Thursday, June 7, 2018


    This is the fifth in a series of excerpts from the book by George Neumayr titled, "The Political Pope."
"Pope Francis during his tenure as archbishop of Buenos Aires, had endorsed legislation in favor of gay civil unions, an unprecedented stance for a Catholic cardinal to take during the Benedict era....
     In 2013, he shocked the faithful by telling a group of priests and nuns from the Caribbean and Latin America, who were visiting Rome in June of that year, to follow his rebellious example and disregard corrections from the Church's doctrinal office... (Now for "The Celebrity Left's Pope")
     Actress Jane Fonda could not contain her excitement either, tweeting out to her followers: "Gottsa love new Pope. He cares about the poor, hates dogma." Actress Salma Hayek  a supporter of abortion rights and gay marriage, asserted, "Pope Francis is the best pope that has ever existed."  Fonda' ex-husband, the late Tom Hayden, spoke for fellow 1960's radicals when he called the election of Pope Francis "the greatest moment in empowering spiritual progressives in decades." "Francis is on the side of liberation theology, working from within, towards his moment," he wrote" "His choice is more miraculous, if you will, than the rise of Barack Obama in 2008." ....  24-33
    Pope Francis peppered his first papal exhortation, Evangeli Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), with familiar left-wing cliches about the need "to change the world" and "to leave this earth somehow better than we found it" while denouncing "trickle-down theories " of economics.  He encouraged priests to operate like political activists in order to protect this "magnificent planet," and he cast the Church as a partner to the United Nations. Throughout the document, he argued that a Church unwilling to engage in the left-wing politics stands on the "sidelines in the fight for justice."...
    The Church is too "obsessed" with the issues of abortion, contraception, and gay marriage. the Pope Francis declared in a bombshell interview in the fall of 2013. For liberals who view the Church as the chief impediment to the spread of the sexual revolution, these words were revolutionary.... The interview appeared in the pages of several left-wing Jesuit publications, one of which was "America" a magazine known in Catholic circles for its opposition to the Church's traditional moral teachings. ... Pope Francis assured his fellow liberal Jesuits that he is a liberal as any of them. "I have never been a right-winger," he said.... He would later make the random claim that the most important moral issues facing the world today are youth unemployment and the neglect of the elderly...
    "Although he has shown no intention of retracting the Church's opposition to abortion, he has alarmed conservatives by taking a less forceful tone than his predecessors," reported Reuters. Against an "obsessed"Church, Pope Francis presented himself as a font of understanding. Indeed, nothing pleased liberals more than what has become the signature phrase of his papacy: "Who am I to judge?"
     "He did more with those five words than the last five popes," bubbled the pop singer Elton John, "He is my hero." The inane line came in response to a question during a press briefing on Pope Francis's trip back from Brazil in July 2013, Francis had been asked about the presence of gay priests in the Church. He brushed the issue off, saying breezily, "Who am I to judge them if they are seeking the Lord in good faith?".... He effectively gave the green light for homosexual men to enter the priesthood,"complained Fr. Michael Orsi, a research fellow at Ave Maria Law School.
    Conservative Catholics had hoped that Pope Francis would disband the long-discussed mafia inside the Church. But the Ricca scandal erased that hope. ... One member of the Swiss Guard was quoted in the European press in 2014 saying that Vatican officials had solicited him for sex more than 20 times....
The homosexual magazine the Advocate, out of gratitude for his subversion of Church teaching, declared Pope Francis in December 13 its "Person of the Year." It thanked him for signaling a lack of seriousness about the Church's stance on homosexuality and drew hope from his earlier support for gay civil unions as archbishop of Buenos Aires... 

     Former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, "The Church of Pius XXII and John Paul II taught that the truths of the Ten Commandments brought down from Sinai and the truths of the Sermon on the Mount are eternal. Those popes also taught that a valid marriage is indissoluble, that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral, that abortion is the killing of the innocent unborn, an abomination. Yet one reads regularly of discussions inside the Vatican to alter what is infallible church teaching on these doctrines to make the church more appealing to those who have rejected them." George H. Kubeck

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