you imagine about 40% or more think government jobs for all is a good idea? How Stupid! Marxism is  anti-American and has no origin in our Founding Fathers and American tradition. It's like studying Catholic liberation-theology created by the Communists. It's every nation's cancer.  Remember Americans  received an education on Communism from Blessed Fulton Sheen on his TV series of "Life is Worth Living." (By the way, the silence on the Catholic-In-Name-Only Democratic politician will not remain. She or he is a scandal in the Church.)              Look what Marxism  is doing to Venezuela. There freedom is crucified with the help of Cuban Communists.   There is one more thing. Now that honest journalism among the mainstream media is dead; a "Pravda" type news media promoting the new left-wing demo-party will not stand.
    Now let me share with you a booklet that needs to be passed out to every voter prior to Nov. 8th.
Excerpts from David Horowitz, "How Progressives Use Race As A Weapon Against our Country."
1.) According to leftists, only white people can be racist, because only white people have power. This is an absurdity, but that doesn't prevent it from being a staple of the anti-American/ anti-white cause. .... The most powerful racial movement on the left is Black Lives Matter. This organization was founded by three self-styled Maoists, and has adopted as its icon a Marxist revolutionary and convicted cop killer, Assata Shaku, who is a protected ward of the communist dictatorship in Cuba.... 11-12
2.) According to the winner of the 2016 National Book Award, TA-NEHISI-COATES, "white America's progress, or rather the progress of those Americans who believe they are white, was built on looting and violence." .... Ta-Nehisi Coates is the nation's most celebrated and awarded black author. According to George Parker, another National Book Award winner, "Coates has become one of the most influential writer in America today: [his] latest Atlantic essay is already being taught in in college courses.... Coates' centrality as a public intellectual, along with the universal respect he has garnered from the political left, are reasons why his anti-white racism and virulent hatred for America are noteworthy, or why anyone should pay any attention to him at all....  Coate's theme of a  contemporary campaign is called, "Equal Justice Initiative." This funded and promoted by one of America's - and indeed the world's - largest corporation, GOOGLE. Its outrageous campaign them is, "Slavery Did Not End It Evolved. 4-5
3. The presidency of Barack Obama did not lead to a celebration of America's achievement in creating a successful multi-ethnic and multi-racial society. It lead to greater racial and ethnic tensions. That is is because Obama was a lifelong political leftist who openly rejected this view of American exceptionalism, equating it with "British Exceptionalism" and "Greek exceptionalism, in other words not exceptional at all.... OBAMA IS THE LEADER OF A POLITICAL MOVEMENT THAT IS AT WAR WITH AMERICA AND ITS ACHIEVEMENT. On the of his election Obama predicted that, "we are five days awa from fundamentally transforming the United States of America," as though America was so deeply flawed as to require a "fundamental" transformation. In a subsequent statement, near the end of his second term, Obama explained why. In his view not only was America not a beacon of equality and freedom, but instead a racist society in practice and also by nature. "The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives .... casts a long shadow, and that's still part of our DNA that's passed on. We're not cured of it."
George H. Kubeck,
I call upon the Honorable Ben Carson who is in the President's cabinet to speak out on the above serious matter of hate & deception. ( I supported Ben Carson with more than $500. contributions in his run for the Presidency.)

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