Sunday, June 24, 2018


Toronto,June 15, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) - 'Dangerous People are 'Indoctrinating' Your Children...' cont'd
Let's continue with Canada's freedom fighter Jordan Peterson most insightful analysis.
Thanks to capitalism, today even many we consider poor are able to meet their basic needs. The true is not the same for such socialist holdouts like Venezuela. Third, they traffic in politics of identity. Disregarding the uniqueness of an individual, they see him or her as an "exemplar" of his race, sex, or sexual preferences or, even more limiting, as either a victim or an oppressor.
"... Ideas about victimization do nothing but justify the use of power and engender inter-group conflict," Peterson says. The post-modernists' values with KARL MARX, whose economic and political theories caused several economies to fail and tens of millions of people to perish. "We fought a decades-long Cold War to stop the spread of murderous notions," he said, "but they're back in the guise of identity politics."
Instead of being consigned to the trash can of history, Marx's ideas are being kept alive by the institutions that should be passing on the riches of western achievement to every generation, he added.
"Unless we stop, post-modernism will do to America, and the entire western world, what it has already done to its universities,"he concluded.
Prager University, or PragerU, is the brainchild of talk show host Dennis Prager. Founded to counter the Left's stranglehold on American universities, the media organization produces one thought-provoking digital essay a week.
    When you challenge the  Intellectual Cowardice Elite in Canada or the U.S. , they hate you and seek to destroy and smear you.
Toronto,Ontario, June 21, 2018 - (LifeSiteNews) "Jordan Peterson files $1.5 million suit against university for calling him a Nazi.
"University of Toronto psychology professor and cultural commentator Jordan Peterson filed a $1.5 million suit this week against Wilfrid Laurier University, two Laurier professors, and the school's former gender and equity manager for defamation, the National Post reports.The suit stems from a meeting held to discipline former teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd for playing a video clip of Peterson criticizing a law mandating recognition of gender-confused individuals' preferred pronouns. Faculty members accused her of threatening her students and compared Peterson to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.
Shepherd had secretly recorded the audio of the meeting and subsequently released it, creating a media firestorm and forcing the university to issue public apologies, retrain certain personnel, update certain policies, and approve a new Statement on Freedom of Expression. Nevertheless, Shepherd is suing the university as well, for 3.6 million because the incident has allegedly left her "unemployable in Academia." Commenting on her suit, Peterson teased Wednesday that the school "had much more to learn before all this is over," apparently referring to his own lawsuit.
Peterson suit names the school, professors Rambukkana and Pimlot, and .... acting manager Adra Joel. It says they defamed him by describing him as racist, sexist, misogynistic, incompetent, and dangerous;  alleging that he helped target trans students; and claiming he doesn't have any credible professional research to his name. ...."Ironically, Peterson's academic credentials are dramatically superior to those of either Professors Rambukkana or Pimlott.".... George H. Kubeck

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