Sunday, June 28, 2020


Dear Reader,
1. What do I remember about the New York Times? N.Y.T. deliberately failed to inform the American people about ANTIFA and other communist, Marxist and anarchist organization existing in the U.S.A. That these groups hate America and are specialist in promoting violence via legitimate causes. Secondly, the N.Y.T. is responsible directly and indirectly for the more than 4 million refugees from Venezuela and the suffering occurring in that country today. Why? The lovers of Madura in Hollywood and Academia could have persuaded Madura to cooperate with Guido to have free supervised elections occurring in Venezuela. They deliberately didn't. It would have helped President Trump. New York Times doesn't care about the lives of ordinary Venezuelan or American citizens.
2. 12:31-12:51 A.M. Sat. June 27,2020
    The existence of a mindset of Cuban Communist Castro as a kind of George Washington is anathema to me. It is the equivalent of being  for a racist Adolf Hitler. It would also have been anathema to Venerable Fulton Sheen. It should also have been likewise to the Vatican. Tragically for the Cuban people it was not. Castro was a tyrant and a terrorist plague on lives of the Cuban people. Communism in the Western Hemisphere has no legal existence unless it had the vote of supervised elections. In Cuba, the communist never had that vote. Today, Cuban communists are a political cancer in every Latin American country. 
3,The lovers of Castro in Hollywood, academia and N.Y.T. show a contempt for the people of Cuba. The Cuban people showed their anger when they voted in Florida for George Bush over John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election. How many films has Hollywood produced depicting the sufferings of the Cuban people under Castro. NONE! It tells us the mindset of Hollywood and the culture of death in America.
4. Nikole Hannah- Jones wrote a vicious article in 1995 in which she hated white people. That hatred blossomed into the 1619 Project. She seems to love Cuban Communist Castro. In the Cuban Missal Crisis, Castro wanted an atomic war for the sake of his atheistic religion of Communism. Castro was prepared for the total destruction of the Cuban nation. Nicole wants to do the same for America with her 1619 Project.
5. We will accumulate evidence of treason on the part of the New York Times. Treason as act of deliberate betrayal, perfidy, treachery, dishonesty, lack of honesty, acts of lying or cheating, double-crossing of our Constitution, writings of our Founding Fathers and Judeo-Christian heritage.
                                       Now Where Does The "Delenda Est" Enter For The New York Times                                    "The Hate America Project" ... aka .... 1619 Project by David Horowitz - 
    The obvious point of the DNA metaphor is that racism than liberty and the proposition that all men are created equal are the essence of America's democracy. This is a transparent incitement to destroy what these determined enemies of America's actual democracy are intent on portraying as hypocritical, racist, sham. 
    But the actual history of slavery in America refutes this claim and tells an opposite story. In City Journal, the American historian Allen Guelzo dismissed the Times project as a "conspiracy theory" developed from the "chair of ultimate cultural privilege in America, because in no human society has an enslaved people suddenly found itself vaulted into positions of such privilege, and with the consent - even the approbation - of those who were once the enslavers.
    Even more powerful scholarly testimony come s from Orlando Patterson,a man of the left and a renowned African American Harvard sociologist who has written award winning books on slavery and race. America, in Patterson's own words, "is the least racist white-majority in the World; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society. white or black; offers more opportunities to greater numbers of black persons than any other society, including those of Africa....
George H. Kubeck                                     

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