Saturday, June 23, 2018



    You will perceive that what follows is almost the gospel truth. The same thing is happening in the United  States.  Let's listen to Canada's freedom fighter, Professor of Psychology Jordan Peterson.
Toronto, June 15, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) - 'Dangerous People are 'indoctrinating' Your Children ....
    "Canadian free speech hero Jordan Peterson is warning parents that their children are being brainwashed into accepting "murderous notions" at liberal-controlled universities.You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people," he said as an introduction to a five minute video created by PragerU. (Google - PragerU)
     The professor of psychology, who earned a Ph.D at Montreal's McGill University, has done post-doctoral research at Harvard University and taught at the University of Toronto since 1998. He says there is a cabal of university lecturers who are determined to undermine western civilization as we know it.
                     They regard our civilization as "corrupt, oppressive. and patriarchal."
 If you are a taxpayer or paying for your kid's liberal arts degree, you're underwriting this gang of nihilists," Peterson warned. You're supporting ideologues who claim that all truth is subjective, that all sex differences are socially constructed, and that western imperialism is the sole source of all Third World problems. "They're the post-modernists pushing progressive activism at a college near you."
     Peterson blamed academic ideologues for mobs that violently shut down campus speakers, language police who enforce new transgender pronouns, and campus administration who strive to root out discrimination "where little or none exists."
    The problem began in the 1960s and l970s when young radicals became the professors that teach today. Now students wrack up enormous student debt, not to become educated, but to become acolytes of their mentors. As Peterson observes, it is now possible to earn a degree in English Literature without reading the work "dead, white,male" William Shakespeare. "To understand and oppose the post-modernist, the ideas by which they orient themselves must be clearly identified," Peterson said.
First, they include an "unholy trinity" of buzzwords "diversity," equity," and "inclusion." Diversity does not apply to opinions, but to "ethnicity, race, and sexual identity." Equity is no longer about equal opportunity but about "equity of outcome." Inclusion involves the use of quota systems. "All the classic rights of the West are to be considered secondary to these new values," Peterson said. Freedom of speech is particularly despised.
  Second, the ideologues also oppose the free market. "They wont admit that capitalism has lifted up hundreds of millions of people, so they can for the first time in history afford food, shelter, and clothing, transportation, even entertainment and travel," stated Peterson.... (to be continued. Down with intellectual cowardice and political correctness.)

George H. Kubeck
    Something extremely serious has occurred this past week. As a legal immigrant from Canada, and proud and patriotic American citizen, I am fed up and disgusted with the leftists in this country prostituting the immigrant, yes, prostituting immigrants with their lying propaganda and basic false anti-American images on TV and newspapers. If you hate traditional America; move out!

   They crossed the line of decency when they called Trump supporters - Nazis. The mainstream media know who the socialist and communist sympathizers are within their ranks. I call upon Republican Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority leader McConnell to demand an apology from all sources where these INSULTS occurred. We will find out how many backbone honest liberals there are in journalism.
If an apology or retraction is not forthcoming from these outlets, they will eventually discredit themselves. It is more than a matter of boycott. In closing, with reference to two previous letters, the U.S. Supreme Court's Janus decision will be this Monday, June 25, 2018. 

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