Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Rules of Engagement - 1

The Rules of Engagement – 1
Against the Culture of Death
cinops be gone Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The above title reminds us that the culture of death advocates have been at war with traditional America for years. We are in a state of war and the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral during this moral crisis.

Our spiritual role model is Pope John Paul the Great. In his encyclical the “Gospel of Life” the pope coined what is happening in America: a culture of death.

There is nothing in the writings of our Founding Fathers that support the two A’s, the two E’s and the two SS’s. The evils of Abortion on demand, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and Same-Sex Marriage:

We have a secular elitist aristocracy that looks down on ordinary folks and people of faith. It was best expressed by Obama’s comment to the San Francisco value elitists that Middle Americans have turned to God and guns and against immigrants because they are “bitter” about their economic lot.

Our norm is truth, common sense, right reason, natural law & nature’s God.

The Trojan Horses that support the culture of death are numerous. ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL,Billionaire George Soros, CINOP Nancy Pelosi, Many CEOs of Corporations, the corrupt News Media including Orange County Register.

The ACLU is the most dangerous and powerful anti-Christian organization in the U.S.A, We defeated Dukakis as a card carrying member of the ACLU. It wouldn’t surprise me that Obama is also a card-carrying member of the ACLU.

Pope Benedict XVI has written, “The truth was available to them, but they did not want the obligation it would entail… People oppose the truth that would place demands upon them – demands such as the worship of God and the giving of thanks. (Rom.1-21) … When we place our own will, our own pride, our own comfort above the demands of truth, it is inevitable that everything will fall ultimately into decay. God to whom worship is due, will not longer be worshipped; instead, images, appearances, the prevailing point of view will hold humanity in thrall. This universal distortion will spread to all walks of life. What is contrary to nature will become the norm; the individual who lives contrary to truth, lives contrary to nature. (July 3rd entry, Co-Workers of the Truth, Ignatius Press, 1992)

To win we will need a lot of prayer and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We work with other Christians to pass Proposition 8, the constitutional California marriage amendment. Resolve to make it the focus of attention in each state of the union. It is also on the ballot in Florida and possibly Arizona. It was stolen from the ballot in Iowa and Massachusetts. There is a lot of precinct work to do.

In the rules of engagement, we have the heritage of documents from the Catholic Church, the writings and talks by Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Coral Ridge and Associate Ministries and many others.

There is a classic book which I want to share with you within the next 50 engagements. It is titled “10 Truths about Christian and Politics” Coral Ridge Ministries, P.O. 1920, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302, 1-800-988-7884

Introduction: Christianity is a revolutionary religion. It not only changes individuals. It changes cultures. In the first century, it did not take long before the shift in the moral universe introduced by Christ and his followers had struck a nerve. An angry mob at Thessalonica called for the arrest of Christian missionaries, Paul and Silas, charging that “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too” (Act 17:6) We will do the same in America.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish or Vietnamese.

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