Friday, April 16, 2021



Excerpts from "Catalyst" Issue of April, 2021, p. 6, "Journal of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights," Vol. 48, # 3:  President: William A. Donahue, PhD.
    Xavier Becerra was President Biden's worst nominee for a Cabinet post. On March 18, he was confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). We did our best to fight him, pressing legislators to do their job. The Senate voted 50-49 to confirm him. The man is a menace to life and liberty and has no business serving in this capacity. Here are 16 reasons why we opposed Becerra.
1.) It would be impossible to find a more enthusiastic advocate of abortion-on-demand.... Indeed, he is an extremist. That is why he secures a 100% rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood and 0% score from National Right to Life.
2) Beccera's lust for abortion even allows him to support partial-birth abortion... allows the abortionist to crush the skull of a baby who is 80% born to that the child can exist the woman's birth canal.
3.) For all the talk about allowing pregnant women the right to choose, Becerra is on record seeking to prevent them from choosing life... he lost in the U.S. Supreme Court in his attempt to effectively close down crisis pregnancy centers across the state.
4.) If someone who assaults a pregnant woman winds up killing the unborn child, that would seem to make him a criminal. But not to Becerra. As a congressman, he voted against a bill that would criminalize the killing of the unborn child...
5.) Though it is hard to believe there are underground railroads run by abortion extremists that literally transport minors to states where they can easily get an abortion... Becerra voted against a ban on this hideous practice. 
6.) Beccera proved himself to be a pro-abortion zealot once again when he brought charges against pro-life activists who went under cover to film Planned Parenthood Officials trafficking in aborted baby parts. He brought felony charges them... In 2017, a judge dismissed 14 of the 15 charges...
7.) Embryonic stem cell research, unlike other kinds of stem research, is a life and death issue. Science tells us that that nascent human life is evident at the embryonic stage, making it impossible to do embryonic stem cell research without killing the embryo. This does not matter to Becerra, which explains his vote to approve it. 
8.) Human cloning is an issue that most lawmakers and judges have decline to address... moral and legal dilemmas are associated with it. Becerra  ... when he was in Congress, he approved human cloning for research purposes.
9.) End of Life: ... When he was Attorney General in California, his strong support for doctor-assisted suicide won him the kudos of the most radical proponents of this cause.
10.) Religious Liberty: Conscience rights are at the very heart of religious liberty. To put it mildly, Becerra is not a fan. When those who owned Hobby Lobby were pleading their case invoking their conscience rights as grounds for objecting for paying for birth control in their healthcare plan, Becerra maintained that such rights should not matter.... Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court did not ratify such contorted logic and sustained the conscience rights of the business owners.
George H. Kubeck

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