Saturday, July 5, 2008

Between Man and Woman - 1 of 2

Between Man and Woman 1 of 2
cinops be gone Saturday, July 5, 2008
Talking Points:
The primary election issue is marriage. Same-sex marriage is not normal and contrary to the laws of nature. It is a made-up dictatorship of modern relativism. The definition of marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Same-sex marriage will cause an identity crisis in young children.

A.) Questions and Answers about Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: This is from US Confer. Of Catholic Bishops – Publication No. 5-626 – Call toll free- 800-235-8722
A growing movement today favors making those relationships commonly called same-sex unions the legal equivalent of marriage. This situation challenges Catholics – and all who seek the truth – to think deeply about the meaning of marriage, its purposes, and its value to individuals, families, and society….

1.) What is Marriage?
Marriage, as instituted by God, is a faithful, exclusive, lifelong union of a man and a woman joined in an intimate community of life and love. They commit themselves completely to each other and to the wondrous responsibility of bringing children into the world and caring for them. The call to marriage is woven deeply into the human spirit. Man and woman are equal. However, as created, they are different from but made for each other….
These truths about marriage are present in the order of nature and can be perceived by the light of human reason. They have been confirmed by divine Revelation in Sacred Scripture.

2.) What does our faith tell us about marriage?
Marriage comes from the loving hand of God, who fashioned both male and female in the divine image (see Gn 1:27). The man recognizes the woman as “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Gn 2:23) God blesses the man woman and commands them to “be fertile and multiply.”…
Marriage is both a natural institution and a sacred union because it is rooted in the divine plan for creation. In addition, the Church teaches that the valid marriage of baptized Christians is a sacrament – a saving reality, Jesus Christ made marriage a symbol of his love for his Church (see Eph 5: 25-33) … A true marriage in the Lord with his grace will bring the spouses to holiness.

3.) Why can marriage exist only between a man and a woman?
The natural structure of human sexuality makes man and woman complementary partners for the transmission of human life. Only a union of male and female can express the sexual complementarity willed by God for marriage….
(See CCC, nos. 1639-1640)
In marriage, husband and wife give themselves totally to each other in their masculinity and femininity. (See CCC, no. 1643)

4.) Why is a same-sex union not equivalent to a marriage?
For several reasons a same-sex union contradicts the nature of marriage. It is not based on the natural complementarity of male and female; it cannot cooperate with God to create new life; and the natural purpose of sexual union cannot be achieved by a same-sex union. Persons in same-sex unions cannot enter into a true conjugal union. Therefore, it is wrong to equate their relationship to a marriage. Continued tomorrow

George H. Kubeck (immigrant-Canada) Duplicate and in Spanish or Vietnamese.

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