Sunday, July 6, 2008

Between Man and Woman - 2 of 2

Between Man and Woman 2 of 2
cinops be gone Sunday, July 6, 2008
(Talking points on Marriage: check out the month of May in the blog – cinops be gone.)

5.) Why is it so important to society that marriage be preserved as the exclusive union of a man and a woman?
Across times, cultures, and very different religious beliefs, marriage is the foundation of the family. The family in turn is the basic unit of society. Thus, marriage is a personal relationship with public significance….
The marital union also provides the best conditions for raising children: namely, the stable, loving relationship of a mother and a father present only in marriage. The state rightly recognizes this relationship as public institution in its laws because the relationship makes a unique and essential contribution to the common good. (Publication No 5-626 USCCB Publishing, 1-800-235-8722)

6.) Does denying marriage to homosexual person demonstrate unjust discrimination and a lack of respect for them as person?
It is not unjust to deny legal status to same-sex unions because marriage and same-sex unions are essentially different realities. In fact, justice requires society to do so.
To uphold God’s intent for marriage, in which sexual relations have a proper and exclusive place, is not to offend the dignity of the homosexual persons. Christians must give witness to the whole moral truth and oppose as immoral both homosexual acts and unjust discrimination against homosexual persons.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church urges that homosexual persons “be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity” (no. 2358). It also encourages chaste friendships. “Chastity is expressed notably in friendship with one’s neighbor. Whether it develops between persons of the same or opposite sex, friendship represents a great good for all” (no. 2347).

7.) Should persons who live in same-sex relationships be entitled to some of the same social and economic benefits given to married couples?
The state has an obligation to promote the family, which is rooted in marriage. Therefore, it can justly give married couples rights and benefits it does not extend to others,… the stability and flourishing of society is dependent on the stability and flourishing of healthy family life.
The legal recognition of marriage, including the benefits associated with it, is not only about personal commitment, but also about the social commitment that the husband and wife make to the well being of society. IT WOULD BE WRONG TO REDEFINE MARRIAGE FOR THE SAKE OF PROVIDING BENEFITS TO THOSE WHO CANNOT RIGHTFULLY ENTER INTO MARRIAGE….

8.) In the light of the Church’s teaching about the truth and beauty of marriage, what should Catholics do?
There is no separation between one’s faith and life in either public or private realms. All Catholics should act on their beliefs with a well-formed conscience based on Sacred Scripture and Tradition. They should be a community of conscience within society. By their voice and their vote they should contribute to society’s welfare and test its public life by the standards of right reason and Gospel truth. Responsible citizenship is a virtue. Participation in the political process is moral obligation. …

In closing America will never accept same-sex marriage. If it does, it will not be America anymore. California’s Proposition 8 on Marriage is a do or die measure.
George H. Kubeck (Immigrant –Canada)Duplicate and or in Spanish or Vietnamese

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