Wednesday, April 14, 2021



    The Catholic League is the nation's largest civil rights organization. It defends individual Catholics & Institutional Church against defamation & discrimination. President: William A. Donahue, PhD. 
    Annual membership dues are $30. Senior citizens - $20., and students -$20. Members receive the "Catalyst" the league journal. The "Catalyst is published monthly except for the combines issues of Jan.-Feb. & July-Aug. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 450 Seventh Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10123. Today's report is on page 8 and 9 of 16 pages.
    "Biden's private conception of religion is not a stunt - it is who he is. The first time he publicly mentioned his rosary beads was in 1995, twenty two years after he became U.S. Senator from Delaware. What he said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on religious freedom was classic Biden.
 "I am one of those guys who's never talked about my religion. I carry a thing called a rosary bead with me all the time - I say it all the time. I say it on the train - to me, it's a comforting thing. I don't suggest it to anybody else." He did not explain why, if the rosary beads meant so much to him, he did not want to "suggest it to anybody else." Perhaps in his mind such a suggestion could be read as an imposition. But that wouldn't explain his support for forcing nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs in their healthcare plans. That was not a suggestion - it was a mandate. It was also one that violated Catholic moral teaching. 
     It seems a little strange for a "devout  Catholic" to keep private his religion. After all Biden is not a monk - he has been a public office holder for 47 years. This accounts, however, for the fact that when he was running for president, the majority of the public had no idea he was a Catholic. [A minority of pro-life Catholic believers figured this guy Biden out. ghk] Newsweek released a poll showing that 56% were unaware that Biden was Catholic.
    Biden's long-time secretive Catholic status is a secret no more. Indeed his fans are touting his "devout Catholic" status whenever they can. Given the President's strong opposition to the life issues and religious liberty, they have little choice. It is precisely this kind of Catholic that the New York times loves. [They hate and try to destroy pro-life Catholic politicians. ghk)
The Politics of Branding Biden a Catholic
    Everyone knew that Sen. Joe Lieberman was proudly Jewish, so there was no need to persuade the public of his religious status. Similarly, it was widely recognized that Sen. Mitt Romney is a practicing Mormon, therefore making moot attempts to prove he is. President Biden is different. Not a day goes by with some commentators, usually left-wing Catholics, trying to convince the public that he is a model Catholic.
    This is disingenuous. If Biden were a model Catholic, there would be no need to ensure us that he is. Even his fans know he isn't, otherwise they would not waste so much energy on this issue. What galvanizes them is their war with the bishops. 
    Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). When Biden was elected, he congratulated him. However, when Biden was inaugurated Gomez expressed concern about the president's position on various issues, explicitly wondering whether he "will advance moral evils."
     Most bishops agreed with Gomez, but a few did not. Among the laity, those on the left were furious. Immediately, a campaign was launched by the National Catholic Reporter, a rogue Catholic publication.
    On Jan. 28, the Reporter asked the Vatican to investigate the USCCB for its alleged "staunch Republican support." On. Feb. 5, Faith America, a George Soros creation, started a petition online in support of the Reporter's efforts. It will have no effect - Vatican won't even acknowledge their game - but their intent matters greatly.  What's driving the campaign against the Bishops?
George H. Kubeck

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